    if you have an unexpected urine test come up w/ a 24hr. notice and you know you will not pass is there a way to to pass it

    +1  Views: 877 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    why do you want to dodge the test.  If it does not pass you got a problem. Dont try passing to please yourself. Looks like you suspect problems - face them my friend or you will compound them.


    Serves him right. He won't pass. Why did the dickhead take drugs in the first place? I have no sympathy with drug-takers. Users are losers.

    For the sake of whoever requested the urine test from you, I hope not.
    Take responsibility for your actions and accept the consequences.  
    And, no, I don't like to accept responsibility and accept consequences for MY actions all the time, but that's life.  Eventually your crap catches up with you.  NOT FUN 

    Depends on your Drug of choice.  I hear there is stuff you can take and you get it from Health Food Stores or Head Shops.  Drink lots of water.  So much water than you are peeing water.  That's a lot of water.  But do it anyway.  Now if they are taking Hair Samples, you are screwed, big time.


    I've heard putting bleach in your drink water

    am vinger

    I worked in a health food store while I was going to school and we sold not one thing for this problem.
    What is in your system is in your system.


    Yeah,Piss off & never be seen of again.WBMA.

    You should not be asking this question if you have a substance abuse problem, nor for anyone else. There is a reason for this test. I don't know what it is. Perhaps you're in Law Enforcement, maybe you drive an 18-wheeler, pilot a 767, are an Air Traffic Controller,or are a surgeon and your impaired judgment could put the public-at-large at harm,, or it's related to child custody /visitation, or something else. Trying to" put one over" on the court, your employer, or whatever, does not solve the underlying problem. If you've "made your bed, you have to sleep in it." Lastly, there should be a federal law enacted prohibiting the selling of anything that would mask prohibited substance use. Nobody should give this *@#$% any help.

    Dont go with a good excuse ,better be creative . Others will surely have a different approach to this ,pray some one has a better answer than I .

    Just get clean and stay clean,you'll feel better about yourself and you won't ever have to worry about no dumb ass test.But then again you are the one who anwered someone's question on how to ask for cocaine in another lingo.


    Swell. Drug requests in foreign languages. I really have no patience with this stuff; 2/3 sons have been dealing with the consequences of drug addiction for 6-7 years. Can hardly believe it's been this long. BTW, Happy Thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for even if everything isn't "perfect", so let's focus on the good stuff!---ing

    Love that stuff---ing.And Happy Thanksgiving to you.

    Your an idiot, if your dirty, you deserve what you get. Dope is for dopes. Random piss testing and you still do drugs, no sympathy here.


    Way to go Ed! You've attained much wisdom in your 111 years (Your d.o.b. is shown as 1900, lol)!

    Why cant you air traffic controllers stay clean. Get a job that does not require urine test.


    Do you really think that you're a help by providing this link?

    I don't know that there is a problem. I'd need all of the facts.....

    FOR JHHARLAN: Here's my previous response. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED MORE"FACTS". You should not be asking this question if you have a substance abuse problem, nor for anyone else. There is a reason for this test. I don't know what it is. Perhaps you're in Law Enforcement, maybe you drive an 18-wheeler, pilot a 767, or are a surgeon and your impaired judgment could put the public-at-large at harm,, or it's related to child custody /visitation, or something else. Trying to" put one over" on the court, your employer, or whatever, does not solve the underlying problem. If you've "made your bed, you have to sleep in it." Lastly, there should be a federal law enacted prohibiting the selling of anything that would mask prohibited substance use. Nobody should give this *@#$% any help.

    Drink, drink, drink water and then drink some more.  Do this up until the test time.  Your urine will be too diluted to test.........


    Why would you give any advice as to how to circumvent substance abuse? Did it ever occur to you that this *#@! might kill someone or many people?

    He (She) asked for advice and I answered. They didn't mention the substance being consumed or how often or for how long. It could be for a one time hit off of a joint, I don't know.... I just know I was tested every two weeks for alcohol use and I tested clean and diluted. Why take chances.......

    yes their is a couple ways .. but it's up to you to find out..

    Nope, should have worried about that a long time ago and be drug free.....

    unless you can smuggle some-one elses urine in, your screwed

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