    If a family group of twenty people go out to dinner on Thanksgiving, who pays? Is it just kind of understood that the person who is very wealthy pays. (The others are not rich at all) This happened to my husband and me. I believe we were the only ones who handed over the $50.00 for our meal. The man who invited us was hurt by our gesture, I think. I feel terrible. And confused. What would you have done?

    There may not be enough information for you to answer ... just try. ok?

    +4  Views: 832 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    I think if he took your cash he,s neither rich nor offended, then  again maybe that,s how he,s rich .Don,t  lose any sleep over it.

    he asked you so he should pay , perhaps maybe you should pay the tip..


    Don,t. be ridiculous....

    what's so ridiculous ?

    The tip would have amounted to about $50.00

    I would have payed for mine too.. Unless it was understood that this event was a gift tto the family.


    That's the problem, Jenn. I don't know if it's understood that the event was a gift. It has never come up. I will recover in time. It feels just awful.
    I don't know if I should say something to him or keep my mouth shut except for popping a Xanax under my tongue.

    If it was not discussed then it was not understood. You did the right thing... Don't bring it up... Just let it go.

    Itsme you did the right thing even if he thought at the time you shouldnt have done that he will always remember that you paid for your meals you did the right thing!

    If he invited you ,why did you stray from the normal of a host gift? I guess I don't get it! Maybe he was offended by the money.


    Why 50 dollars? Was a price posted?

    I can only give a host gift if we dine at the host's house. My apple pie would be out of place in a restaurant.
    The $50? The menu offered three choices. All were $25. My husband and I paid for two.

    He IS definitely rich. You can tell by the house, the yacht, the fabulous mountain cabin, the two top of the line mercedes, the rings, etc. : ) 

    I think all those marks of wealth are very important to some people. I have never given it much thought until just lately ... now that I'm feeling kinda poor. 

    See this sort of confirms my thinking that its good to avoid family at Thanksgiving . Too much drama! Best to beg off and mind ones own business, stay home . Family gatherings are a walk through a mine  field at least  with my family. The fall out from this will be long lasting  and for what a free meal and 50.00 bucks . Sorry most times the best course of action is doing nothing . I hope the food was good . I have no idea what manners and social graces  dictate here . Good Luck ! Bill


    I am a vegetarian and the choices were huge slices of ham, turkey, or ham and turkey.
    I got a smile out of your speaking of a walk through a mine field.
    Oh they are!
    The gentleman who got my $50.00 is just the kindest man I've ever met. He may understand my effort to do the right thing.
    Or he may not understand.
    Again, the mine field.
    Thanks, Bill.

    Best answer Bill.LMFAO

    Do you seriously mean that you handed the man $50.00 after the meal, IN HIS HOME?   I thought you were paying your share IN A RESTAURANT!?  No one has ever offered me money for a meal in my home.  Why would they?


    The money was handed over in a restaurant. We USUALLY dine at his home -- not this year. : )

    Oh, oh, I get it...misunderstood. I don't see anything wrong with that at all.

    I think I am understanding this.  You should just invite him over for a nice evening and have a talk.  Or take him out to a lovely little restaurant for a special lunch.

    It's ok to make a mistake and it's ok to try and help with expenses.

    Your heart is in the right place and you just didn't have time to do something else that was special.  Next Thanksgiving isn't that far away.

    xoxo Fishgirl


    My husband and I will do that. I am feeling better about the situation.

    That is good because you are a love.

    I returned to work my thumb ups-- takes a long time to do all those TU’s.
    xxx o!

    I think you did the right thing.The only other course of action would have been to offer to pay half.I'm seriously surprised nobody else offered to chip in.ROMOS is right,don't lose any sleep over it.

    He didn't really invite us OUT to dinner. The usual way for our family dinner is that he has it at his house. We all bring pies and things. I always add something special like a table decoration or something pretty that I have painted. 


    Well, now we have a whole new slant on this one, don't we?

    Sorry Ducka, I got confused about who did what and why.

    Okay..confused me too...:)

    I don't like a lot of things so going out is a nightmare sometimes,when it comes to eating . So I understand the vegetarian thing . Heart was in the right place ,so put it to bed and move on . I wish you a good holiday and the best of the season . Bill

    My Hubby usually offers the price of our meal to the host after dinner on the sly.  The Host can then choose to accept it or not.  Sometimes we let everyone know before the meal how payment is going to be made.  Like, Dad's taking us all out to dinner means Dad pays.  Or lets go out to dinner means we all go Dutch and then you can decide if you can afford to go or not.  


    I like your method, Yvonne. Next year we'll have it all straight.

    We used to go out every year to a local restaurant till it closed many years ago. We all took turns as to who was picking up the tab for dinner that year. We now all congregate at my place, I love it. It's not cheap feeding 33 hungry and thirsty people, but worth every penny.


    I’d like to come to your house. You sound like my friend who invites us.

    I will not double click again. I promise. 

    It's all okay itsmee.  Don't give it another thought.   :)

    In the UK its normal to split the bill by the number of couples, so the men usually pay an equal share. Although we have some English relatives who live in Australia and when they came over to visit we all went out for a meal and they didn't offer to pay anything, (tight bast  ds) so look out for them if you live in Australia.


    I always think if someone comes to see me I am the hostess, if I suggest we go out I expect to pay. If I cooked for them in my home I wouldn't expect them to pay. If they wanted to go out I would say It wasn't in my budget to spend that much. If they don't offer some money then we don't go.

    Where are you from Sadie ? I just wondered if there is a difference depending on where you live, sometimes in th UK it is, depending on what area you live.

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