    if amom abandons her husband and 2 kids to party and have fun then gets pregant lives with wwhom is the father of coming child now is trying to get them back. can she get them?

    if amom abandons her husband and 2 kids to party and have fun then gets pregant lives with

    +3  Views: 465 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    You are kidding right ? What kind of trailer park saga is this ? Try  this family is a shoe in for that show . This is a sure fire case for mandatory sterilisation . This lunatic needs to be incarcerated  with her legs duck taped together . America is a lost cause some body please put us out of our misery . PLEASE !!!!!!!!!


    Sadly, stories like this are not confined to America.

    If you are the husband, you need a lawyer. 

    In Canada Yes... The mother of the children can do anything she likes.  If she proves that she has turned her life around and is now responsible she could get custody of the children.  The father should hire a lawyer.


    Same in the USA. But it takes time to prove a turnaround. I have witnessed several or actually many women take this road. (Was a Divorce recovery program administrator) I have yet to see a successful turnaround that wasn't actually fake. If the husband has moved on with the family without her she will probably have a tough road ahead to get unsupervised visitation. Her return is far from a slam-dunk.

    It must be more difficult in United States.

    The state will provide you a laywer for free. Call your human services department. I dont know what the laws are in your state. Wish you the best,

    What a mess!!!!!!

    It is very difficult to take children away from the mother in spite of the circumstances. A lawyer need to be involved, sorry....

    The woman is obviously a whore. Should she get her children back? I would say NO. A judge has to also take into consideration the morality of that parent and the future influence on the kids. It's parents like this that so many young people today are spiritually and morally lost.

    Like other have already stated, you need to get a lawyer. How a mother could just walk off and leave her kids is beyond my understanding. I feel very sorry for those kids. I wish you all the luck in the world.


    I will never understand how a woman can do this, she schould not get her kids back.Years
    ago this woman walked away from her marriage and left her 5 month old son behind. He is now almost 22 years old and she never contacted him in all this time. It is heartbraking.

    Some mother......What a selfish woman, she don't deserve them kids back, if your the dad, go in hard and fight for the kids.Drag her name through the mud if you have to.Best of luck to you and the children.


    thank you for your answer i was thinking
    the same thing.

    Get some help first, then and only then after she sorts out her brain maybe she can get custody..

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