Answers: 294
I have a vein behind my left ear I don't know why it's their or what it is.. Pls help me!!
Answers: 2 Views: 838 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
If it's a vein, honey, you better let that thing alone. Unless, of course, it is causing you some form of discomfort. Otherwise, it's pumping blood through your body and you're going to need it right where it is. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
POLL: Whats your favorite movie?
Answers: 23 Views: 2840 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
Dead Again, with Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson. Its a contemporary thriller. One of my faves!! Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
do you need to download itunes to hook up to a ipod
Answers: 2 Views: 296 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
No, you do not. But, it makes moving files on your IPod, buying music, and purchasing movies and obtaining podcasts, so much easier than without. No, you do not need ITunes to use your IPod. you will still have an icon, when you connect to your computer, that identifies your IPod. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
What is the future. Just one word.
Answers: 19 Views: 862 Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
Purpose. Your sister, Ginger
Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
Is everyone asleep out there?
Answers: 17 Views: 790 Rating: 4 Posted: 12 years ago
Depends on which term you refer to as 'sleep'. Some people can be sleep, but can be fully awake. That's when you know the lights are on, but nobody's home. We call it: automatic pilot. Then, you have people that are asleep and you wait for them to get up to get anything done. Then, you have those who are "asleep" and you just gotta say goodbye to yesterday because they aint just sleeping, they're really dead. Rather, a terminology used interchangeably in Scripture, so I thought I'd draw it out to see which one you're using. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
My cousin got a netherland dwarf rabbit a few days ago and they recently put her in the garage. Would she get lonely in there? can she get depressed? Plz anwser i really dont want her to be in the garge though cause i feel it wrong. what do you guys think?
Answers: 7 Views: 1207 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
Lots of clean up, if you're letting it run freely. They lay down pebbles like seeding grass. Definitely keep it in a cage with plenty of room to roam. We had a white/brown rabbit when I was 13. We didn't have it long, about a week. My uncle had come home, and the next day, I was looking for it, daggone uncle had rabbit stew that week. Broke my heart. I thought he gave it to us. No! He just wanted us to watch it for a few days. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2
Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
who killed jesus christ
Answers: 9 Views: 444 Rating: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
I agree with Leeroy; no one can kill God. However, because He was in the flesh, the body was killed. He was betrayed by his follower, but it was the men of the cloth, of the day, that could not take that he called himself the Son of God. Such a thing was seen as blasphemy, in those days. He was turned over to the Romans. They had him crucified, a practice that pre-dated Christ. Yet, the Romans had stopped doing it because they thought it was unusually cruel. But, it didn't stop them from resurrecting the pole that they hung Christ on. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2
Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
How would I pay for something I bought on ebvay through pay pal?
Answers: 2 Views: 704 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
If you already have a Paypal account, just go to Ebay, click on "purchase history". Look for the item you need to pay. Click on "pay now" and it will route you to Paypal where you will sign in to pay for the item. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
Why, when i took the servy for a wal mart gift card it cut me off and would not let me go forward because i could not get a credit card after they said i had already won the $1000 gift card
Answers: 3 Views: 286 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
Another scam. They want you to get your friends involved. Each will be asked to fill out some kind of survey. When you fill out the survey, you find that you are submitting yourself to buying alot of stuff you really don't need. It will contain page after page of offerings. Some not so expensive, but some asking you to fill out credit info. Nothing but advertisements. Not only that, but, you'd be subjecting your unsuspecting friends to this. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
I got e=mails from african banker for deals to share money. is it safe or those are expert thieves
Answers: 7 Views: 461 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
OMG, you too! Lol! Definitely a scam! My favorite of theirs went something like this: The president of Nabiru, My great uncle, died after a long illness. He left behind (some incredible number of funds)all this money. we have no one left here to turn it over to and would like for you to become beneficiary. These guys only want your bank account info. You give it to them, you can say goodbye to your bank account. There was one, here in Pittsburgh, over rental property. Apparently, the fellow was moving out of the country, and needed someone to rent the house. He wanted the renter to send monies to him, on a monthly basis to another country; yet, he wasn't going to be in that country, he was going to be traveling. (Was posted on Craigslist). Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

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