5 Answers
I received some free stuff just last year... I have a balsa wood plane model (Canada 3000 airplane... That company no longer exists)... I have covers for (I think) car stereo players with the emblems of NHL Teams. I have a very old case for insurance papers that has never been used with someone else's name on it... I have a free bowling coupon for the local bowling alley which will be the location for a film shoot in about 10 days from now. I have Ninja buttons. If you would like any of these extremely useful items just contact me through this forum.
As for the rest I can only vow that I will not call you names or insult you in any way shape or form.
I will give you loads and loads of respect ... I will even refer to you as Emperor Bluesman 1951. (You didn't earn it but that's ok by me).
If I write anything that I may think could potentially offend you I will contact you ahead of time warning you not to read my comments although I can't protect you from my "alien question" answers, you will just have to avoid them on your own.
That's the best I can do... seriously those Ninja buttons ....... you need!
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
As I've told you before, click the report abuse button. You also have my e-mail address. You saw me tell the people "no preaching on akaQA". They are not being allowed to get away with it. If I've missed something said to you that is hurtful, send me an e-mail directing me to it or click the report abuse button. You are just as protected here as anyone else is.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Apparently I do not have an answer for you. I hope someone else can help you out here.
If you sit on your butt all day and get a girl friend to have a half dozen kids for you, you can get all kind of free things from the tax payers.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Your question has a familiar ring to it. I've heard this from many old white guys. Being white means, you must be politically correct. If your not, your a "Hater" and all the other labels that are out there. Many feel that a double standard exists, the past should be put where it belongs, in the pages of history. We have been in a new chapter, but no one's listening on the other end.
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |