    Should atheist questions be allowed here?

    About religion.....

    +7  Views: 1327 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    Here is Umbriel's question part two ...
    2) 'Given that the Panthera theory is no longer regarded as tenable, do you adhere to the simple assumption that Jesus was trhe result of an improper relationship between Joachim and Miriam, or do you buy the Holy Ghost bit? Or do you dispuite the presumption that Panthera is untenable?
    Go for it.
    Headless Man

    Post these as a separate questions so we all can answer them.......

    Randy you are so wrong about Umbriel's question... They are questions... legitimate questions. He is asking for certain parts of the bible to be explained because they don't make sense to him. Explain to Umbriel what these parts of the Bible mean.
    Sometimes I think that you have a preconceived notion about what someone is going to say and react before completely understanding what is written.
    You are being very stubborn.

    What type of questions are no longer allowed? Is there going to be a sensor on religious questions here? Just wondering because I haven't been keeping up on lately.
    Headless Man

    No i want and will answer these questions but if you want an open form then post these separately.
    Hopefully I can convert Umbriel, but you can bet not without a fight and my hands have been tied.
    Headless Man

    leeroy-The one I posted and you answered the other day was called preaching and 404ed.

    Two separate answers from the admin concerning which questions are allowed an which ones are not.

    "akaQA is a place where you can ask any question, as long as it's not hurtful towards other people (or in other words: as long as it doesn't contain nudity, violence, racism, religious preaching, etc.), and receive answers."

    Concerning the question Randy posted and was removed by an administrator:

    "Religious preaching is not allowed and that post was all about religious preaching. We do approve questions about the bible, but as long as they are in good taste and as long as the person\s who posted them doesn't have a secret agenda (religious preaching) for posting that question."
    Headless Man

    "Religious preaching is not allowed and that post was all about religious preaching. We do approve questions about the bible, but as long as they are in good taste and as long as the person\s who posted them doesn't have a secret agenda (religious preaching) for posting that question."

    I never received the above answer and this is the first I've seen it?

    That "answer" was sent to me in an e-mail because I had left your question "will you stand firm". It was to explain again to me that religious preaching is not allowed and why they removed it. I asked them to send the same e-mail to you. I have also posted the e-mails to other threads you opened today. You have been on a tangent and not seeing all the answers.
    Headless Man

    Yes I have seen most if not all the answers and most think all questions should be allowed and let us decided what doesn't deserve an answer, we are adults, language or name calling is the only thing that should not be allowed.

    "We" are not all adults. There are kids here too. The administrators will decide which questions can be asked and which questions can not be asked. They will decide which questions can stay and which ones can not. The members do not own the forum. They are welcome here as members as long as they can abide by the few forum rules. This is the same on any forum on the internet.

    This will be the last time i comment to anything Randy has to say... which is a shame because I am Christian... And ppl may think I am turning my back on my faith...I AM NOT!!!!!!
    I am turning my back on someone who is using my Savior as a whipping post and point of contention for his own amusement...

    You turn my stomach and I truly hope that ppl who are searching find that you are an obvious stumbling block for Christianity, Christ's commandment and his commission.

    Randy I suggest you contact the A.C.L.J. they are a legal institute that protects your and everyone's freedom of speech. If you are being deprived of your freedom of speech or religion.

    Yes, atheists questions should be allowed, b/c when they ask a question , that means they're searching for something. And then, they can be educated.
    On one atheist's gravestone, it says, " Here lies the poor atheist.....all dressed up and no place to go "
    On a hypochondriac's grave stone, it says " I told you I was sick "

    Leeroy, Are you sure you don't mean the ACLU ?

    20 Answers

    Randy , You are trying to make a point ,one or the other . I admire that and your persistence .God or not God questions  the answer is yes to both .  Let me thank you for your concern for my soul . We all make our journey to the final accounting on our own . In the end we answer only for our deeds . When someone says no ,that dont mean say more or try harder it means no and its time to move on to better ground . Cant spend your time watering rocks  you might get a A for effort but a F for results . I think your heart is good and your goals worthy ,but perhaps this is the wrong forum for what you wish to do . There are some very good people here and many are church goers they might not own up to it but I know its so . You can talk at people ,getting them to listen is quite another thing . You can drive something like herding animals or you can lead but not both . So work on answers so that when your name is up all know its interesting informative and kind ,thats leading . You will be just fine dont give up the faith ,work on listening .



    He was giving members an 'option' in a question that was 404ed... saving souls... The thread became heated and he said a few things that seemed preachy. Now he is upset and keeps posting these type of questions. I have tried to help him but it is like smacking my head against a brick wall. Have a good day Bluesman.
    Headless Man

    Thank you, I can learn, but I still think I'm

    This is becoming very strange Randy.  What on the planet can we do about your question being 404ed?... I didn't complain but I am sure someone did.  Take it up with them for goodness sakes already.


    This is Umbriel's question part one...1) 'Given that they are supposed to be at least based on first-hand testimony, why do the accounts of the last words of Jesus before he died differ so markedly?'


    Actually, no one complained. An admin came onto the forum today and saw the question, read it, removed it and sent me an e-mail about it telling me the next time someone posted a preaching question, I could go ahead and remove it.
    Headless Man

    My point exactly if he can post that and I can't why is that fair?
    He's trying to discredit the Bible and I'm trying to teach it.
    I like looking up answers to such question but I would be put down for it.
    Headless Man

    And Colleen they came on because I give them the link.....

    This seems to be a random question area . I thought the purpose of tags was to put a question in a particular spot so those with that interest could find it ? Am I wrong ???? Dont know what to say to you Randy you try so hard and it seems a little unfair .

    Well you ask enough about god, equality in all things.

    Headless Man

    Yes I believe they should it makes me study hard to find the answer.

    Of course, why not, I find that a silly question.

    A question is simply a question. How the question is asked, maybe a problem.

    Randy, enough already. These kinds of questions are no longer allowed. Take your tantrum somewhere else.


    Thank you Colleen

    Ah, Randy, my eyes are tired. Stop with this silliness and keep up with the decent, thought provoking questions. Stimulate my own thoughts tastefully..........

    There schould be a special website for AKaQA users that states exactly what questions are not allowed  in this site. To anwer your question Randy, atheist questions are not offensive and neither are religious questions, as long as is posted in a non offence manner

    yes randy why not,???


    Headless Man

    I can't come up with one.........

    whats the problem with atheists asking questions do we veto out people over 30 as well

    Same answer: why not? but not atheist preaching.


    He doesn't get it Val. :(
    Headless Man

    Let them preach, if I can......

    Nope by just his comment alone, he did not get it. As of today, he says he does get it. This remains to be seen.

    Yes perhaps so . My friend you need to read some Mark Twain along with the good book . You surely can quote psalms and parables and all I can offer is Huck Finn painting the fence for Aunt Polly. Get the others interested and then have them pay you in some fashion . Lots of life lessons in this story . I plan to perfect the Huck Finn part of life  and to have a good story to tell God about how I tried to enjoy the gift he gave me    LIFE . I think at the moment you are stirring the pot counter clock wise ,wisdom from a old man stir clockwise and things have a more harmonious out come . May all go well in your life ,and your days bring you happiness. Thanks for the best answer !!!


    It was Tom Sawyer that painted the fence for Aunt Polly. LOL

    my cats mom ,Busted by a student of fine literature ! LOL I stand corrected and thoroughly embarrassed .How ever the lesson and the thought were valid . I would be honoured if you would give me that .I promise better diligence in the future . Hope all is well with you and yours .

    We are sick and tired of seeing your biased view of religion, so please put your head away and give us all a rest. Ask something else. Leave Colleen alone and others who will turn away from this site when they see your questions on gays and other things. Stop stirring the pot! Be a normal person and ask normal questions, like me. When you point your finger at someone three are pointing back at you.


    We need a few good alien questions. They are my favorite.

    Strange how it is only hard arsed Christians who think they have the right to control this site. We rarely hear from Muslims and even when they do post their views seem to be more moderate than People of the Book.


    I, for one don't feel a need to push my personal beliefs on others, I may or may not agree with formal religion, that's my prerogative and is personal, perhaps others should do the same

    Yes, but only if you keep religion out of it.

    Headless Man

    It takes more faith to be an atheist than a christian.

    On the contrary. Doubt is what it's all about. That is what drives Atheists at seeking the truth. Reason and an open mind.
    Headless Man

    You need a lot of faith to believe in nothing.

    You just don't get it, do you?

    Got it in one cant argue with the "Devil!!

    Randy...I'll ask you again (for the 4th time)....why are you doing this??

    WEll headless man or Brains .Are you scared of ATHEISTS" because they have an open mind? WE care for good honest helpful people Because that is what i AM "You DONT GIVE A "SHIT" about other religions Muslims ect They dont bother me .Only Bible thumpers "Nuts like you "EVIL" to the "core!!  you try to convert and it does not "Work .Are you kind to others "NO help others" NO .You must lead a miserable "LIFE".Get a life.Open your "Eyes.

    Headless Man

    "Are you scared of ATHEISTS"

    No way, was trying to make a point all question should be allowed if done in a respectful way.

    And they are allowed when done in a respectful way. It's too bad you can't take points given you because your so busy trying to make points.

    Of course, why not. As long as they don't get ignorant.  And if they do Colleen will talk to them!


    I understand all of what Colleen is saying. I think that maybe some people believe that if there is a category for religion then they are free to discuss it in any way they want. It seems to me that they are confused about it.

    Yes, because it's only fair. Secondly, if you are religious and can't defend you religion against athiest comments then you don't know your religion as well as you  should.


    There are millions of religious sites out there, this is not one of them.
    Headless Man

    I agree.....

    NO,it isn't, but that doesn't seem to stop the religious on this site as much as the site frowns on proselytizing. Also, they do have a catagory entitled religion. I don't know, maybe, when people see the title they think that its okay. Whatever, you wont see me prosetlyizing because I'm an atheist and I try t use logic and reason, not always successfully, against it.

    The category is there for religious questions only. Not for preaching. It is not for questions designed to cover a hidden agenda of promoting one faith over another or for preaching against another religion. Do not abuse the senses of people of other beliefs or non beliefs by making a habit of posting questions about your religion on a daily basis. This is not too hard for the people without an agenda to figure out and understand.

    I'm beginning to wonder if "Headless Man" questions should be allowed.....


    Of course . He has a good heart . Like a lawyer learning to speak in court he is here learning to make a point . So far its a bumpy road for him . I think he believes in what he is saying ,he just isnt getting it said well . Funny thing here much was said ,many words ,and some how I got best answer HMMMMMMMMMMMMM. My answer is YES patience in all things . Many are turned off, some by Randy an some who have come before him speaking of Religion . Its not fair on Randy and I intend to listen and observe and in the end make my own decision on all things .

    Your answer was outstanding. My fatigue with the questions stems from Randy's "lol", agreeing with suggestions, and then plunging another dagger into his own heart. It is painful to watch him continue to pretty much make a fool of himself. I'll try....just maybe should have thought more before posting this answer. :(
    Headless Man

    Bob, I was trying to make a point here, I love to answer questions from all, christians and non christians.

    Question ???????????????????????????????Question???????????????????Can not "Compute"

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