    Jesus christ was born without father so He is called son of God while Adam was born without father and mother , why He has not been called son of God

    +1  Views: 2155 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: religious

    14 Answers

    Jesus also called himself son of man. Never knew a God that had to be explained or had to explain himself  in so many ways, shapes and forms. This is what makes the followers so hooked. They're waiting for the end of the story (death) to finally have it all explained so even one part of this mass confusion makes sense. Poor Adam he got shafted. He got to name all the animals, put up with the first female headaches, menstruation, nagging, physical attacks for making her pregnant so she may suffer while he only got pleasure from the whole process, find a way of answering, 'honey, does this fig leaf make me look fat?', without having something hurled at him, and all this with no bar to hid out in and no drink to soothe his battered man ego. I think he should have been made a goddling at the very least. I don't really think it would have confused the story of how Jesus became God anymore than it already is. They could have just gone with something like, Trinity+Plus1. God X 3 Plus the father of all humans and goddling (or god in training) Adam.  


    Just as well that was written by a woman. If a man had written that, he would have had his butt kicked from here to Hell!

    Adam was created from dust, Jesus was born of woman with the Spirit of God.

    Not the same thing.........


    This is the answer for me, and I appreciate the very simple and matter-of-fact way you have made the statement. THANK YOU.
    I hope SADIQ50 can give you the "Best Answer"; you deserve it!

    According to your bible, woman was created from a rib from a man created from dust. And so it goes, the body is dust which means Jesus's body was dust as his body was the same as Adam's body which again was created from dust. God created Adam, and according to your beliefs it is God who creates life. Same, same.
    Headless Man

    Jesus body was Gods Spirit in mans form not to die like Adam did and return to dusk, Jesus returned to heaven where he came from.

    Jesus died like any flesh and blood man. Your book claims his body was carried to heaven but it's just not possible. His body was organic and would have burned up and turned to dust, just like Adam's turned to dust. No angles needed to lift his body up to heaven, God could have just beamed it up like they did on Star Trek.
    Headless Man

    OK, Colleen, God took his Spirit to heaven, but all is possible with God.......

    no one has ever found Jesus's body

    Perhaps he never really died on the cross. There is the story he survived, married Mary M and had children and died an old man.
    Headless Man

    Lol, you always have the last word don't you Colleen

    I actually believe that story. Make more sense than angles flying him into the sky when heaven is not in the sky.
    Headless Man

    You would, you believe lots of odd things.....

    As do you. Things you can't explain but use faith to believe.
    Headless Man

    It's all explained in the Bible, written by several wise God inspired men:

    I'm God inspired too. Your uniqueness of scriptural is faith, not fact. Why are you trying to push your religion on me again? You know I don't have faith in it. I live by fact, not faith. I've been to the heaven worlds and been to the temples there. Someday, you shall see it all too. The you will truly be enlightened and realize you were trying to push a primer and not the real deal.
    Headless Man

    I'm not pushing anything, you keep commenting on my answer.

    Duh, you dropped a link to your silly question when you use to preach here.
    Headless Man

    I only answered the question honestly, then you had to jump in and trash the Bible.

    "Perhaps he never really died on the cross. There is the story he survived, married Mary M and had children and died an old man."

    You are trying to preach a false believe.

    Jesus had a father, the man who raised him. Jesus did not start practicing his word until he was 30 years old.  And we all are children of God..............


    right on, jh.

    He came from dust.  May not have had a belly button (poor guy).  Adam wasn't a son he was a creation without a button.... (Still poor guy).

    Let's stick with Noah.  Cool dude. Talked to God. Talked to Animals.  Built the first Cruise Ship.  Floated for 40 days and 40 nights. Let the Animals out on dry land. Tied one on. Had the first Hangover. (No Aspirin-bummer!) Sobered up. Talked to God some more. Cool dude.


    Noah was also the best banker in the bible he kept his stock afloat while everyone else was in liquidation..

    excellent point!

    See...Noah is a very good topic!!!!

    Jesus was considered to be a direct descendant of Adam, so he was called Son of God though he told his followers not to call him that. Presumably Adam was not called S of G to avoid confusion.( It confuses me greatly).


    See Headless Man's answer. I know you find it all bunk, but his explanation is right on.

    Actually no it's not as Adam was not created from dust.

    Adam wasn't exactly a son of God . He was just someone who God made . God made all of us.

    We are all particles of God. You forget we are Soul, we are not the body. Soul is a speck out of the God source.

    Adam was Created from dust and God breathed life into him. Jesus was born into this world and did not have an earthly father


    If Jesus did not have an earthly father he must have received genes from His mother only.So how is it that Jesus is not female?

    Jesus got male genes from God. A miracle. When Jesus died on the cross in three days God raised Him from death. Also a miracle. Anything is possable with God

    Genes and genetics belong to humans, animals, plant life but God does not possess them as he has no HUMAN body. If anything is possible with God, why did he not just form a human like he did with Adam, and call this one Jesus? What was the point of having him birthed? The bigger miracle would have been to just have him *poof* appear.

    "poof" You love to make fun of our belief. When God Created He Created genes so anything is possible with Him. You carry on with your theory and we will carry on following Jesus who was born into this world to live like us yet without sin.

    He was born, just like any other man or woman. Nothing unique in his birth other than the omitting of who fathered him. God could not do so. He has no appendage. No reason at all to put Mary through a pregnancy so she could be shunned for not being married while pregnant. Only a mean God would do that to a poor innocent girl. Oh and I'm not making fun, I'm expressing my opinion on what I see you all post here :)

    Wait and see

    Jesus had an earthly foster was Joseph. Jesus learned how to be a man and learned how to work at his trade from Joseph, the carpenter.

    Did you know that Jesus believed in reincarnation?

    And that the people believe he was incarnated himself?

    Luke ix 18-20

    His pupils were with him; and he put a question to them, saying:

    "Who do the crowds say that I am?"

    And they answered and said: "Some say John the Lustrator; and others, Elijah; and others, that a Seer of the people of old has risen from the dead."

    He never denied reincarnation. He did however name one who had been reincarnated.

    Jesus emphatically declared that John the Lustrator was Elijah. As John, the son of Zacharias and Elisabeth, had been born in the usual way, the emphatic, unqualified statement of Jesus can have no other meaning than that the soul or inner Self of Elijah was incarnated in John, as the Angel Gabriel had announced to Zacharias before the birth of his son. Luke i 13-17 Elijah, who had been translated to heaven many centuries before, had therefore returned to earth by assuming a new body; in other words, he had reincarnated.

    There some really interesting passages in the old bible before it was changed to remove references and verses about reincarnation and to put hell in place of reincarnation. Sorry, at bit off topic but I've been reading this old bible and am fascinated by what is in it but not in the "unchanged" as is claimed, bible of today :)

    I think "Head less man" said it best Adam was created while Jesus was was GOD..


    That cartoon is sacriligious

    You need a sense of humor.
    sacrilegious - grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred; "blasphemous rites of a witches' Sabbath"; "profane utterances against the Church"; "it is sacrilegious to enter with shoes on"

    How is it sacrilegious?

    God made Adam from scratch. But Jesus was born of a woman, only it was a virgin birth, b/c God was the father. Jesus and his father, God, were one. He said  " If  you have seen me, you have seen the father "

    ""You're all wrong, aliens created us in a test tube, but something went wrong with some of you, most likely a mutation.

    Because he was an ass.. The man believed in Eve!. That does not make any man a God as long as they believe in anyone but God!. And if he believes that an apple can make him omnipotent, it proves that he was even more of an ass :).


    Adam believed Eve when she offered him the "forbidden fruit". He did not believe IN Eve. The question is not suggesting that Adam was "a God". Omnipotent? Really?

    @Bob/PKB Hi. yes he did believe Eve which is why he ate of the forbidden fruit. Stupid yes? Many generations of men have therefore fallen from grace because they believe too :). And the question does suggest that since Adam was not born of parents he should be a god Too as Jesus was, for the same reason :). Had conversation with my theory teacher this a.m. and he referred me to the book of " Esther" which again is a total failure because she takes the advise of her "Uncle" to approach the king. Still investigating!

    H e was.He is known as Adam the First son of God.Please click on this link here:

    Patriarchal religions believe in virgin births and male giving-birth. That was why Adam was made from clay moistened with blood. Even God knew that blood was involved with the birth process while trying to imitate women.  Just because they say it's so doesn't make it true.

    Good question


    Over two thousand years later and no clear, good answer either. Hmmm.

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