    what do u need to be cool ?

    +9  Views: 1891 Answers: 31 Posted: 12 years ago

    31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Just being yourself makes you the coolest person you can be. Trying to put on a show and act like something your not just makes you look insecure and foolish.



    Great answer.

    Of course. Why didn't I think of that instead of my lame answer I will shortly give you.

    Nothing..I'm cooler than the bottom side of a pillow...


    I like all your answers LOL

    you just need to be yourself and people will like you for who you are and if they dont then they are fake and not a good or true friend


    Hello katuld, Welcome to the site. All ya have ta do is be nice. What does your name mean? yvonne57

     Be Cool  Snow Angel that should keep you cool


    I like being a real "Cool "cat ,also like to be "Prrrrrr fect "         

    I could be in an oven and would still be a cool dude. Just look at  me

    Is this because of peer pressure at school ?

    I know that teenagers like to keep up with the latest trends,certain type of hair cuts,certain type of clothing,music etc.I think by following this code of practice puts you in the picture to be "cool".If this isn't you don't worry about it,just keep being yourself.


    Great answer - do not worry about all this nonsense as pythonlover says be just the way you are.Thst's Cool - this overused word.

    "" "Why don't you come outa there?"

    "I'm tryin' to be cool, man."


    funny answer!!

    Yep, that was funny.

    an air conditioner

    Aviator sunglasses are a must.

    A fully restored Mustang convertible (Monza Red of course).

    A pet Grizzly bear.(You won't get crap from anybody if you have one of those following you around).

    Nice white teeth.


    What about the bling Tommy, mus`nt forget the bling.
    Prefer a Rottweiler to the bear, I had one and trust me no one give you shitwith a 56kg Rottie on a slip lead.
    "Does your dog bite?" "Only when I tell her too"

    "Is your dog friendly?" "Yes but whatever you do don`t use the K___I___L___L word"

    Actualy incidents with a bunch of yobbos.

    More than 4 teeth-any color & dry ice.

    The people who say 'JUST BE YOURSELF' get my vote.  A phony person is never "cool", so trying to reinvent yourself and be uncomfortable with that persona isn't cool  
    A truly cool person has self-confidence without being arrogant or conceited and is cordial and pleasant to everyone.  A cool person is respectful of other people, others' possessions, and the world in general  (doesn't litter, for example) . A cool person drives conscientiously and cautiously, obeying traffic laws and not using the vehicle to intimidate by revving at stop lights or burning rubber on take-off. A cool person has good posture and makes eye contact. A cool person NEVER has to say, "I'm cool" or even THINK about it.  

    A cool person is competent in his work (and if you are a student, school is your job). Being the troublemaker or class/office clown isn't COOL.  Being funny when appropriate is OK, though.  A cool person CARES about and for others and his actions speak louder than his words.  

    A cool person has a smile and gives it generously.  Those nice teeth are mandatory!  Finally, a cool person need never put down or make fun of anyone else.   


    Wow nice hallo & even my negative realistic simplistic dusty old grumpy butt- agrees with close to half of that.Being truthful is dangerous-telling the absolute truth is lethal.SORRY-please keep the faith, mine has been more than damaged. Still Luv the snot out of all of you.Ya I'm a new practicing sycophant.Hope it's workin'.

    Cold blood.


    She'd have to be a lizard, snake...

    .. or snail which is part of the questioner's(or is it asker's?) name - snailprogress - but these critters blood gets warmer if their surroundings are warm.
    Why do you think snailprogress is a female?

    agreed wid vaIR

    I don't. Why do YOU need to be cool? 


    What you talkin bout Colleen you're so coolest person on this site.

    Thanks 1967...some people think I'm a cold person with no feelings so I guess they would agree with you about me being "cool" LOL

    Pack of lies you are a big "C" calm caring conscious collaborative "Wow big words for big "Lies Heee Lol Colleen

    I guess you missed the post yesterday about me being a mean b!tch and that no one loves me, even my parents don't love me because I'm so mean ;)

    Okay, I have to confess. I hit the "abuse" button yesterday, on both of the "troll posts". I was pretty sure that (at least) your parents loved you! LOL

    I called my mom and asked her and she said, yes she loves me :)

    Moderator you can sleep tonight. :)

    A bath tub full of ice cubes...and jump in, of course.     :)

    An ice cube down your pants should



    You are so helpful!

    How about having a trip to Alaska,that would be cool!!!

    Has anyone seen those little fans for women who are menopausal and get that hot flush - carry them around in the handbag - so funny mels response reminded me of these I had one.


    imagine a lot of women sitting in an office with these tiny fans swizzing quietly around their face - just an added extra.

    I had one , and it didn't work. God knows I needed it a few years ago.

    mycatsmom - know what you mean.

    I have one!!! I don't leave home without it!

    Win - you are just too funnyx

    yep, just yourself, your own style not copying anyone else s (that's really not cool) but I think it would be really cool if I could afford an ultra light!

    what you need, to really be cool is, to be yourself!!!  & be comfortable in your body.  i don't care what kind of body that is.  i have seen 300 pound people who were cool.  i have seen old men who are cool.  some little kids are already cool.  some old ladies are super cool.  cool people seem to appreciate!!!  Cool people seem to accept the world and explore what they like.  Cool people often have their own style of dress and maybe manner.  Cool people tend not to be rude to others. Cool people don't tend to be judgemental.  Cool people can be themselves while letting you be yourself.  Cool people are cool.  it takes one to know one.


    I couldn't of said any better! your right on the money! way to go!!you are cool Tabber!!!LOL.

    I was cool before it was cool to be cool. 

    Just be yourself!

    Self confidence, doing what is right, and trying to see the good in everybody.

    Did notice notice that snailprogess honred me with a comment  to my response? i am very proud...

    snailprogress, are you cooler now than before you asked this Q?




    I suppose you are still young.......Do not worry about being cool now...........years from now you could be doing better in life then many people you know now around your age.............Work for your make it to your goals, they then will truly think you are COOL !!

    Be good to everyone and Stand up for what is right..................


    Mr. Den, that my theory!

    A cool home:



    Wow, I have a lot of upgrading to do so my home can look as cool as this one. I need to get a broken down car, a fridge for my porch, move my washer and dryer outside, I have the kiddie pool already, the dogs use it...oh and a sofa for the, it's a lot of work to be cool.
    Headless Man

    If your really cool it comes

    Well strike me from the cool list then.

    Randy - just LOVE it. soooooooooooooo much.

    I told my wife we shouldn't have replaced the roof last we can't win the coolest house in the city!

    Cheetos Chester Cheeta was always a cool dude in a loose mood.

    Every cool puddy-cat knows, you gotta wear sunglasses!


    Seriously - forget all of our smart alec answers just be yourself. You are cool just because there is no one on the planet like you. No one. 



    or be Ann ...

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