    Why do you think there are so many "views" on this website, with relatively few answers?

    For example: my question, How many trick or treaters will you have this year had 200 views and only 24 answers. Why do they bother to look if they are not going to answer?

    +5  Views: 840 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    I didn't answer the TRICK or TREAT question because it seemed irrelevant.
    Who knows and who cares? I have one bag of candy with 96 little boxes of Malted Milk Balls in it. Once its gone I'm not answering the door. So, there's your answer. NIETY SIX

    15 Answers

    Many times I open a question to find someone else has already givent he answer that I was going to give so there is no point in repeating.


    I agree mom, that happens to me a lot.

    Me...great minds think alike.

    Happens with me too. No need to duplicate. Also, seems that people have started asking irrelevant questions which I discussed last week. I think that this forum is being treated as a chat room more than a Q&A site. yvonne57

    As Umbriel said, we're looking for "the rest of the story".  If there is none, buh bye.

    In addition, some of the members regularly post  humorus, critical, angry or informative responses and the members are looking to see what that member's  repsonse will be today.

    Sometimes I "view" just because I'm nosey?  Most of the time, I answer, just because I like to hear myself

    Curiosity killed the cat. i think a lot users here are just window shopping waiting to see what the next guy is going to post, or just show no intrest in the questions..

    people answer questions that they like to maybe help someone like health sadness support .Now that's questions I would answer to, not yours did"nt find it worthy of an answer so don't get upset if people "don't answer.

    I don't have anything to add, but will answer so as not to increase the view/answer ratio. My answer would have been in one or more of the above responses.

    I like your icon thing!!!! Happy!!! Speaking only for myself ,sometimes I am curious, sometimes I hope there will be information. Other times when I don't know who I am speaking to or how old they are I just look . If I cant improve on what's there then there is simply no reason to add more and its time to move along.That's my thinking on this . Hope you have a great Halloween and that your day is filled with laughter and happiness. All my best !            Bill

    Mostley  I think they are looking for more info  in the Question........just my  opinion

    correct on all of the above

    I was going to answer this.......Then I wasn't because I saw everyone else has......but then I did answer just to satisfy YOU! LOL


    Good sense in causing heartache! :)

    Sometimes I will view and see that someone has posted the correct answer so I TU and leave and sometimes I find that the answers that have been given to a question are quite hostile so I am "Outta there!".  There are also times when I only have the time to go around and quickly TU without answering any questions at all.


    As in..."I wouldn't touch this one with a ten foot pole"? haha

    I really don’t understand how people can read some of these questions and not answer. 200 views on your Halloween question and only 24 answers. It is strange. 


    Huh? All of the above answers don't explain it to you? What else can we say?

    I'm with you ...

    I just view to see what people have to say- Or to see if someone is a S A  So heres my view and answer LOL


    S A ??

    Smart A


    There are many blogs on the net. This one has an open format allowing all sorts of Qs and As without the four letter words to amplify ones lack of terms. Some blogs are hostile, like walking into a war zone. Some damn any admission of ignorance personally. Such persons are often regarded as Trolls. We have done well in preventing Trolls from taking over this site thanks to our members and especially our moderator…Colleen. We have so many visitors for all those reasons you have provided and because many people are sight-seeing their way around the net, stopping just long enough to get the latest info on whats happening. Sort of like visiting a zoo, interacting with the critters at the personal level can be risky, you know.      


    very well said. thank you!

    Wow! Thank you all for your input. Great answers. I am a relatively new user to this website and I am still learning. I find that there is a certain protocol to follow, though unspoken. I really enjoy the humor, openness, and honesty of the answers. I love your little icons, too, which I am now beginning to recognize. :-)

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