    how to become famous

    help? please my face desever to be on tv

    +3  Views: 682 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    I hate to say it but if you really want to be noticed and taken seriously, your style of speaking needs to change unless you have your heart set on sitcom TV. I've seen you posting but I do not read it because I do not want to decode it. This makes me ignore you more than notice you. I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm just being honest and giving you a view others may have too. This view may be one that someone who could make you famous might share too.

    why i need to change alot of people talk like me and even if i wanted to i couldnt it just me you might of heared this story be for but i was born and in rasied in the geto so am not going to change cause alot of famous people came from the geto

    So those famous people still talk like they live in the ghetto? You can take the ghetto from the girl but you can't take the girl from the even older story but one that can set you on a path away from your dreams. I grew up in an abusive household. I do not keep abuse in my life just because that's how I was raised. Just giving you something to think about. It's your life. Good luck to you and I hope you have the future you desire.
    I agree.
    Have you tried modeling. Getting your face on an ad is the best way to get the TV executives attention.

    You can also become famous by ranking high on akaqa

    nah but am trying its not as esay as it seems but yeah datz always been a dream of mine
    I've been asking myself that all my life. Please share if you come up with an answer.
    To be famous is easy. The question is famous in what? What do you have to offer?
    Fame is just a passing time in a persons life. Your looks are temporary, but your personality is what defines you and makes you a beautiful person. If you are the kind of person who judges themselves by how others look at you, then you are in for a huge disappointment down the road when your looks (and you are pretty) aren't what they used to be.
    More photos of your face. Early morning, outside among flowers. Modeling for fashion and advertising usually calls for an agent to direct you to advertising agencies where models are needed for magazine ads and clothing catalog producers. Have parents or close adult friends, teachers or instructors sponsor or cosponsor you to help pay for what you will need along the way and be there when you are applying as a chaperon. Get organized, make-up hair stylist and wax. Continue your education language, accounting and dramatics workshops. It takes work and determination to get ahead in modeling and a firm resolve to not drink or take drugs. Do not hang-out with those who do. Personal pride and confidence are important, so don’t let yourself down in the face of unworthy critics. You are beautiful and intelligent deserving respect and praise. nothing less should be accepted as true.

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