    Do stop to help some one in distress, or do you turn a blind eye and drive by.

    Distress can be  number of things other than car breakdown.     ^ YOU missing top line -- Do' you' stop ---------------

    +8  Views: 1274 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    I said i would not ask a question again. this just popped in the head so i''ll ask it.

    Unfortunately, things aren't always what they seem. I remember years ago, a guy was laying in the middle of the street, as if he had just been run over. A motorist stopped, intending to help him, and the "victim" pulled out a weapon and held him up! I know it's the right thing to help, but people, PLEASE keep this in mind.

    Clonge - you are right things aren't always what they seem - a little judgement needed but my Mother in her eighties went into a shop - outside which a man was lying on the pavement everybody passing thinking he was drunk maybe - she got an ambulance for him and he was diabetic.

    16 Answers

    I wish that was the case yesterday,a guy ran a red light  and clipped my front end in which  sent him into on coming traffic,there he hit the back passenger door of a 4 wheel drive.Lucky no one was injured, I'm left with one big headache dealing with my insurance and the fact that i will be without a car until repairs are done.What got to me was, in the midst of the accident with our cars strewn across the road,people were yelling abuse and tooting thier horns at us,no one offered any assistance only abuse,for all they knew some one could have been in one of the cars injured or deceased.So to answer your question yes i would offer what ever assistance i could and would be happy to help.


    Unfortunately Pyth, there are ignorant buggers out there on the road

    Glade you made it out OK and it is sick how people behave while driving.

    I am glad you weren't hurt and I know exactly hou you feel... You probably have to pay the deductable on top of everything else! Augh!
    Here, they figure out accidents with percentages attached so that accident would have been 70-30 which means you would be 30% responsible... totally sickening.

    ... so glad you are ok

    I received good news,i have been found not at fault by my insurance company,my car gets repairs done this week.Thanks for the comments.

    i tend to help someone. that's my problem. i am too sympathic plus i am an empath. but i love it and consider it a blessing from God.


    Tabber,'A FRIEND IN NEED --- .

    your my type of person good on you.

    I tend to stick my nose into all sorts of situations that need to be tended to, I forget the "what if" fear.  I speak up, stop bleeding, shame, or stick my tongue out.  Perhaps someday I'll learn my lesson....


    Go girl - you will never learn your lesson - this is what you do and carry on.

    I hope you never have too jhharlan,the world needs more people willing to help

    If no one else was already assisting them, I would definitely stop and help.

    I would help and in fact have done so BUT, isn`t there always a "but",it would depend on the total situation because as a old bloke I can`t run as fast as I once could if the situation turns nasty. Come to think of it I can`t run at all so out with the mobile and call 000 in most cases.

    Must confess when I fell of the train in Switzerland no bugger came to help except my daughter.

    Sad, sad sad.


    i agree with you there PL, It's a sad, sad, world. -- you normally get on a train, not fall off -- obviously you are OK then. :)

    Smart arse bulletman, poke shit then ask if I am OK. Not that you really care but yes I am thank you , I think.
    Warming up down there yet? we have been having high 20s last few days, driest November on record.
    "Send her down Hughie"

    the weather has been in the mid twenties, last friday 36 which is warm for this time of year, i afraid going to have a heat wave summer again.

    Yes us too but how is this for burecratic stupidity.
    Brisbanes main water supply dam was at 80% capacity but because we had torrential rain and floods last summer the State Government is releasing water from the dam to bring it down to 75% in case we get heavy rain again. If we get no significant rain we will be on strict water rationing.
    Couldn`t run a chook raffle down at the pub.
    Surely in this day and age they can monitor the inflow and release the excess in stages before it gets to flood level or is that too simplistic?

    you said it all, very sad we live in

    You fell off a train??? Holy Smokes, Peoplelover!

    I would not stop, for a whole lot of reasons, but I certainly would telephone authorities to go to the scene, giving complete details and location.

    I guess it all depends on the circumstances, if it were the middle of the day , perhaps, if it were at night and dark out , no way i'd just pick up my cell phone and call for help..


    the old mobile (cell) does come in handy, Daren.

    yes it does , i called 911 once about a car accident and my cell phone service charged me $1.50...

    Daren, i thought emergency numbers were at no cost, i'd change my network, a bit like our banks in OZ, they virtually charge just to enter the bank.

    I thought it were free as well, I've switched service since then (not just cause of that), funny thing is on a cell phone with no service you can call 911 and 411 for free, on my home phone it's $2.00 just to call 411 !

    Always.... No matter where I am or who they are. I have been in "distress" before and no one helped me. It is a terrifing place to be.  Ihave noticed that when I speak up, if there are others around they too feel they can step in.

    It would have to depend on the circumstances, but if possible and I can yes I always try to help if I felt it was not a safe situation I would call 911.  But I think too many people now days turn a blind eye and that is very sad to me.

    I am like jhhartan - five feet tall and fearless - always there to help anyone - poking my nose in and do not care a jot how silly I appear - just do it and now feel conceited but it's just the way I am - not bragging here. What a shame there is such a lack of care towards one's fellow man nowadays. Must say though something just came to mind once witnessed a car accident went to court as a witness - took ages and the guy I was there to support did not turn up - this was just bump to bump - no one being hurt - how naive was I. 

    Sure if I could help,I'd stop and help anyone with anything within reason.


    That's good to hear, Rick.

    ... and you look as though you are physically equipped to do so! Good for you!

    I help.  Sometimes it is a terrible choice and I do know it can be dangerous but I help anyway.


    Good for you. A credit to humanity! I forgot to tell you New Mexico was announced by law enforcement officials as the overdose capitol on the nation .You have a good heart and a kind spirit and it is a pleasure always to read your comments. Have a great day and may all go well for you. Bill

    When i think about it i would not expect women to stop and help as Fishgirl pointed out it may be far too dangeruos to do so, depending on the situation.

    Thanks Bill. I hope you have a great day as well.

    the way things re now days, id call 911 and keep going


    i guess at least you would do someting by ringing 911.

    I call 911 but wait around to make sure help comes. I recently saw a guy getting beat up in a busy parking lot. Even though several people came to stand by and a couple of them were on the phone, I waited in my truck until the cops came. I am not equipped physically to do more.

    always, maybe Im a risk taker but I would hate to need help and have no one stop to assist

    Here man offered two guys a ride ,they ended up stabbing him 27 times ,he lived they stole his car and were later caught. He went fro house to house pounding on doors for help no one would answer the door . Finally he threw a cinder block through the window and crawled through to use the phone  and get help . Destroyed the guys house with blood every where looked like they slaughtered a hog in the house . Whole thing was a mess ,the ones doing the stabbing were illegal s had no right to be here .Albuquerque is a giant crap hole so best advice here is mind your own business. Funny thing here ,if as a pedestrian you are struck by a auto the chances are 8 times out of 10 the driver will run  from the scene. Getting help is unlikely . I intend to mind my own business and just call 911


    You need a new location... where you live is ridiculous already. The land of no hope and every lousy woman is plonked there... What the heck is that?!!!

    Last year and the year before we were the murder capitol of Canada because of our stupid-a$$ drug dealers.
    This year is looking better... woot!
    You know the Bousfield house email right?

    Fish girl No I do not know that email

    I left it for you on one of the other questions ... talking about art?
    Ask Colleen to email me and I will give it to her.

    This is just awful. I call 911 if need be and park somewhere where I can observe and be sure help has arrived.

    We lived in Albq a year, and actually I loved it there. I had no problems on the road - except that people there seem to have no clue as to how to merge onto the freeway, and once there, they drive so damn slow!

     Knife I would like to think I would I am 5ft and I have jumped in feet first when some girl was getting beat up by her partner I was lucky I didnt get hurt and another passer by stopped and took over.... true story out side London A woman is driving and raining hard and she stopped as this other woman was flaggimg her down she stopped and the woman got in the car she was soaking wet and said could you take me to the nearest police stationed the driver agreed and was driving and noticed that the woman passanger took her glove of and noticed it was a mans hand with that she stalled the car asked the the woman passenger if she would open the car bonet and have a look at something as the woman got out of the car she drove off at full speed and got the nearest police station as the waman passenger had left her handbag in the car the police opened the handbag and there was a butchers knife inside.... so ever since then I would not stop if I was driving I would just report it straight away 



    Mel, you don't want to be in that circumstance, very disturbing, i would not blame any woman for not stopping.:)

    bullitman yea it happened in the 70s but I ahe never forgot it thanks xxxx

    Very frightening. I can see why you never forgot this.


    ducka thanks

    winfia yes I have never for got that! it just makes you wonder spookie a

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