    I live in Central Florida. It has been hit so hard with the economy the last 4 years. A lot of nice homes have lost over 65% in value. So many unemployed and underployed. I,ve never seen anything like it. I hope I never do again. What torques me off is that out political system is so divided that I see why they can't come together. What is your area experiencing, what would your advice be to start to turn this ecomony around and get USA or your country going again.

    +5  Views: 622 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Well I just got my new assessment on my property from the town and it has dropped $40K.  What does that tell you? Unemployed is at an all time high here and the illegals my state of CT tried to send back to Mexico have been given a pass and work visas by that inept president Obama. Things are not any better here.  

    My advice to turn the economy around would be to fire Obama and co, get new leaders who can make the USA energy independent, drill for our own oil, look into nuclear energy since we now know how to produce it safely, cut federal spending, down size the government, cut cooperate taxes and give incentives to hire legal American's and not illegal immigrants. Illegals do not keep the money they earn here, they instead send it back to their families in Mexico. This does not help our economy when the money doesn't go into it. I'd also pull our troops home instead of spending money to keep them over seas in countries we do not belong in. We can put them to work guarding our borders. With enough troops watching the borders, we would not have to invest billions or trillions building a fence to keep them out. That's just a start of what I would do. 


    I agree Aplus, minus 1 pt for lack of political correctness, lol, minus 1 point for fence. I would probally build the fence. Like U with boots on ground. No prob with legals. 20% of illegals or OTM. (other than Mexicans) I do think we should have the right to know who is here. I heard today the 9th ckt. court sent a ruleing down that since the Mex Gov oposes our treatment of deporting illegals we have to make some sort of concession for them or something like that. It was so far out I couldnt grasp it the first time through. So much to vent it would take all night to type it. It might take more pages than the health care bill and no one would read it. I can see a lot of corresponding going on on this one soe please refer back to this every nown and then. Bluesman and me have had a vhat feel free to read. Hope you engage a lot on this one colleen as I value your opinion and you friendship.

    " I would probally build the fence."

    Why? That's why we have a military. We can keep them employed that way while we keep our nose out of other countries business.

    Health care is a whole other thing. It needs to be left to the people. The government has no business forcing health care on the people.

    Health care was the straw that broke the camels back. Do U know the Gov took over a whore house close to Vegas due to back taxes and broke it in about 3 years. AFTER U MAKE SURE I'M SITTING PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THEY WILL BE ABLE TO RUN HEALTH CARE WITHOUT COLASPING THE ECONOMY OR KILL OFF SENIORS.

    They can't. That's why Obama care should never ever see the light of day. It needs to be killed before it kills all the people the government deems useless. This would be the elderly, the handicapped and the welfare recipients. They would be the first to be killed off. The cost of getting rid of them would be factored into the exorbitant cost of the "health care" package and dumped onto the people who are fit enough to work.

    Colleen, Just think how much it will cost to undo this mess. Hey out there in cyberspace! Think about it esp if you pay taxes. for every billion $$$ it cost every man, woman and child over 3 dollar a piece. The Gov each day has over 4 billoin in added deficites. That is 13 dollars for every man , woman and child per day. Look around your house and get your caculator out knowing that 45 % of the people pay nothing. I'm not trashing these people, who could in this economy. I'm just giving food for thought. The Gov cant even cut a trillion $$$ which is more than 3,000 per man, woman, and child. Obama hasn't ballanced the budget since being in office. How do U run your family without a budget?

    We have like the rest of the country also experienced a loss in property values, however nothing as bad as the rest of the country. My property value has decreased approximately 15% since the height of the market which is unheard of. The region of Pennsylvania where I live is still a sought after area for retired folks, who have the bucks to spend. My son lives in central Florida on the gulf coast and his property is worth 20% today of what he bought it for seven years ago.

    We need a new government. We need a new President. People willing to uphold our constitution.


    We Have a lot in common Ed. I herd on T.V. this week that 50% have no idea what the canidates stand for. All I am asking is to our friends is spend quality time to know what your voting for. You don't need a PHD. Have An awareness as to where you want the Us to head. Is Gov. takeover and assistance better than freedom you get by earning your money and charting your way. If you chose Gov assistance, how much can they manage this B4 they have a complete collasp?
    ed shank

    I'm embarrassed to say that half the country are morons. Not because they don't agree with me but they don't have a clue as to the seriousness of this next election. Stay home, stay stoned, wait for your monthly gov. check. This is who the idiot is going after for votes. We need to pray, and I mean pray. If your not of a religious mind, cross all fingers and toes till the election. What the F*** somethings got to get him out.

    Next Nov is a crossroad for this country. 47% of citizens don't pay income taxes. I sure the majority would like to. The one's that don't really don't have a dog in the hunt other than living off dole. I heard on a talk radio call in show where a hard working woman was in such desperate straits that she thought she might have to vote for O to continue entittlements. I'm not judgeing but it is an enditement on what damage that has been perpertrated on this country. It's the Ol keep em barefoot and pregnant philosphy cause this gives us power mentality. This Admin idology is to bring people up at upperclass expense. This will only bring the upperclass down. As long as they can promote division and resentment their following will grow. You stir in the press on the O bandwagon and it's easy for me to be very concerned.
    We need someone to realize that it is OK to succeed by hard work. I hope we can return back to where hard work can and will be rewarded instead of creating an enviroment of someone is penalized and resented cause he is willing to work and train hard.
    Part of the communist plan to capture our country from within is by dividing, getting rid of institutional values, destroying our symbols and using the court system to undermine our constitution.
    I just ask from all who read this be aware of what our government is channeling us to become. Be able to see the danger if continued on this course. Filter what goes on in the press by taking out their far left leaning spin. Find news sources that report what is happening and form your conclusion. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE VOTEING FOR, KNOW WHAT DIRECTION YOU WANT THE USA TO GO, and if you don't have the energy and disipline to know what you want thrn please DON'T VOTE!!!

    It is the worst I have ever seen in this country. 1 in 2 is at the poverty level and 1 in 4 is below the poverty level. We need jobs more than anything else.right now to get out of this mess.All our Jobs are going to China. The next president has to make this a priority before our country collapses... We are spending way too much money on defense to police the world, while we desperatly need the money here and giving other countries money, that we cant afford to give.. I live in NH. The unemployment rate is 5.3% here. Not as bad as most other states. Our  housing prices have dropped too. I have two sons who live in CT. and it is really bad there.. Many more people are homeless or at brink of homelessness..I know contractors here in my area who have hired illegals while residents of our state were looking for work. Greed that all it amounts to. I watched the presidential depate in Iowa last night and Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman make more sense than any of the other canditates, but dont the credit they deserve.

    Its bad in New Mexico,housing market is down . We have lost construction jobs .I heard that we have lost 30,000 jobs in the last year . Fore closed homes every where ,many business are closed . People who have been in business  for 20 years  are now gone closed up and done for good .Seems like the rent just keeps getting higher and higher no relief in sight . In Albuquerque  we have I think 12 Indian casios and 14 Wal Mart Super Centers so any hope of small business  surviving is zero. They say when watching the news is necessary to put a drip pan under the  TV to keep the blood off the carpet .We are the overdose capitol pf the country . Thats how it is here .     Bill


    Thanks Bill. Love the drip pan under the TV. Sometimes I find myself shouting at the political clowns on TV. One reason I think we are deep 6 is lobbist and lack of concessions unions are willing to accept. National Labor board wouldnt let BOEING hire 1500 in south Carolina cause its a right to work state Finally will let them go due to upcoming court date. No wonder America goes out of country for jobs!!! America has droped to 9th in the world on how easy it is to start a business. Canada is 4th. WHAT THE HAY??? People are in so much pain. Not a good time to be pride oriented is it!!

    Was in Ft, Meyers and so many business shut down on a major strip that I could only be empty for them. Even Stake and Ale had to shut it down. I'm so tired of speaches, blaming and political posturing that I reek anger with the whole Gov. As optomistic as I work at being I hold my head down with dispair as to what our politicians continue to the greatest country there is and soon to be was if they continue on this course.

    They just reported that for the first time a poll taken reported that most people in the US have lost hope, about our economy, the lack of jobs, the congress...

    I heard this joke and just love it...

    A boyscout was visiting his congressman. the congressman asked what was the difference between the boy scouts and congress.  The boy scout answered "We have adult supervision"


    I look at our greedy, disfunctionand fed and state politions and I say to myself thzt if they didn't have a gov job they wouldn't get out of orientation. Unbelievable decission making. When challanged they act like those wresteling matches of the 50's where the fans are pointing to the Ref, who is intently looking out at the crowd while 1 guy is beating the other over the head with a steel chair!!!

    Whats wrong with America is we wont say no . We buy things from companies who have sold us out and sent jobs over seas . They have no care  for us and still we put money in their pocket.We allow out of control immigration  and say nothing .


    Sometimes we have no choice. Affordability plays a much larger role in this economy. The smaller stores have had to increase their prices to the point most can not afford to buy from them. This is why Walmart will still get the business. I know I shop there but mainly for my pet's foods. Pet shops and other stores are just too expensive to buy from. I have a lot of birds and they go through a lot of food per week. I'd like to say no to Walmart but I cant afford to. I use to buy from the pert store just 2 years ago but I can no longer afford to do so because of their price increases.

    Colleen You are correct . Looks pretty hopeless most days . I hate being so connected to the rest of the world .

    Don't forget Gov Regs. Business is going io get theres. Their bottom line is profit and making sure goods are delivered on time. Higher risk to do business. You invest Capital and start up and our own Gov has a 1000 different ways to close U down and that changes daily.

    Florida has been hit hard wth people loosing theire homes, yet they leave some of these less expensive houses empty where they should at least let those people pay some rent, so they have a place to live. Empty houses are infested with snakes and are falling apart. It does not make sense. In Arizona 1 in 2 houses are foreclosed or beeing foreclosed.Where are all these people going to go? There is a great lack of affordable housing in this country and its also the reason why we have so many homeless people.. The banks need to consider renting foreclosed properties out to these people instead of letting them beeing destroyed by vandals and infestes with critters.But are they listening and seeing the hardship it causes? No one seems to care.


    I agree 100%. They are finding in the last 3 years that Fannie and Freddy were padding sales to create a false market. Instead of foreclousing these houses and crushing the housing market why don't they step in and put Regs on banks that they help bail out to not forclose but freeze what is owed on the house and get an affordable payment from the distressed party. Even if the Gov supplements the bank with section 8 money, it's better then moving them out, slashing the neighborhood value, putting them in another section 8 rental property. I don't like Gov involvement and definately don't promote Gov regulations but foclosing on people to move them into another Gov program is counter producity for all including the whole community. I have 2 different friends that haven't made a mortgage payment in over 2 years Nothing, because they have lost hope. I think everyone in the USA would have prefered them to paid something, mortgage stay the same for pay off, and property values in neighborhood been much more stable. You also hit the nail on the head with the downside to vacant homes. WHAT POSSIBLE GOOD CAN COME OF THIS??!! I saw on TV this week that the Wall stree prostesters are going to start to squat these vacant homes. America, it's coming to a neighborhood near you sooner than U think. I just holp that certain politions don't continue to understand or endorse this lawlessness. Tks Ann

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