    If I ever win the lottery what should I spend the money on

    +2  Views: 750 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Me hopefully.

    Buying something to wake you up from that dream...or maybe keeping you in it!

    Spend it on yourself like your going to die tomorrow. Shut your phone off, the minute people know you've got more than two nickles to rub together they will come a knocking.


    I would immediately change my Phone #
    ed shank

    Maybe getting some killer dogs might be a good investment as well.

    Whatever yoyr money can buy. My advice though you start putting the money you plan to spend on lottery tickets into a savings account. You sound to me that you would need some money yto pay for your education.


    And fund my

    Send it too the poor people! plenty of them!

    Invest it, have an income for life and that way you help others also

    Do you participate in the lottery regularly ???  It improves your chance of winning if you do......

    Why not invest in an ant farm...


    You are realy lucky that the "what is the largest ant?" question was answered in akaQA!


    I would invest it and then have enough money to take care of my family and lots of charities.

    Yourself obviously.

    Depends on how much you have won. If a lot of money, here is my suggestion.

    1.set a side70% for your family (not to dish out but to help where required)and yourself. Be clear of alldebts and make safe investments. I said safe where you don't have free access immediately. 

    2,30% for the poors of this world - for providing clean water, seeds, medicine, education. If the money is not a lot, choose the help you wish to give.

    I do hope you win but buy a ticket!


    Good idea ,I dont care not one bit about family ,they are on their own . To hell with them ! I would make 3 wise investments and make sure the money never ran out for the causes I chose . Education ,Food shelter and hope , The last would be reserved for special needs and other investments to create funding for other worthy causes .


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