    Can you put up a photo of the area near where you live........?

    Your street, out the window, the city, the beach, whatever.......

    My back view last fall......



    +16  Views: 4403 Answers: 32 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: life
    Headless Man

    Just for fun......

    Looks like a rural area. Very nice

    Very nice Randy! I would be very glad to do this . Can you tell me how its done ?
    Headless Man

    See my answer to ann's question.......

    32 Answers (1-30 Displayed)


    Balloon fiesta Albuquerque, NM.Every year during early November.

    Headless Man

    Up, up and away......

    I have been there before.


    Headless Man

    This is what I want to see.......

    Talk about a fix-me-upper. Yikes!

    The man that I bought this from 2 years ago, would go out and roll the engine over every so often. It kinda turned into a game, for bout 20 years every time I'd see Dale I'd ask him if he was ready to sell that old B [1937 John Deere model B} finally he said yes to my surprise,,It took me bout 2 hrs to get it running. I just wish he would have lived long enough to see it pulling a plow again... Damn it..........

    Nothing runs like a Deere.
    country bumpkin

    This is the life. I love the country--farms, cows, ponds, chickens, corn fields, silo's, pigs, tractors, tea, dinner bee hanging on the porch, lightning bugs, frogs, all the stars in the sky, rolling in the hay, hoedowns, county fairs etc. Well you get my point, right! LOL

    view from my home""


    Headless Man

    Looks really nice.....

    The flowers are in my garden and there is a nice view of the sea. Blessed

    Very nice!!!

    When can we come and stay ?

    Welcome any time

    wow, what beauty!

    That is truly beautiful.

    Like I even own a camera. I'm a horrible photographer anyhow...............

    I have many pictures, but I am computer illiterate.

    Headless Man

    Click on the little tree in the new answer window then on upload image then choose file, search for the photo you want on your computer.

    me too, I will have a look for the tree, goodness only knows what you might end up with

    Thanks Hl.

    "" This is five minutes away from us.

    Headless Man


    Trinidad? A house I resided in is visible in this photo.

    Not Trinidad, mate, Terrigal beach, NSW Australia.

    I used to live at the Entrance, often went to peppers on the beach for Sunday jazz (believe it's changed hands)

    Village where I live:


    Headless Man

    Nice shot....

    Some village. Beautiful view.


    Headless Man

    Why does your house look like a question mark......?

    Really funny.

    Its overexposed, it looks a bit washed out.

    It needs a good editor.



    I'll bet that old JD has run that buzz saw a ton of revolutions.

    Garage Sale? When?
    country bumpkin

    I need that barn wood so I can make more picture frames.

    UK....KY2  6DP..........Google earth.

    Nothing much to see Randy.

    Headless Man

    Just a photo out your window......?

    Not far away, impressive???

    Hey, It's home..we all don't live in gorgeous settings.

    I'll vouch for that DOC, but we all can be beautifully settled..

    Headless Man

    Nice lot.......

    It looks very clean. Sterile almost.

    Randy, I don't live far from the city of Adelaide, a quiet country town, even thou it is the capital of South Australia.""

    Headless Man


    nice, did you take this photo?

    No, lamb i uploaded it, i have never taken a photo of my city, funny that.


    East Honolulu is where I live.


    Headless Man

    Cool shot.......

    country bumpkin

    Yes, beautiful.

    This is lovely W.

    quaint and lovely, funny, just what I would have imagined

    ""This is a rare green and gold bell frog which livse in our surrounding forests and our garden.


    Hey, I know that guy.
    Headless Man

    Neat photo.....

    eggie, What a beautiful frog. Thanks for sharing.

    how lucky you are. he is so cute. i love frogs!

    FOR Fjoel , A CAT FISH FOR YOU.""


    bulletman I do not think that was the kind of computer skills that Fjoel was after but I like what you have done.


    Ed, i was looking for a cat fish for her, on google and this popped up , i thought it was disgustingly classic., now part of my files.
    Headless Man

    Nice kiddy.........

    Cool looks like my cat.

    you are so thoughtful and helpful, bulletman!

    Yeah I was just joking with you a little bulletman but very good pic.

    you are just amazing bulletman. The teeth look sharp.

    you been looking in my pond haven't you!

    you been looking in my pond haven't you!



    Yreka looking South East toward Mt Shasta. Shasta is 20 miles away.
    Headless Man

    Great photo, robert

    California Boy!

    absolutely beautiful

    C&P this to your browser.......


    Oh, it shows. Move the camera to the left to view my home......

    Do you really want your address on here? I can do a screen shot if you want and post that.

    If you can shoot a better pic, that would be great. I don't care who knows my address, I have a big dog......
    Headless Man

    Good job, BIG dogs are a nice thing to

    wow, houses are really cheap compared to here, can't believe there is a crime rating,looks nice where you are

    mississipppi river, i would put a photo of a catfish up, but i don`t know how.

    Headless Man

    Click on the little tree in the new answer window then on upload image then choose file, search for the photo you want on your computer.

    thank-you i will work on this.My computer skills aren`t the best.

    Fjoel, check out your catfish below, 4 answers down.

    Randy ,I have several digital cameras and lots and lots of  pictures on my computer .My question is how do I put them on AkaQa Thanks am well prepared just dont know the steps .      Bill

    Headless Man

    Click on the little tree in the new answer window then on upload image then choose file, search for the photo you want on your computer. Then click upload, if it don't work the photo is probably to large or wrong format. You can crop and change the size or format with the right software, GIMP is a free download that will do about anything you want (my headless photo is a good example) and .jpg or jpeg is the best format.



    American iron being brought back to life in Brazil. My sons project ,this will be like a Swiss watch when complete
    Headless Man

    They have their work cut out for them here, have fun.......

    This will be an easy restore. I've seen cars in my husbands garage that are unrecognizable and a few years later are just beautifuly restored cars. Have loads of fun restoring this one!

    Randy, re my above comment, I also need step by step instructions, I have some great pictures on my camera, memory sticks etc, but no idea how to do it either, I thought I got clever at work until the local chemist called to say they had received our time sheets! I have some nice photo's of the little town I live in, an old shipping port on a nice river in the country, also Byron bay, and Nimbin etc

    Headless Man

    Click on the little tree in the new answer window then on upload image then choose file, search for the photo you want on your computer. Then click upload, if it don't work the photo is probably to large or wrong format. You can crop and change the size or format with the right software, GIMP is a free download that will do about anything you want (my headless photo is a good example) and .jpg or jpeg is the best format.

    Thanks, I will try, goodness knows what you might end up with!!

    ...Yes,we use a machete' to get in and out!!!



    Headless Man

    Nice shot, small but nice........

    Is that anywhere near Lakewood? Long Beach? I'm headed that way Memorial Day weekend.

    10 miles south from Disneyland, 5 miles east form Newport Beach

    Lindilou is much closer to Tofino than I am. For me it's about 6 hours away.
    Lindilou lives about 20 minutes from my husband's family.
    I am an hour out of Vancouver. I live between the mountains, farmland and the American border... I am closer to Seattle than Tofino.

    I dont know how to do this will you explain how its done Randy ?  Nice Idea good question !!!      Bill

    Headless Man

    Click on the little tree in the new answer window then on upload image then choose file, search for the photo you want on your computer.

    If you don't have any photos on your computer you will need to get a digital camera and start a new hobby or have some old photos scanned into it.

    Good example Osama Bin Laden. Choice is yours :). Google Maps gives a radius of around 200 yards. It is also evident that you have nothing to hide:). Good chap!. As a public web .. google cannot afford to divulge the closest point because it violates your privacy. You are welcome to do so.

    Headless Man

    What are you saying? Google shows a close-up of my house but you need an address to find it, or my full name.........

    Yes. The phone book is more detailed in its location because it gives a contact number, but still retains your anonymity by not giving street numbers. Fortunately, otherwise everyone becomes a caller if they know your street address. You have a beaut backyard by the way :).

    Still working on it.   :(

    7/4/12 This is a photo of an orchard in Fresno County, early spring. 


    ""   This is our new home...Sasquatches built it for us just before Christmas...a bit drafty but it should be fine in summer!!LOL! 

    Headless Man

    Cool, or hot....... depends on the weather I guess.....

    yard may need a little work,lol

    H Man these photos are great!!! I don't know how to post picture yet.  Fabulous question.

    Headless Man

    Follow instructions and learn something new today:
    Click on the little tree in the new answer window then on upload image then click choose file, search for the photo you want on your computer. Then click upload, if it don't work the photo is probably to large or wrong format. You can crop and change the size or format with the right software, GIMP is a free download that will do about anything you want (my headless photo is a good example) and .jpg or jpeg is the best format.

    Thanks H Man I am going to try it. But not tonight, just got home from work today. Thanks again. & wish me luck on it. Tabbie

    I don't know how to attach photos Randy... go to Lindilou's and add a bit more green.  We are almost neighbours.


    Hiv ye bin lookin at ma hoose?

    A think google airbrush the place, ye should see it roond the back!

    How far is your home from Tofino?

    I thought that was you guys out back!!!But it turned out to be our second encounter with ,y'know,....big...very very big...folks just feet away from this cool creation!!!Whoop Whoop Fishlet!!

    Any more photos?


    can't find any except on my phone, a few minutes away looks like vaLR, the street back from me is a river and across the road paddocks and horses..will that do until I learn what I'm doing
    Headless Man

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words so all we got is a

    Fifteen minutes drive west from our house... Corona del Mar


    Headless Man

    Nice shot and

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