    Rain,Rain,Go Away!

    It's 4:30PM Sunday here & it's rained all weekend. I'm thinking of asking somebody with some influence "Up There" to have a word & see if they can make it fine for next weekend.Any ideas on who could do the job??

    +7  Views: 1108 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    Pray harder, that's all i can suggest.

    15 Answers


    Perhaps you could work something out with these people.

    Hey, Tommy, i hope you not effected by the floods, i have witnessed on the news, i wonder how Pyth and Eggie are going, if you are able to contact the guy on high, tell him to direct some to S.A., we need it.


    It's a wonder you're not getting some of this.They are saying 75% of NSW is under water.My brother is surrounded at his place .(Near Albury) But he is high & dry.We're OK.We're on top of a little mountain.

    I'm alright, we've had a lot of rain, but it cleared Sunday. Out West has mainly copped it. South is still copping it.

    Tommy, the only water we will get is the run off into the Murray River, the little rain we get vapourises before it hits the ground, if we get the rains you are getting we will be in the same boat as the ground is so dry and hard the water will just run across it. I see Wagga Wagga was hit pretty hard and to think i was there 2 months ago, keep us informed.

    nope, but if you hear of anyone let me know too


    Shank, are the rains effecting you at all.

    Becareful for what you wish.  No rain is what we have here in texas. We will take a ten inch flood any day. Had less than 3 inches of rain last year. Normal is 22.

    People in New.South Wales were told to evacuate or prepare to leave because of heavy rains. I hope you dont live in that area or anyone on this site.


    My brother does live there.He's high & dry but completely surrounded by water.

    It would have to rain 40 days and nights to get us. But, it does flood a little on the main road.

    I am glad everyone is Ok.

    I don't know any Tempests personally....Perhaps the folks at NOAA could point one out???


    How do learn Armadillo Doctor Doo?

    Yeah, someone in the US government or the Canadian government. Who ever is controlling  HARP right now, 


    colleen, my desktop died after I spoke to you yesterday. I'm on my laptop, it's terrible because the writing is too small.

    OK, tommyh.  I've contacted the Highest Authority and requested relief.  Not to worry.  It may get worse before it gets better, but better it WILL get. 

    Learn to love, walk in, dance in the rain...


    val- Ive just become fluent in armadillo! I found the language fairly difficult to learn. I will be more than willing to teach you any animal language I know, including armadillo. When shall we start?

    Did I say I was interested? I am still working on my English...

    Sometimes too much rain,we live by the Mississippi River.Easy flooding can creep up.

    The  Rain Fairie is a out of control because she's new and a little wet behind the ears!


    The "Rain fairy"??? I'm quite sure we don't have any of those down here!LOL

    Hey, Tommy, you may be in for a cyclone. Definitely, you're in for flooding rains too.

    Rub it in, why don't you..............?


    The funny thing is.....we had 3 years of drought before all of this started.They had us having 4 minute showers,we couldn't wash the car or even use our lawn sprinklers.Now they are throwing water away by opening the dams.

    OK, tommyh.  I've contacted the Highest Authority and requested relief.  Not to worry.  It may get worse before it gets better, but better it WILL get. 

    Like a giant rock in a pond one event causes ripples that touch and change everything . Lives will change and we cant even imagine the repercussions from this . Both your situation and mine .  Bill


    We are already seeing some repercussions Bill.Like Eggy said,it looks as though we are in for a cyclone as well.At least we know how to handle them.We have had plenty over the years.

    Not quite what I meant . This will totally reshuffle the deck . There will be people where they should not be ,new players entirely . People will move away new ones will come .Point is everything on the board will change . This disrupts the harmony . Stability comes when things are static this stuff will stop that . It will most of all affect the flow of business and money .Thats my thinking the long term affects on stability . Randomness is rarely good for business.When every thing is unpredictable people are scared and hang on to money then the economy stagnates .Irrational fear causes big harm to the economy.These events are moving us in that direction . Bill

    Tommy ,Here in New Mexico we have no rain and little snow this year ,come spring it will all be dry as a match box . The big animals will be coming to town for water and food ,bears with young ones looking to survive ,sad they end up on the free ways and in back yards making trouble for all .Sometimes they must be destroyed . Last year between Arizona and here there was a fire that covered 800 miles . Burned for weeks . A lot of our money comes from tourism and with these conditions people dont come to visit . The farmers will have no water for crops and what there is flows thru ditches by allotment farmers pay by the acre foot ,shortages mean prices go up . With no water the feed prices go up farmers cant keep their animals . All prices go up . We are in big trouble from no water ,we could use some of what you have .  The fires are horrific lots of homes lost much misery coming . Thats our future here . I hope you get some relief and that life returns to normal for you .                      Bill


    I wish we could send you some Bill.We had drought here for a couple of years too before this rain event started.I know where you are coming from mate.Hang in there.

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