    how can I find a trapping partner

    I have been a bushman all my life and know I wouold like a partner to share my understanding a knowledge of the forest and hopefully work together to document it all.

    +3  Views: 725 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

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    Dont like the idea of trapping any Forest, or any place else.

    Long Shot

    you are intitles to your oespective but may I say that the biggest blunder happened when humans started to live a sedentry lifestyle and became weak and useless

    You need to relocate south of the mason Dixon line east of the Mississippi  in moonshine country and find that moonshinners daughter. Beware they are all well armed ,she might bite and scratch and her brothers might have a thing or two to say . It always starts with looking for like minded people . There is a want add section in Mother Earth News ,monthly magazine that caters to outdoor people . Look there and may this go well for you .    Bill

    Long Shot

    I'm sure you like the daughters of moonshiners but I don't

    Check the local watering hole i'm sure you'll find a partner in crime there..

    Long Shot

    I am not a criminal such as the likes you have in your thoughts and if I were I would still do what my people have done for millienums I am a grandfather of 12 and know a single person turning 57 I would be offended if you would suggest that I am a criminal for what I do with my life If you don't agree keep your negative comments to yourself

    No offence meant at all " a partner in crime is just an expression, all i really meant was perhaps you could find a buddy there ..

    Long shot, I cant imagine using a trap to trap animals. Some animals have actuially chewed theire own leg off, if only caught by theire leg. They also die a long, painful death. I dont believe this is a way to save mother earth. To kill for sport is wrong.


    Ann, Im with you every step of way on this. Guess this person has little or no feelings, when it comes to animals.

    Long shot You are right on about trying to save the culture. From what i have seen our white man’s diet is insufficient in vitamins and minerals. I am 66 YO and have learned that The poor mans diet lacks essential vitamins and minerals to live an active lifestyle. We all suffer from a diet that leaves us cold in winter and lethargic in summer. On a diet that is complete I have no problem working outside on a frozen day for 6-8 hours with little more than light clothing. Our friends are shivering in their cold winter hold-ups eating beans and rice that has nothing to keep them warm but the heat of the meal. That food may get a person fat but not active.

    I am actually a real live traditional Indian and I am looking for someone that would like to try their hand to save this culture. It is a way of life and a way of thinking



    Not knowing what tribe you are from ,I can only suggest these things : Mescalero Apache have a res outside of Ruidoso New Mexico . Women are beautiful and it is high mountain country ,big trees ,lakes ,miles of nature ,bears heaven to me . Taos New Mexico is also high mountain country and very beautiful as well . I am sure you are aware of this : Gathering Of Nations in New Mexico is supposed to be the largest gathering of native people for pow wow in the USA . Only have two days then its over . The other 14 native communities in New Mexico are Pueblo people so their homes are desert lands .Some are very closed societies and you must discover those rules on your own . I am white so sharing of tribal secrets with me is unlikely . I have many friends in the native communities and would say come to New Mexico and hang out . You know already about what can not be said and the inter tribal difficulties . Sorry about the moonshine crack ,all kidding aside some of those gals are mighty tough outdoors people ,kill a alligator and eat him raw for a snack . Good luck with your search and may all your days go well . Get to New Mexico and Ill show you around . Bill

    Thank you for your answer,your very rude to suggest that I sit around a lot with out much movement . As you dont know me, who gives you the right to judge me ???? Here we ask and answer questions, not judge people.

    You say your a trapper and you can't trap partner , maybe you need to know how too setup your trap!


    Vitamines and meat might wak-um up.

    Oh! fell asleep on the job! that explain!

    BIA  can help with that. There  are many indians that may be willing to help you along with that.

    Long Shot

    Not true I have lived on a Indian reserve all my life and there is no one that wants to learn that craft

    Thanks Long Shot. It seemed to me they would be interested.

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