    Do you Support Chick-fil-A in expressing its views.....

    0  Views: 1790 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago
    Headless Man

    I've never eaten there but I will now just to show that I don't like anyone trying to stop them from stating their believes, there not open on Sundays to give there employes time to attend church, thats not to there advantage as far as making money. I think there a good christian company.

    It takes bigots to support bigots. Chick-Fil-A donated 2 million dollars to anti gay groups in 2009, ([]) and similar amounts in 2010 ([]). By the way, no one is trying to stop them from stating their beliefs. They have the same 1st amendment right to freedom of speech like anyone else. People are simply reacting with their same right of free speech by making the stance that bigoted companies are not welcome in their state. Chick-Fil-A has every right to promote bigotry all the way to the demise of the company.
    Headless Man

    And thats their right to do so, just because there believe is different than yours don't make them a bigot, they don't ask sex preference to work for them and treat all the same.

    Yes, it is their right to fund hate groups. It's your right to defend their bigoted actions as one bigot to another. By not asking sexual preference they are following the law. It's not a question they can legally ask employees or potential employees. This does not make them better people and does not take away from their status as bigots. You always lose these arguments Randy and let everyone see what a shallow, blind man you really are. Save yourself this time and quit now.
    Headless Man

    Why does there believes make them bigots and your attitude towards Christians not make you one........?

    My attitude towards bigoted Christians your mean? I do not hold the same attitude for all Christians. You can not turn the tables on this one Randy. They started it, they will go down with their sinking restaurant now. Jump on in with them. You can be the log that holds their head above water, go spend 10 bucks on their junk food fast food.


    Customers stand in line for a Chick-fil-a meal at the chain's restaurant in Wichita, Kan., on Wednesday. Aug. 1, 2012.
    Elected officials have urged Chick-fil-A to stay out of their cities, the Jim Henson Company has severed ties, and gay rights groups are organizing national protests against the fried chicken chain. But at the Chick-fil-A where Andrew works in northern Alabama, business has been booming over the past few weeks.

    On Wednesday -- dubbed "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" by former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee -- lines are stretching out the front door and the parking lot is packed with customers coming out to support company chief executive Dan Cathy, who recently came out against same-sex marriage with statements that have polarized lovers of the fast-food chain.

    Andrew, a gay 24-year-old who has been working at the northern Alabama Chick-fil-A since January, sat in his car smoking a cigarette and watching the crowd during a break earlier Wednesday.

    "I call it hater appreciation day," said Andrew, who asked that his last name be withheld out of fear he'd be fired. "It's very, very depressing."

    Chick-fil-A has long come under fire from activists for giving millions to groups that advocate against gay rights and even support ex-gay therapy, but the fire has ratcheted up in recent weeks, following interviews in which Cathy said he was “guilty as charged” of supporting “the biblical definition of the family unit" and that gay marriage invites "God's judgment on our nation."

    Now, Chick-fil-A sits at the center of furious debate over same-sex marriage, gay rights and free speech, with politicians, activists, and newspaper editorial boards weighing in from all sides.

    The company has remained mostly silent on the issue. On the company's Facebook page, a post declares, "The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect – regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender." (On the page, the company also maintains that it severed ties with the Jim Henson Company, first). The company did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Huffington Post, and Dan Cathy has not given any subsequent interviews since the controversy began.

    Another group staying mostly silent on the issue are the gay, lesbian and bisexual employees who staff the restaurants. They say that, like most employees of the company, they aren't allowed to speak to the press.

    For these employees, the last couple of weeks have been very difficult.

    One gay employee who works at Chick-fil-A headquarters in Atlanta, Ga., and asked to remain anonymous for fear of losing his job, says he is getting it from both sides. On the one hand, there is the customer who came in and said he supported Dan Cathy and then "continues to say something truly homophobic, e.g. 'I'm so glad you don't support the queers, I can eat in peace,'" the employee, who is 23 and has worked for Chick-fil-A since he was 16, wrote in an email. On the other hand, he continued, "I was yelled at for being a god-loving, conservative, homophobic Christian while walking some food out to a guest in a mall dining room."

    He disagrees with Cathy's views, but the reaction from the public has been just as hard to swallow.

    "It seems like very few people have stopped to think about who actually works for Chick-fil-A and what those people's opinions are," he wrote. "They are putting us in a pot and coming to support us or hate us based on something they heard and assume we agree with."

    Gabriel Aguiniga, a gay employee at a Chick-fil-A in Colorado, also said the hardest part hasn't been hearing Cathy's comments. Instead, "[it's] constantly having people come up to you and say, 'I support your company, because your company hates the gays,'" Aguiniga, 18, wrote in an email. "It really takes a toll on me."

    Management is encouraging employees at the stores to remain neutral, no matter what customers say, according to multiple workers interviewed by The Huffington Post.

    "Our managers have recommended just saying 'Thank you for your business' if a customer says they agree with Cathy’s comments, rather than agreeing or disagreeing with them," K, an openly gay Chick-fil-A employee in Louisiana, told HuffPost in an email.

    But staying neutral can be difficult when it feels like the world is passing judgment on everyone associated with the company.

    "Now, anyone that works there is stuck with a stigma of being homophobic, even when many of us are far from it," K said. One of her coworkers, who supports same-sex marriage, has had people say things like, “Don’t give me that hate sh*t,” and “I hope you choke on that chicken," while she was handing out samples.

    But for K, the hardest part hasn't been the actions of customers and protesters, it's the money the company gives to anti-gay groups.

    "At the end of the day part of our profits still go towards Dan Cathy, and subsequently, all the organizations he supports," she said. K is now actively searching for work elsewhere. Many of her coworkers, she said, are looking for new jobs, too.

    The groups Chick-fil-A gives to include the Family Research Council and Exodus International, according to Equality Matters, an initiative associated with the progressive Watchdog group, Media Matters. The Family Research Council is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, while Exodus International is a Christian Ministry that has long endorsed ex-gay therapy, a controversial practice of "curing" gay people that mainstream mental health organizations have disavowed. (In recent months, the president of Exodus has tried to distance his group from the idea that gay people can be "cured.")

    Several of the gay and lesbian employees interviewed by The Huffington Post said that they liked their work, and had never witnessed incidents of homophobia or discrimination on the job. But Chick-fil-A restaurants are operated by independent owners, and employee experience can vary widely depending on the person running a particular chain.

    Kellie, a 23-year-old gay woman from Georgia who also requested her last name be withheld for fear of being outed in the press, worked at two different Chick-fil-A locations in Georgia. She loved working at the first location, she said, where nobody ever said anything homophobic or discriminatory. But at the second location, in Atlanta, "there was a lot of general homophobia." Managers would frequently make homophobic jokes, she said, and she felt that if she were to tell her colleagues she was gay, she would be fired. Eventually, she quit.

    Another former employee, who worked at the Chick-fil-A in Chicago, said he thought the culture of the company encouraged homophobia.

    "It's a very monochromatic, white, male driven company," said Andrew Mullen, a gay 26-year-old who quit his job last winter after less than a year with the company. Once, Andrew recalled, a company operator leading an employee training session, saw two men kissing on the patio outside the restaurant and proclaimed to the group he was leading that he thought it was "disgusting." Mullen later told the person in charge of corporate training about the incident, and the man was fired. "[This person] was very apologetic for it, and there are a few people here like that, but from what I saw, it's a predominantly pro-ignorant culture."

    But the gay employee who works at headquarters in Atlanta disagreed with this assessment. Aside from the occasional homophobic joke or comment outside of working hours, he said, his experience with the company has been "extremely positive."

    Asked in June, Andrew, the employee in Alabama, would have said his experience was positive, too. He had never explicitly told any of his colleagues he was gay, but he felt comfortable at work and liked the operator of his store. But recently, Andrew says the atmosphere at work has grown nearly intolerable. Although plenty of his coworkers have said they don't agree with Cathy's views, on "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day," one colleague told him proudly that his friends would be eating the fried chicken sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Last week, when he went out to the parking lot to help a trucker (not directly employed by Chick-fil-A) unload a shipment of goods, the trucker turned to Andrew confidentially and said, "If I see one more faggot at a Chick-fil-A protesting, I'm going to be sick."

    "I just looked at him and said, 'I don't want to hear that,'" Andrew recalled. "I thought, Chick-fil-A doesn't promote hatred, we don't cuss and we don't hate," he continued. But experiences over the last couple of weeks have shifted his views: "Honestly, I really wish they would just go out of business, I do."
    Headless Man

    Chick-Fil-A Meets The Real Haters With Love.........

    Again, I give no credit to a person who blogs their one sided view.

    This simply makes the point that the gays are NOT the ones making the huge issue out of this. It's the haters with their agenda. The gays are staying home and letting chick-fil-a and it's supporters choke on their own chicken bones of hate.
    Headless Man

    Again, fine and I don't give allot to you......

    Randy, have you noticed yet that you, the homophob are the only one continuing to try and push this? Have you noticed too that you've gathered no support for your agenda here? Let it go man. Go do some good God work. Promoting hate should never be considered God's work. I give a lot to me by way of entertainment and some good laughs at your expense. Thanks for that! :)
    Headless Man

    Your welcome, and I don't hate anyone as you claim I do and Chick-fil-A doesn't either but when a report shows you that you don't give it any credit....but you keep spreading the hate.

    Oh please. Lame attempts to turn the table do you no favors. I have not yet promoted hate. That was a personal blog, not an accredited report. Give it up blind man. Go pray for your salvation or something. Chick-Fil-A supports well known hate groups, you support Chick-Fil-A. Do the math (metaphorically speaking).
    Headless Man

    I SEE a hate group is a group that don't agree with you.....

    A blind man can not see. Anyone who supports keeping civil rights from human beings is a hate group.

    You forget Randy. I did not disagree with you that they had every right to speak their mind about gay marriage. You've yet again turned something into an argument even though I agreed with you. You're so hell bent on pushing your agenda that you have no idea when to stop. YOU HAVE NO SUPPORT HERE! You might be blind but I'm hoping you're not completely deaf too. I shouted to make it easier for you to hear.

    Reread what the gay employees have to go through just to be able to have a job at Chick-Fil-A. In this economy, people have to keep the jobs they are able to get as there's so few out there. The gay employees are being forced to just quietly take the hate if they want to keep their jobs. while jokes and insulting comments about homosexuals are hurled around the restaurant by the other employees and even managers. This is people who love the sinner? I think not. Love should not hurt and these people are spiteful and hurtful. They love no one but themselves. From the lowest gay hating employee right on up to the owners of chick-Fil_A. It's all there in the article I posted above.
    Headless Man

    The owners are not doing this and we will SEE if there aren't some jobs lost over this if thats true thats not a christian attitude. As far as support that don't worry me I just come here to see what I can get

    Randy, the owners of the company are allowing it! The employees spoke in anonymity so they don't lose their jobs so no jobs will be lost. Others quit just to get away from the hate.

    Apparently you've managed to get a supporter. I'm not surprised. He loves to stir the pot here too. He appreciates and respects your opinions so hang on to him! Like attracts like :)
    Headless Man

    Not having everyone agreeing with me don't make me wrong, having everyone agreeing would be more concerning.

    Wow, that's incredibly sad. If you truly spoke with God's love in your heart, more people would agree with you. I see no reason why that should concern you,
    Headless Man

    Your god and my GOD apparently aren't the same, mine has his words in the book called the Bible.

    No he doesn't. A bunch of men wrote those words. God wrote nothing.
    Headless Man

    Oh come on Colleen we've been through that before the Bible is an unique book.

    God did not write it. Your uniqueness of scripture proves nothing to me. I don't drink kool-aid. God did not speak to men and has never spoken to men. God has no voice.
    Headless Man

    Funny he speaks to me daily.......

    Go see a doctor.

    We keep thinking life is what it`s not
    We keep building this impossible facade
    Why do we keep trying to turn people into gods
    When God is in the people
    God is in the people
    God is in the people. - MLE

    God is not a people.

    You are such a cheerleader rj. Go Randy, go!! Where's Benthere for a Yippy! lmao.

    By the way, you're repeating yourself. You might want to get that checked. Could be an early sign of something.

    No, no. You look better with pompoms than I. Your slogan is your own. You need something since the questions here are too hard for you to answer. Cheer leading is all yours :)
    Headless Man

    At least I don't put people down as you do.......

    " I choose which questions I answer here based upon my comfort level and interest in the question"

    In other words, the easy ones. The ones that do not require research. The ones that are too hard for you to know on your own, you ignore.

    My avatar is only misleading to a fool who can not tell the difference between a fun avatar that in no way represents the name attached to the account. I do not call myself Sharon, Prince William and I never speak of her family as my own, Prince William. It was not a joke, it was an insulting dig at my personality.

    I'm not trying to make anything difficult. I've taken a look at the questions you answer. An 8 year old can answer them. I merely respond to your posts, as do many others when they call you on your bs. You are not trying to be good, you persist in finding ways to skirt the rules. If I truly wanted you gone, you would be gone. You are still here by the grace of the moderators.

    6 Answers

    They can express their views all they like but they need to stop lying about why the town is not allowing them to build their restaurant where they want it. It has NOTHING to do with their support of traditional marriage and non support of gay marriage.  It has EVERYTHING  to do with the town believing that intersection is not a safe one for the restaurant they want to put there. The town also said no to another company who wanted to build on that piece of property. The family that owns chick-fil-a is trying to fight the no vote by claiming they are being discriminated against just because of their views on homosexuals and homosexual marriage. This is a bold face lie and for being the Christian based family and business that they are, they should NOT LIE! This is not a gay issue. It is a pouting family thinking they are special because they are Christian and push their idea of God into their business. They think they should just get their own way because they are sooo religious. Pffffft. 

    After researching more, I found that shortly after they were turned down due to zoning laws, the mayor of Boston sent the president of Chick-Fil-A a letter telling him that discriminatory businesses would not be allowed in the city of Boston, this based on a comment made by Dan Cathy AFTER his company was denied the request to build at an intersection that was "too narrow and too busy" to safely support a fast food restaurant.  

    Here is the letter from the mayor that Chick-Fil-A used and fed to the media making the claim that they were denied based on discrimination of their religious beliefs. Keep in mind that the letter came AFTER they were denied and Dan Cathy's comments about gay marriage came AFTER they were denied (within 2 days if I remember correctly). The timing of the letter from the mayor came soon after the denial so it's that timing the company took advantage of. 

    To Mr. Cathy,

    In recent days, you said Chick-fil-A opposes same-sex marriage and said the generation that supports it has an "arrogant attitude.''

    Now -- incredibly -- your company says you are backing out of the same-sex marriage debate. I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston.

    You called supporters of gay marriage "prideful.'' Here in Boston, to borrow your own words, we are "guilty as charged.'' We are indeed full of pride for our support of same sex marriage and our work to expand freedom to all people. We are proud that our state and our city have led the way for the country on equal marriage rights.

    I was angry to learn on the heels of your prejudiced statements about your search for a site to locate in Boston. There is no place for discrimination on Boston's Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it. When Massachusetts became the first state in the country to recognize equal marriage rights, I personally stood on City Hall Plaza to greet same sex couples coming here to be married. It would be an insult to them and to our city's long history of expanding freedom to have a Chick-fil-A across the street from that spot.


    Thomas M. Menino
    Mayor, City of Boston 


    Hidden agenda, eh?

    The funny thing is, their lie is turning around and biting them in the holier than thou a$$. They made it a gay issue so anyone who supports gay rights is boycotting their crap fast food restaurant. They should have been honest and not blamed the refusal to build at that intersection on gay supporting politicians.

    They are trying to bully the city into granting them the right to build by claiming discrimination due to their religious beliefs. A very stupid move on their part. The city is not going to budge on this. They know it's a bold face lie and can prove it.

    Shootah's rooter picture "I am a chicken" seems appropriate here right now if you are right.

    I've added to my answer.
    Headless Man

    I'm sure there are places that they could build their restaurant in Boston and I'm also sure they are being discriminated against as no one wants to allow christian to have freedom of there believes.

    They could have found another place in Boston, BEFORE Cathy opened his mouth. No one wants bigots, Christian or otherwise. The American public (which I'm sure includes Christians) are making their opinion of the Cathy bigots known. Read on:

    Chick-fil-A's anti-gay marriage stance has gotten some high-profile support by way of Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Sarah Palin and other conservative lawmakers. But among their longtime customers, it's a much different story.

    Polling organization YouGov found that the Atlanta-based chain's brand approval ratings have plummeted in the wake of Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy's controversial remarks earlier this month. YouGov also reports that the company's overall consumer brand health among fast food eaters has dropped to its lowest levels since mid-August 2010 in the wake of the media firestorm.

    Just before Cathy's interview was published, Chick-fil-A's Index score was 65, well above the Top National Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) Sector average score of 46. Just four days later, however, Chick-fil-A's score had fallen to 47, while last week, the chain had a score of 39, compared to the Top National QSR Sector average score of 43.

    They should never have used the gays as their battle weapon of choice. The gay community has had little to do with this. It's the gay supporters who are calling for boycotts. This time, we just sit back and watch our friends stand up to bigotry. By the way, Chicago has joined Boston's mayor. Chicago will not be letting Chick-Fil-A in. Yup, Chick-Fil-A can express it's views all they want. Equal rights supporters have their views too and they are expressing them in a big way. The Cathy family can just keep talking, I personally never had an issue with their views as I would not ever eat at their fast food place anyway. They can go right ahead and talk themselves out of business. I do however have an issue with them lying.

    As much as you fundies try to now make this a religious issue, it's not. It's a bigotry issue and the nation is saying NO to bigotry.

    In business, dollars are votes of agreement with your product, add a dose of prejudice to all their meals and they’ll never get another dime from me. 


    TU! Regardless of why they started this false tale of they being the ones discriminated against, they themselves support discrimination.
    Chick-Fil-A donated 2 million dollars to anti gay groups in 2009, ([]) and similar amounts in 2010 ([]).


    Chick-Fil-A Vice President Launched Marriage And Family Legacy Fund. Donald "Bubba" Cathy, Chick-fil-A’s senior vice president, helped launched the Marriage and Family Legacy Fund (MFLF), which “pool[s] funds for a national marriage media campaign and provide start-up grants for local initiatives to promote stable, lasting marriages.” [Philanthropy Roundtable, October 2007]

    MFLF Is A Project Of The Anti-Gay Marriage CoMission. The MFLF was created to be the “implementation and funding arm” for the Marriage CoMission, a coalition of groups formed in response to the “downward spiral of marriage and the traditional family in America.” [MFLF Executive Summary, accessed 10/28/11, Marriage CoMission, accessed 10/28/11]

    Money that goes to Chick-Fil-A supports anti- gay causes. The family owned business is filled with bigots.

    They may not discriminate in their stores or their employment practices, but they are giving money to support causes that fight against rights for all people. They are the last ones who should be using the discrimination card as a shield.

    'A lying Christian based company'? All religions are based on lies.

    We hear from the Christians a heck of a lot more than we do any other religion. They might want to tone it down some. They make themselves look foolish when they cry about how abused they are, while conveniently forgetting they make themselves the target to begin with. Suggestion for them, zip it and keep thy religion to thy self. Then no one can fault their words or beliefs.

    Chick-fil-A should limit its opinions to Fowl, not Foul.

    Headless Man

    Stating ones believes is not Foul it's American freedom of speech.....

    I just did my part.

    They lie. A lying Christian based company. Why am I not surprised?

    If you truly believe in the American ideals, and I believe you do, Headless Man, such as freedom of speech and freedom of expressing oneself, then you'd definitely have to believe in the gay people's right to their freedom as well. To give you and yours the freedom to the things you feel you are entitled to and to deprive other Americans of the rights bestowed upon them by our founding fathers is very UnAmerican. Don't cherry-pick the components of the Constitution. Embrace it in its entirety.
    Headless Man

    I believe gays have the right to eat there or not but to try to stop others is wrong, I don't ask if the owner of any restaurant is owned by gays before I eat there but if they had a sign out saying so I might pass it by, unless the food was

    The gays have every right to voice their opinion of a company that spends millions to keep equal rights from the gays. They have EVERY RIGHT to ask their supporters to not give money to a company owned by bigots. Just like the chickens have every right to tell the government not to give equal rights to the gays. I don't know why I bother to even reply to you. You on your own show just what kind of close minded bigot you are. I'll just let you keep talking just like the bigoted owners of Chick-Fil-A. You can talk yourself right into a box. Seal it up when you're done please.
    Headless Man

    And you have every right to not eat there but as you saw a lot agree with their right as a record sales were set on the 1st.

    Because a special day was set to go support them. They are not going to get that support daily and their record sales for the day MIGHT compensate for the lost sales due to thousands boycotting them.

    "On Wednesday -- dubbed "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" by former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee -- lines are stretching out the front door and the parking lot is packed with customers coming out to support company chief executive Dan Cathy, who recently came out against same-sex marriage with statements that have polarized lovers of the fast-food chain."

    Read the rest of this story above. Their employees are being hurt but their religious bigotry.
    Headless Man

    We will see won't we.....

    I doubt you will. A blind man can not see.
    Headless Man

    I think I was Right as this man said,
    I met a gal who was wearing a chick-fil-A shorts shirt at a local grocery store tonight.

    So I asked her about Wednesday. Of course she said it was crazy, nonstop all day.

    Then I clumsily asked her how much they did in business expecting her to give me a percentage. She said "27,000."

    She then told me a regular day was $13,000.

    She also said the manager or owner - I don't recall which - was thrilled.

    It wouldn't be surprising if CFA's sales went up 5 or 10% long term from all the new customers they got.

    If CFA had paid $10 million in advertising, they wouldn't have been able to duplicate this. Instead, they got a windfall for free.

    One day sales Randy. I'm betting most all those "new customers" have not been back since that day. Are you really still on this kick? What exactly are you trying to prove? That religious bigotry against one group of people is alive and well? Congratulations, you made your point. Now do you suppose you could fixate on something else?

    By the way, they also lost a lot of support for free. They are also being denied build permits in certain cities. Imagine all the revenue they are losing because they can't put a restaurant in those cities.
    Headless Man

    Yes imagine all the jobs lost because of some bigot minded politician....

    Come now, it's a fast food restaurant paying minimum wage. not some white collar job that can support a family. There's still Wendy's, Burger King, McDonald's and all the rest. Most are hiring too because even in an economy like this one, there's still turn overs as kids quit or get fired. Besides, I hear people are quitting CFA because they do not agree with CFA's stance against gays. CFA can build in any other city or town in Ma and Illinois. They have 2 or 3 fast food joints in Ma now. All they have to do is pick another city, even one right next door to Boston.

    Bigot minded for standing up for equal rights? Only evil could turn a table around and make that appear bigoted. Your church and all religious houses are ruled by the negative power so I can understand a crappy trick like that coming from the religious faithful. Get everyone believing that equality is bigoted thinking. You and your ilk really are pathetic.

    No, that's crazy angry. I said we need to open the nuthouses again and put these people away who think shooting is the answer. How about a young man by the name of Matthew Sheppard who was beaten and pistol whipped and tied to a fence and left to die just because he was homosexual and one of the killers who was Christian said he did it because he was taught that God hates the sin of homosexuality. He felt he was justified because of his religion. Are you going to keep doing this Randy? The ole, "My religion is better than your sexuality" so you homosexuals can not blame my religion for anything! Please go fixate on something else.
    Headless Man

    If you say a Christian can use his religion to kill a homo then I can give you an example of a homo sooting a guard, they both are crazy but both driven to do so by extreme people stop being one and putting people down because of their believes. I don't put you down I only disagree with you.

    I've never shot anyone no matter how extreme you believe my beliefs to be. You're reaching to try and put me in with murderers, bible thumper. Don't get ridiculous and don't give me reason to ridicule you, like now. You put me down over my beliefs when ever I share them with you. Please do not drop to the level of lying now. Remember making fun of the fact the I believe in Soul travel or attempting to shoot down my beliefs of God and heaven and that there is no hell? Remember headless one?

    By the way, it's beliefs, not believes.

    Are you done yet? Put your sword away Christian soldier, there is no devil here. Just me and my beliefs and you and your silliness.
    Headless Man

    Thanks for correcting my spelling, old habits are hard to change..... Think I'll just go get some Chick-fil-A....

    Do you like being a jerk? If it makes you happy....lalalalala

    You know you're too old to act like a spoiled child, right?

    Enjoy supporting hate. Learn through your own words, not those of your leaders. You know, the leaders collecting money in God's name. I see those Evangelist programs on TV and it's all about money, money, money. Call now! God needs your money!! What a scam. Keep drinking the kool-aid and giving til it huts Randy. I call it financial rape. You call it religious believes, lol
    Headless Man

    I find the more I give the more I have, sure there are scams out there you need to be careful but I believe in giving 10% and more if you can to the needy.
    These groups are not hate groups because they believe differently than you, sure there are extreme cases just like the man who shot the guard but they love and don't hate.... THE END

    You have read nothing about these groups have you? They are listed as hate groups by those who investigate these types of groups. They are listed as hate groups by legal offices. EDUCATE YOURSELF MAN! Stop squawking all you hear from your religious sites like a parrot for Pete's sake. OPEN YOUR MIND AND YOUR EYES you kool-aid fed, brain washed, lost Soul. I've had all I can take of your blind ignorance. Go take this babble to the lost sheeple of your congregation. They are the ones who will appreciate it. FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO FIXATE ON. You're making a fool out of yourself supporting those work work for separation and inequality, separation and inequality, the tools of the devil that you believe in so much. Your ego is great. I do not know how you think you fit Jesus in your heart when it is so filled with ego.
    Headless Man

    "They are listed as hate groups by legal offices" and I'm a extremist because I believe in America the Bible and the right to carry...

    Gee, then I'm 3/4 extremist because I do not believe in the bible. It's amazing the roads you can traverse in one single topic. Did you remember to take your meds today?
    Headless Man

    My point was their no hate group.........

    They only help support them, right? I see no difference. They have to agree with the hate to support it. My point.
    Headless Man

    I heard today that the guard took his gun held the man at gun point until help came, even though he had a bullet in his arm he never shot him and they prayed for him later, if thats a hate group we need more of them....
    Thats love for man you can't have without Jesus in your heart......

    They are hypocrites. They feed hate with one hand and pray with the other. You bore me.
    Headless Man

    You are full of hate for them they love you.......
    I won't bore you anymore if you stop boring

    I do not hate them. I do not respect them. I've never sided with hypocrisy. They do not know me to love me. Do not presume yourself so great that you can speak for people who fight against my community and the rights they deserve as human beings who love. This conversation is over. Go pray for your soul. You follow darkness. Jesus must weep for you.

    Good for them to be closed on Sunday.
    Bad for them to comment on any kind of marriage.
    A business is successful when it provides a product or service that is superior in quality and priced below anyone else.  Comments about politics, religion, sex, drugs, rock n roll are inappropriate and bound to offend someone.  Offended people don't patronize a business. Kiss of death, chickee poo. Kiss of death... 

    Headless Man

    As I understand it he was ask about it and he gave an honest answer.......

    Tact and diplomacy must accompany honesty in the world today.
    My former house of worship has a "Christian Cafe" that feeds people every Wednesday, and has done so for nearly 20 years. One time, the "Little Cesar's Pizza" owner was asked if he would donate pizzas for one week.
    He was not Christian, but of another faith, and declined to help because of that. Not sure I agree with the mentality; he'd have been given acknowledgement and his faith would have been obvious.
    Headless Man

    But should he have lied when ask......

    Why not? They lied about the reason for being denied a build permit and lied about the safety of the toys in their children's meal (bet you didn't know that one). He could have lied, side stepped, been more diplomatic or refused to answer the question rather than having a prideful attitude about it all. Pride is the first in a series of Seven Deadly Sins.

    I agree with chick-flay


    What do you agree with? Their lie? You support a family that would lie to get their way? A family that is suppose to be so God orientated and good little doobie Christians? I hope their business takes such a hit it crumbles and disappears. I can't stand liars who hide behind their religion.
    Headless Man

    This lie as you put it is only your take on things, so why don't you cool it....

    It's not MY take. It's what happened. I can't help it if you continue to go through life blind.

    Typical evangelist, tell a person to cool it when that person is presenting the truth over lies. You do like to defend lies.
    Headless Man

    And what proof do you have........?

    Proof that you and Chick-Fil-A are whiny bigots? I'm not even wasting my time to try and show anything to a blind man. You know me better than that Randy. You know I don't make up sh!t and I can always prove what I say in these matters. Go eat their crap food. Blame them for the heart attack you get :)
    Headless Man

    That's what I thought.......

    No, you have no thought. You just run on auto pilot and follow what others say, parroting their words. Just about everything you've said here, I already read in articles and blogs supporting the Cathy's. I'm just going to toy with you now. I'll drop the link in when I feel like it. I'm tired of doing things on demand for people who are too lazy to research for themselves.
    Headless Man

    You are a very disrespectful person for a mod, I think you should resign.....

    I think you should go find a religious forum. I think you are very disrespectful for a Christian.

    Removing the mod tag will not change what I say. I actually would be able to say a lot more than I do now. I'm a dang good moderator, I know this because the admin tell me this all the time. I'm also a dang good member because I help keep akaQA afloat so that unhappy people like you with all your negative thinking about other people in this world can keep coming back here putting in as little energy as possible to help the forum. Go answer even 20 unanswered questions today. I average about 200 per day. Stop whining and go be helpful instead of being selfish and thinking only of yourself and your personal agendas of promoting hate and bigotry.
    Headless Man

    Where have I been disrespectful............?

    Trying to promote an idea of bigotry is disrespectful to millions. That's exactly what you tried to do with this question. You posted it without all the facts. I'm not going to waste my time trying to educate a blind man with darkness in his heart. You are negative and judgmental even if you do not see it, many on this forum do.
    Headless Man

    I just ask a question, you turned it into something it's not, they have the right to express their opinion weather you agree or not, simple as that.

    In the beginning I agreed that they had the right to say what they wanted. They turned it into a gay issue. Leave the blame where it belongs. With them, not with me. Go be miserable somewhere else, like church where they might appreciate your misery born of thinking you are better than "those people", you know..those gay people.

    "Chick-a-flick-a-what-the-heck" is a fast food business not a platform in which to discriminate human beings and to abuse religion.   This topic is disgusting. 

    This argument began because a brainiac from this Chick-fil-a didn't plan for a parking lot or have respect for traffic flow and now it's about gay rights.  Absolutely pathetic to my mind.  Bashing for the sake of bashing.  Causing conflict for what?  Standing up on the chicken and religion platform looking like a fool.  You couldn't drag me into that place if I did eat junk food and animal flesh... if you can call what they serve that.  ... Ask those Chick-a-nuts how those chickens that they serve are raised.

    This is sickening.

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