Answers: 294
i have changed my mind. i think this is a good site. what about you?
Answers: 15 Views: 656 Rating: 7 Posted: 12 years ago
Yes! A good site. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2 Work1ders
Rating: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
what is a clepto-maniac
Answers: 5 Views: 549 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
A kleptomaniac is one who has a natural instinct to steal something for the sheer pleasure of stealing it. often without a motive for doing so. your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2 Work1ders
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
meaning of dreams
Answers: 1 Views: 411 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
Hi Nina's Daughter, I would ask how long your deceased have been gone and if there may be anything that may have triggered the thought? Either way, the dream of the deceased is based on connection. You are still connected to those whom you know . When we wrest our body to the bed, we lay the body to symbolically die, nightly. It plays no role in our sleep phase. Lest there are some whose whole body becomes involved in the "script" of the dream. During the beginning of the phase, we have already begun entering into the place. because our bodies are alive, we can go into and out of the place; at least, until our bodies regain the open eye and wake from the slumber of it. At some point during the slumber, we have entered and can see those who have passed this place because they are also in that place; they just don't have a body to return to. So, we can enter the same place they reside. But, they cannot cross back over into life because they have no body to return to. We do, but we cannot cross over into the gulf; as our time is not yet; we are still alive in a body. Also: You did not tell the "story" of what you seen while you were there. Did they give you anything? How did they appear to you? Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2 Work1ders
Rating: -1 Posted: 12 years ago
what is the difference between motivation and manipulation
Answers: 3 Views: 740 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
Motivation is a movement of inspiration. it is the desire to do something. The decision one has to be moved to do some thing right. Manipulation, on the other hand, is to be forced to do something; often, against one's will. Perhaps even, to compromise one's position by the will of some other. Someone else causes you to do something. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2 Work1ders
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
Who do you think will be the next president of the USA
Answers: 5 Views: 461 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
It does not matter who gets that office. We will always have a reason to have a strong dislike, for whomever holds that seat. your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2 Work1ders
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
Give me 3 reasons why the US should continue to supoort Israel
Answers: 25 Views: 3657 Rating: 6 Posted: 13 years ago
I had not studied Israel for months now. I am behind, a little. Israel had recently decided to give up some land. Something Tzipsi libsi (spelling??) would have refused. They have only cut a small agreement. To give up some settlements, is a small movement. But, a much larger one, is likely coming. It would have to. According to bible prophecy, the agreement leads to this character having a seat on the west wing in the temple mount. When this happens, just know it's on! Birth rite of this temple mount belongs to Israel. However, the Palestines (Palestinians) want to have it as their own. This is a feud that has continued since the Old Testament. I can't tell you three reasons. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2 Work1ders
Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago
americans are wasteful people
Answers: 8 Views: 444 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
Yes. Yes, we are. Of all the countries, i have never been; I am greatful to God that I had not been born in the year i became here, among some countries today. My Lord, how they treat women! We are greatful to be free, walking in some places openly. Yet, there is still that part among us that is everywhere; even here, in America. Guess we are all going through it. I think we are, indeed, wasteful, because of how free we feel about our American life and rights. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2 Work1ders
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
what is analogy
Answers: 7 Views: 1449 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
In word, it means to analyze the subject of some random material. To study it. Understand it, and rationally conclude the details of it. - Not the dictionary term. I am a dream interpreter and must conclude the difference between a symbolic matter and the physical matter. For example. Should a dreamer dream of the death of a snake. What a horrible thing to see. yet, the dreamer is not dreaming of death, per se, but actually reviewing a person go through a change ("death"). but, it is someone she does not trust ("snake") Is this child of foreign decent? Speaking another language and trying to learn English? Or is it just this subject material: Analogies? Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2 Work1ders
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
Whats the worst thing that has happen to you on friday the 13th?
Answers: 6 Views: 558 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
The same thing that has happened to me every Friday the 13th. Absolutely nothing. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2 Work1ders
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
What happens when you die?
Answers: 31 Views: 3653 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
At death, the breath (spirit), that is encased within the body, leaves its host. It goes back to where it came from. When the breath entered, the structure became a living thing. That living thing must come up out of the structure. Again, it goes back and collected where the rest of the living reside that have no body to return. Every one, who passes, gives the last breath. That last heave outward. When the body and the spirit separate, death occurs. The same occurs in sleep, when the body is at rest and the spirit is free to take over the navigation. The things we see and encounter! so Scripture refers to both death and sleep interchangeably. The difference, is in death, one cannot return to the body, in sleep, the body is still alive and can be returned to at will. Point is: We return to Him who gave the breath. Same breath passed on from generation to generation since the days of Adam. We have only passed on the breath to each other. Your sister, Ginger, Adreamer2 Work1ders
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

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