    I've noticed no one is getting any younger here!
    Answers: 10 | Views: 3951 | Rating: 8 | Posted: 8 years ago
    Last answer: Clonge 4 years ago
    Autumn has arrived - in my hemisphere! Anybody feeling it?
    Answers: 4 | Views: 2959 | Rating: 3 | Posted: 8 years ago
    Last answer: hector5559 8 years ago
    tin cup it, or not
    Answers: 6 | Views: 3538 | Rating: 1 | Posted: 8 years ago
    Last answer: country bumpkin 4 years ago
    If you knew you were going to die within a certain time period, what would you do ?
    Answers: 7 | Views: 3630 | Rating: 7 | Posted: 9 years ago
    Last answer: wispuled 9 years ago
    Life is like a camera?!
    Answers: 8 | Views: 4272 | Rating: 12 | Posted: 10 years ago
    Last answer: morganmosley82 3 years ago
    what can we do to get people to live as one and stop fighting for something we can share?
    Answers: 6 | Views: 3557 | Rating: 1 | Posted: 10 years ago
    Last answer: jhharlan 10 years ago
    would you kill for money?
    Answers: 15 | Views: 5323 | Rating: 0 | Posted: 10 years ago
    Last answer: jamesrody 5 years ago
    Life is too beutiful to be ugly!!!!! am i right?
    Answers: 3 | Views: 3453 | Rating: 1 | Posted: 10 years ago
    Last answer: Benthere 10 years ago
    Answers: 3 | Views: 3718 | Rating: 1 | Posted: 11 years ago
    Last answer: mycatsmom 10 years ago
    Is it normal to feel awkward having a boyfriend?
    Answers: 8 | Views: 4716 | Rating: 1 | Posted: 11 years ago
    Last answer: emilyblake4u 7 years ago
    what to do when the Rapture (aka Harpazo) happens and we get left behind?
    Answers: 6 | Views: 4723 | Rating: 2 | Posted: 11 years ago
    Last answer: country bumpkin 4 years ago
    In your life, what is the best?
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