20 Answers
No comb overs ,no wigs ,the lady who cuts my hair has agreed to shave my head bald buff it good throw some sun screen on and give a good massage when that day comes . Each to their own ,but this is the way I intend to go . I vote No .
12 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
If my hair were thinning drastically, hopefully BEFORE it got to that point, I would invest in products that might help thicken my hair.
Being that a waste of time and money, I would consider investing in a wig; having "my" hair thick, long, and luxurious would be a treat for a while.
I think it would be uncomfortably warm, though, so I'd end up flaunting the pate or covering with scarf or hat.
(I hope I am never faced with this dilemma.)
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Yes, if I were losing my hair, I'd invest in myriad
wigs of various lengths, styles and colours. They'd
be an accessory. Raquel Welch used to sell
(not sure if she still does) the most beautiful,
natural looking wigs. Party on!!! :)
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Back in the late 1700s, when they wore towering, powdered (with flour!) wigs, I think they used to use something like a knitting needle to scratch their scalp, without disturbing their coiffeurs.
Here in the states there are many ways of putting a mop on your cranium. 'Wigs' are old school, they don't call them that anymore, wigs are now known a 'replacement hair systems.
There's nothing wrong with a person male or female wearing a replacement system if it helps their confidence in everyday life. No different than false teeth or a boob job. Go for it!! today's 'systems' are totally 100% undetectable.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Are you questioning from a male or ffemale point of view??......or both?? AS a female, NEVER. There are too many tricks and products you can use to enhance your own hair, Utilize them and be yourself. :->
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

I have been "follically challenged" for some 25 yrs, and find no reason to hide the fact. "You know there is a male hormone called testosterone, it has many purposes, one is to grow hair, it also is responsible for the male sex drive, go ahead, waste it on growing hair, if you want, I choose not to use it for that!"
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |