    What do I do if I have a miserable life with no GF, no friends, I suck at school, and won't pass? No, not suicide. Serious answers please..

    Serious answers please, because believe it or not, I'm serious.

    +4  Views: 2651 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    One issue at a time : No girl friend ,that will save you a lot of money and heart ache,to say nothing of the extra time you will have. Sucking at school : identify the problem that makes you suck at school . There are different ways people learn ,audio ,visual find out what kind of learner you are and make that work. Not passing : So what ?? world wont end whats the big deal ???? Every one comes into this life with gifts ,time for you to discover yours.Try to identify the most solvable problem and work on it first one at a time . Self discipline is a rare quality never quit and never give up . This is just a phase and there are many people who did poorly in school and are now sitting on piles of cash . Go to the welfare office and chances are there are plenty there who did just fine in school. Have heart this will pass.


    I can't focus on schoolwork no matter how hard i try. I'm in an alternative high school because I keep failing. The thing about saving my heartache and money is a good point but I look around and get so jealous. I see in books, movies, and even real life that it always works out for the main guy no matter how crappy his life is going. He always gets a girl out of nowhere and I get so jealous and furious that I can't watch the movie or read the book anymore. I'm facing the fact now that the good things like that never really happen.

    You probaly have not got a girlfriend because you either haven't asked any out or you have simply asked the wrong ones out keep trying till you find one that says yes. Also unless you have done somthing to alienate the entire population of the world which I doubt is possible, how do you know you have not got any friends . Your negative attitude toward yourself is probably coming out of your own imagination change your angle of view toward yourself as your are possibly more popular than you think.


    No I'm ignored by girls and bullied all because of my weight and I can't lose weight because I just can't put my mind up to it. I'm stuck and I don't know what to do I honestly don't have any friends, nobody but my family and teachers even socalize with me

    How old are you

    How heavy are you and how tall. I can assure you your ignored by girls due to your own attitude toward your self don't try to hard to lose weight you are still growing by a twenty speed tour bicycle and start with exercise and bullies you'll find are mainly soft if you stand up to them but you 'll find humour is the best way to do that you also need a relatively thick skin also

    So what! They are the only people that matter anyway. Your friends will take you nowhere. You need a girlfriend like a hole in the head. I have some advice at the bottom of the page. Good luck.
    Hey, take up martial arts, Kung Fu is good. No one ever touched my boys. When word gets around, everyone will leave you alone. You might even lose some weight. Put a stop to coca cola and other drinks which creates an addiction. They will only put weight on you. Eat more fruit, stop hamburgers and chips.

    Attitude is everything.  Clean up your act, mind your manners, develop a sense of humor, and get yourself out there........

    Thats all very true and we do see it every where every day . Guys that sell cars say there is a butt for every seat trick is in bringing them together .Nothing is as it seems even good looking people are confused and insecure. Find some things that work and build on them no matter how small find some success..

    My God 16 Lol you aren't even truly half done with being a teenager. Like a puppy with big feet give it some time and you will grow into your desires ,just as that puppy will grow into his feet .That's no consolation for today but I promise this will pass .                              Bill

    Deal with things one problem at a time... Start here...If you have a dog, take that dog out for a walk everyday.  Start with 1000 foot steps do this for one week.  Week two, 2000 steps.  Week three, 3000 steps and so on.  If you don't have a dog see if you can borrow one to take out  for walks.

    See if there is a dog part in your area.  This is great for the dog and great for you.  Very social and fun.

    Baby steps.   One problem at a time and guess what?!  You are making friend right this minute.  You are good at it!


    Dog walking is great - you meet other dog walkers and get talking - fun.

    I know. It just happens naturally.

    There is always volunteer work. The humane society needs people to help at shelters. Walkind a dog is good exercise and you meet people. Hospitals need volunteers too. Getting water and magazines for folks would make you feel better and think of all your new friends.

    Relax and think about what you really enjoyed doing as a child and perhaps even now. How can you make that into a business. I know it is a little early to be working on carrier building, but by giving yourself an early start you can advance in what you really like doing while everyone else your age has no direction of their own choosing and have no idea what they may do. I think you are smarter than your test scores show. I don’t like tests either. You know you are eating too much of the wrong food so that you don’t feel so bad about yourself. I can tell you are intelligent by how you write and what you have said here. You think a lot about yourself  and don’t step out to help others in need. If you do nice things for others you will be giving yourself permission to be happy too. Have a happy day and see if you can cheer someone up…put a little effort into that.

    see ya around…have fun. 

    can'ttakeitanymore.  Never give up.  I have worked with a lot of young people that feel like you.  First take one day at a time.  Think of one thing that you are thankful for.  Take a walk everyday and breath in some fresh air and appreciate the trees, birds, flowers, people etc.  Make sure you have somebody you can talk with.  Mom, or dad or a counselor or a help line.  Matter of fact thanks for writing this to us on this site.  Great people who love others and only want the best for you.  Hopefully you are in counseling,  if not have someone help you find a counselor.  Listen to some pleasant and positive music.  Hope everyone's advice was beneficial for you. And write back to us all later.  Best wishes.  p.s.  all boys are worried at a certain point when they do not have a girlfriend.  Calm down and take care of yourself and love yourself & you will get a girlfriend, which makes for great happiness for boys and girls.

    Dear sweet cant take it anymore.... HS is hard... Not only the work but the social ascept. My son has ADD, and cant take meds because of side effects. I always hear him say he is stupid. But he is brilliant. A classroom setting just turns his brian off. We study everything he did in class every day for every subject. It is hard work.. Like going to school for 15 hours instead of 8.

    Being bullied sucks. I was bullied up until 10th grade. It did a number on my self esteem. Thank God that HS is only four short years, although it seems like it is your whole life when you are in it. All the kids that are bullies now wont even remember how they treated you or anyone else in a few years. It is just because they are self obsorbed and think it makes tham look tougher. When you graduate (and I have faith that you will).  There is a whole new world opened up to you. And you will see there are actually ppl out there who could not care less about your weight or your IQ. You are going to make friends at work who are older wiser and just all around better.

    As far as a GF... dont waste your time. most chicks in HS are flakey. And dont have the maturity to have a relationship anyway. (boys are the same way). Your weight is not always going to be an issue. In a couple of years girls are going to be looking for quality. I happen to like a real man with some size on him!

    Dont give up.. be you and learn to like you. Everything else will work out. Remember HS is the end of a chapter 1.. You still have the rest of the novel to look forward to.

    Lots of Love, Jenn

    Come on guys I honestly dunno what to do.


    Start with the smallest most fixable problem and solve that . Then move on never quit.


    can'ttakeitanymore, Every answer given you is a good suggestion. Apparently you haven't listened to any of them. Re-read your question then re-read all of the answers. We care about you and I bet there are others out there that care about you too. Get off the pity party. Volunteer with people that are less fortunate than you. Most of all, when people give you advice, you need to take heed to it. Don't just toss it off because it's not what you want to hear.

    At the moderator saying I don't listen, I come to this site at school and don't always get to see the answers. Don't be like that, I'm looking athe the answers and appreciate them all and are actually following many of them and honestly, the last person I expected to sound like an inconsiderate jerk who doesn't give two craps is a moderator of this site. And if that hurts you and you ban me, so be it. i just wanted help. And there are many horrible things that have happened to me that I'm not telling so the pity party comment is assinine.

    First of all, look at why you suck at school. What are you good at and what are you bad at. What can you do to improve your position. Can you get tutition? How do you dress? Do you dress like a slob? Your whole appearance also counts on how you feel. If you need maths tutition we can help you in some way, it's free, but don't expect us to do all your homework for you. Learn to focus, don't daydream when the teacher is speaking. Really listen. Take up some meditation if you can, it helps people to focus. When you study, turn off distracting things like music and other interuptions. You don't need a whole lot of friends, they are not going to give you a job when you leave school. Girlfriends are not important, they are only a distraction from your studies and a whole lot of arguments. You will have plenty of time to get girlfriends later on.

    Hope this helps you. Good luck.

    Poor self-evaluation. You are what you think you are, you exude what you feel you are and you show it on your sleeve. Brush the old self off, go out and be more caring of others, questions like "how was your day" not "Woe is me!" "That's a nice dress" not "I feel so lonely!' Look good, feel good, dress well, and walk the talk!. You attract those whom you therefore want to attract with the right attitude.

    When you start liking yourself  things will change

    you have a friend who loves you so much he gave his own life so that the two of you could walk togeather one day. dont be fooled by any worldly peace the only true peace is throught our savior JESUS CHRIST

    Work doubly hard at everything you haven't succeeded.  I said "doubly hard".  Set moderate goals at school and try to beat those goals.  Try to make one friend each week.  If unable, at least say hi to people at school.  Look presentable each day and that means that you are to iron your clothes and wear clean ones each day.  Keep your hair looking good and short.  Practice good dental hygiene.  I repeat:  keep good dental hygiene and have clean breath all the time.  Be polite to people and your parents.  Practice having eye contact when you talk to people.  Finally, go to your teachers and ask them to help you do better at school.

    After you've done all these things and have girl friends, please don't write us asking us how to get rid of girls.  OK?

    try your best at everything and see what you are worse at, keep improving on that and soon everything should be easier because you tried the hardest thing and made it work

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