    how do i get a puppy without letting my parents know when i am am 9

    i really wanted a puppy all my life but my parents wont let me and i cant hide a puppy and i cant get one by going to the pet store because i am only 9 years old so please tell me what i can do.

    +3  Views: 667 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    You are going to have to prove that you are responsible and can care for the dog yourself.  Dogs are expensive to feed, sometimes groom and to take to the veteranarian.  Maybe when you are a little older you can get a job to help with the costs of the puppy which will grow into a dog.  In my experience, every single pet I said yes to ended up being my responsibility and I can tell you my daughters talked me into a lot pets... puppies included.

    Here is the list...

    2 dogs

    2 cats

    1 snake

    2 chinchillas

    1 snapping turtle

    1 canary

    many many many hamsters

    1 rabbit

    .... Oh it's not too much when I look at it this way.  Not over the top at all.  Some people are pet people.  Your parents may not have the time especially if they are both working.  Give it time... you never know what tomorrow will bring.


    You are a good woman Fishy- and an Awesome mom (and pet care laady!) !!!!!!!!!!

    Nice to know i wasn't the only one to fall for that one lol

    KEEP TRYING TO CHANGE YOUR PARENTS MIND, promise to do extra  round the house, promise to look after puppy your self, GOOD LUCK


    Sure your parents crazy by bugging them about it every day...that'll work! LOL!!

    Well it did for my kids, figured a puppy was better than the tears and begging, lol

    From your parents point of view : A puppy is a mobile baby with no brakes ,no manners and no discipline. All the things they enjoy including peace and quite will be no more with a puppy . They are very demanding and care intensive ,very big job ,like being a parent . A puppy is like a tiny four legged hurricane in a house it will chew and poop and pee leaving a mess behind his wagging tail . They cry at night and bark in the day time in short a huge adjustment for all  . If you are convinced you are up to this task I would lobby your parents with a convincing plan and demonstrated responsibility proving you are up to the task.  9 is a great age for a boy and a dog . I wish you good luck with this and I do hope you get your wish .                Bill

    I didn't get my first dog until I was an adult.  Before that, I played with my friends puppies/dogs and went to pet stores a lot and asked to play with the puppies that hadn't been played with that day.  I also pet sit for my neighbors

    Wait till you grow up and see why it is a big responsibly to take care of a dog, expensive too.

    They can be a lot of work, cost money, and some have been known to ruin furnitutre and do  a number on the house. They are not something you can get, and then forget about some kids do with toys they feel they absolutely have to have. But also, not everywhere lets people have pets.

    Have you actually asked your parents if you can have a puppy?  There is no way you can hide having one from them. All of your life? You're only 9! Give it a couple of years......


    LOL!!..Too cute!!:-))...GREAT ANSWER! :-))

    Your parents probably have a good reason for saying NO.  Just be patient and wait...quietly!

    get it for your birthday

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