Answers: 207
can a christian sin
Answers: 7 Views: 439 Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

Yes, Christians sin. So what is the difference between a Christian sinner and a non-christian sinner? there are many differences and doctrines found within the scriptures. One is the christian acknowledges their sin and need for forgiveness while the non-christian denies sin and rejects God's forgiveness. The christian increasingly becomes aware of sin and increasingly desires to reject sin more and more as they grow in Christ. This can be done through the power of the Holy Spirit who comes to indwell the christian giving the christian a new heart and a new attitude towards God and Love. Love becomes seen through God's eyes and not as the world sees. Jesus said love your enemies, the world says hate your enemies or at least ignore them and be indifferent towards them.

There are also different types of sins spoken of in the bible. Sins common to man, sins unto death and sins not unto death.  The short answer to the question really does not help one understand the dynamics behind sin as revealed in the Word of God. In reality, until one admits that they are a sinner before a Holy God they cannot understand the things God wants to give.

God Bless! 

Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
What is YOUR definition of a fundamentalist Christian?
Answers: 26 Views: 2944 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

It seems apparent that many simply do not understand just what a Christian fundamentalist is. Daren1 probably gave the best answer really when he said a Christian fundamentalist is a follower of Jesus Christ.

Think about it, what does the word "fundamental" mean? Look it up! You probably most certainly already know. It means essential foundational principles.

I would wager that just about every person on this board who calls themselves a Christian is a fundamental Christian. Question, do you believe Jesus is God, the second person of the Trinity? If yes, then you are a fundamental Christian. Do you believe that faith alone in Jesus Christ is the only to be saved? If yes, then you are a fundamental Christian. Do you believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ? If yes, then you are a fundamental Christian. Do you believe in the death, burial and ressurrection of Jesus Christ? If yes, then you are a fundamental Christian. Do you believe the bible is the inerrant word of God? If yes, then you are a fundamental Christian.

You have seen in this thread an all out assassination, actually upon God's Word, Jesus Christ and His apostles, mostly by Gabalis, how he hates fundamental Christians and how he loves to belittle them with fanciful rhetoric of how the love of "the Christ" as he calls it flows from his heart and spirit. Maybe it's just me, but do you feel the love anyone? I trust you have noticed that in return I did not repay the evil with evil, I only tried to lead him into the scriptures, which he wanted nothing at all to do with.

So Christians, educate yourselves as to just what a fundamentalist Christian is. Search the web and see. I believe most of you will come to find that YES indeed you are a fundamentalist just like Jesus, Paul, Peter, James, John and all of the other apostles were. Fundamental because we believe in unchanging truths such as we find written in the Word of God. Pilate mocked Jesus when Jesus spoke of truth saying "what is truth?". We are attacked daily by "Pontius Pilates" in this world, but the fundamentalist will stand strong against it and stand for Truth.

The media would have you indoctrinated to believe that "fundamentalist" is a bad thing. Search and read what they say, here is just one source to look at 

So stand strong Christians! I charge [thee] therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. (2Ti 4)

God Bless! In Christ.

Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
What is YOUR definition of a fundamentalist Christian?
Answers: 26 Views: 2944 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

A question for you Gabalis, (and anyone else who would like to answer)

Were the Apostles of Christ (Paul, Peter, James, John, etc.) fundamentalist Christians? Why or why not?

Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
What is YOUR definition of a fundamentalist Christian?
Answers: 26 Views: 2944 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

If one performs a simple search on the internet one will find that there are a vast range of definitions given for a Christian fundalmentalist. So many that the label "fundamentalist" is rendered useless. You will find that those who use the term will always have their own personal version of the term and thus it becomes a mute point.


Here is the definition that I find in God's Word for Christian fundametalism.......

"All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Tim 3:16-17)


A man (or woman) who calls themselves a Christian and who does not study the scriptures will not understand doctrine, will not accept reproof, will not accept correction, will not know righteousness, will not mature in the Spirit of Christ and will not be throughly equiped unto all good works.

I am honored to be called a Christian fundamentalist according to the definition which I believe is found in God's Word.

Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
Would I be correct to assume that in the religion of Karma/Reincarnation that..........?
Answers: 17 Views: 2663 Rating: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

Greetings witchway, you have quite a few questions, i like it!

It really doesn't matter what the council back then declared. All of the writings in question are still available for anyone to read and decide for themselves if they are truth. The word of God declares itself, it does not need a counsel to declare it for Him. I do not believe the bible we have today is the word of God because any counsel said so, I believe it because the Spirit of God testifies to me of it's truth within my soul.

The "millions of years" religion doesn't appeal to me. I look to Jesus Christ and how He lived here on earth and performed miracles no man could do. How He lived without sin and gave answers to tough questions that no man would give. What man would ever teach "bless those who curse you and love your enemies? Do you love your enemies witchway?

As for hell, God does not want people to go to hell, He loves them all so much that He has provided a way out of their sin against Him. God is Holy and cannot dwell with sinful men, so He sent Jesus to pay the death penalty for sin. God in HIs love and mercy has offered salvation to everyone! If they reject it, what more can He do? If they do not want God's love, should God force them? They have to go somewhere in the end and if they don't want to be with God's love then there is no other choice then for God to let them be seperated from His love forever, that would be hell indeed!

Good questions witchway! Makes for some good thought.

Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
just in casey anthony verdict !
Answers: 9 Views: 834 Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
It's not the jury's fault that the state did not meet their obligation. Blame the state if you need to blame someone. Blame the lousey police officer who didn't want to look for the body when he was told right were it was, I guess they since fired him. Blame the tipster for not going and getting another police officer or the press to point out were the body was. I believe he decided that he would hold out for a bigger reward at a later date. If I found a child's remains I gaurantee you that I would not stop at just a 911 call or an arogant cop. If the police wouldn't listen then i would get the press involved. Something stinks about that man who found the remains.
Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
just in casey anthony verdict !
Answers: 9 Views: 834 Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
It is sad that so many people do not understand the law concerning proof (not theories) beyond any reasonable doubt. It does not matter one iota how guilty one thinks a person is, the LAW REQUIRES that allegations must be proven by FACTS not THEORIES. They didn't prove a cause of death, duct tape laying near the skull does not PROVE death by duct tape. The prosecuters got greedy, they should have charged her with unintentional homicide, then they might have had a chance of guilty.
Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
Casey Anthony not guilty. What are your thoughts?
Answers: 17 Views: 1264 Rating: 12 Posted: 12 years ago
Twelve people agreed quite quickly that the prosecution did not prove that Casey killed the way they said she did. THe prosecution should have done a better job of finding the truth rather than making something up.
Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
Casey Anthony not guilty. What are your thoughts?
Answers: 17 Views: 1264 Rating: 12 Posted: 12 years ago
Do you realize how the public is going to treat Casey after this? I pray she can find a loving CHristian fellowship that can give her protection and comfort and that she can find the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. May the Lord draw her to Himself and protect her from the evil that would want to cast stones at her and kill her for her sins. He who is without sin, cast the first stone.
Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
Casey Anthony not guilty. What are your thoughts?
Answers: 17 Views: 1264 Rating: 12 Posted: 12 years ago
Here is the hypocrisy in many of the people who a so upset over this verdict.... Casey could have walked with her baby down to the local Planned Parenthood and asked the people there to pull Cayley out of her comfortable resting place by the feet, careful not to let Cayley's head slip out (she might scream), take a pair of forecepts and poke a hole in the back of Cayley's skull and then use a vacume to suck Cayley's brains out just to make sure she is dead and no one who is upset about this verdict would have said a peep about Casey having her baby killed. Not one peep from them! Do these same people who are so upset about how Cayley died bothered at all by how babies are ripped apart piece by piece until dead having no escape and no way to scream for help??
Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

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