Answers: 2985
What was the last thing that you replaced in your home? How old was it and how much did the new one cost?
Answers: 11 Views: 1528 Rating: 9 Posted: 6 years ago

I replaced our old Directv dish with a Roku streaming devise and an outside antenna for all our tv needs. Former cost was $99 per month, now $35 per month and we have much more content.

Rating: 10 Posted: 6 years ago
I've just learned my neighbor is in the US illegally.
Answers: 10 Views: 1706 Rating: 9 Posted: 6 years ago

Having spent a lot of money and effort in a failed attempt to get my wife's son and his family here to live with us, I would say..... when the USA has a fair way for people to immigrate here legally, leave the illegals alone unless they are not attempting to support themselves and live by our laws.

Rating: 8 Posted: 6 years ago
How do you cook your steak?
Answers: 9 Views: 1097 Rating: 7 Posted: 6 years ago

On the grill, four minutes each side = medium (nice n pink inside)

Rating: 7 Posted: 6 years ago
What is the last thing you charged?
Answers: 10 Views: 988 Rating: 6 Posted: 6 years ago

Clu beat me to my answer, but if you're talking about charging something I bought, it is a refrigerator delivered yesterday.

Rating: 8 Posted: 6 years ago
Australia votes yes to gay marriage..
Answers: 11 Views: 1937 Rating: 7 Posted: 6 years ago

I see no reason why a gay couple should have less civil rights than what a heterosexual couple has. As for religious beliefs, that should be left up to each religious sect. If a gay couple cannot be married within their church of choice, then they should be able to get a civil marriage. 

Rating: 6 Posted: 6 years ago
Charles Manson is dead......Any opinions on this 'monster"?
Answers: 9 Views: 1157 Rating: 9 Posted: 6 years ago

He should have been terminated 48 years ago!

Rating: 11 Posted: 6 years ago
Halloween is over and it’s only 8:30! We’ve got 4/5 of the candy just laying around.....
Answers: 6 Views: 999 Rating: 5 Posted: 6 years ago

We live on probably the most popular street for trick-or-treaters in our village. I have sit outside with Max and give out candy to hundreds of kids in past years but now just turn off the lights and stay inside. There are too many to enjoy interacting with them because of the endless lines, so no more.

Rating: 7 Posted: 6 years ago
Have you ever bought your wife a rose?
Answers: 9 Views: 1176 Rating: 5 Posted: 6 years ago

Of course, but lately she says "don't buy me flowers, I'll get my own" (orchids).

Rating: 6 Posted: 6 years ago
What was the hardest for you to learn as a kid, reading, walking, writing, talking, bike riding, not being afraid of people or something else?
Answers: 10 Views: 958 Rating: 8 Posted: 6 years ago

As a kid ..... girls:   As a teen .... girls:   As a young adult .... women:   As a middle ager ..... ladies:   As a senior citizen .... I'm still working on it!

Rating: 8 Posted: 6 years ago
Is a pitbull a lovable dog?
Answers: 13 Views: 1299 Rating: 8 Posted: 6 years ago

Our neighbor who lives down the street thought they were until their pitbull killed their 2 year old son.

Rating: 8 Posted: 6 years ago

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