    paronied / if am scared to answer the door when someone knocks is that paronia or fear because the more you dont answer the door the anxiety / fear heightens ?

    +1  Views: 831 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    That is not a natural way to be.  Has something frightened you?  You probably need to speak with a professional about this.

    michael nicholson

    no nothing has frightened me i am just trying to understand the meaning of the word paronia or is it fear ,im confused

    Paranoia is healed by changing negative thought patterns and doing some relaxation exercises that can reduce the anxiety.

    1. Relating to, characteristic of, or affected with paranoia.

    2. Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others: a paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged.

    .One affected with paranoia.

    Answer the door then get a chain on it so the persons on the out side can't get in and you can close it if you want to see your doctor for some anti depressant pills and a dog a big dog for company .

    michael nicholson

    i dont need a diagnoses or a doctor i need an answer to the question does fear turn into paronia or are they one in the same thing

    You can be Paranoid about anything.

    @dunc....WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!

    Dunc, can you refrain from the profanities please.I have removed the offensive words from your comment.

    If a person has a fear that they can't explain, then they need help to uncover what is underneath their thinking. This takes some trust that others can help.

    A person who suffers from paranoia is a person who has an unexplained fear and does not get help to explain it. Their main struggle is with the knowledge of their need for help and the painful embarrasment they may feel when divulging the facts about their situation. They become trapped. There problems pile up and become complicated. They become more withdrawn from reality.

    A problem like this is not caused by a lack of common sense, it is caused by lack of understanding, support and the personal experience one gains by walking through fears. Paranoia can also lead to other conditions such as paranoid schizophrenia, when the surmounting fears become hallucinations.

    Their are plenty of people who understand and still more who have gone through it and came out better on the other side.

    the way i see it and have lived it is that the more i abstain from answering the door that feeling of fear develops into paronia then i refuse to answer the door because of the unknown 


    Are you really afraid to answer the door or are you taking psychology courses?

    I have removed Michael nicholsons comment, Swearing and insulting members on this forum will not be tolerated,therefore i am suspending him.

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