    What do you think of Walmart tracking your undies?

    Supposedly they started putting RFID (tracking chips) in particular items of clothing like underwear last July. I think Old Navy is doing it, too ... how do these trackers work, anyhow?

    +4  Views: 1315 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Men don't need tracking devices, they're good at tracking up their undies all on their own! Tee-Hee-Hee...


    LOL !!

    I needed a good laugh...thanx

    I always try to give everyone who answers my questions a thumbs up just cuz they answered, I'm still trying to decide on your answer. Oh well, what the h@ll. TU


    country bumpkin

    Sams club will let you camp out in the parking lot too.

    Don't buy your undies there or don't wear any at all.......


    I didn't see the joke I don't think...

    What makes you think thats all they are tracking ? How they work I dont know .I never shop at walmart any way. Just more tech crap thats no good for us .


    I know ...

    sorry i'm not so sure i believe this one .. i'v heard some crazy things in my day, but what would be their objective, unless their were large quanities of goods disappearing i honestly don't see it happening.but in this crazy world who knows what really goes on..


    do a Google on RFID ... it might open your eyes a bit ...
    I'd cut them out. How about when they go through the washing machine?

    ... that's wht is recommended.

          Winfia: We all have  a different sense of humor, opinions, and views about most topics covered on this forum. We don't always agree with what others say, and this is perfectly acceptable, but, I feel that this forum is full of learning experiences that will teach us how to have more tolerance and understanding towards one another. I feel this is more of a challenge than what it should be, since, we are not able to speak with the person one on one. If we all had the ability to do this (such as some people on skype) then I think  our personalities would shine through and we will all have a much clearer view  of where each individual person most likely is coming from. We may discover that a person such as myself just has a dry sense of humor, but, a really huge heart full of a whole bunch of love and is only trying to be accepted by people she admires and looks up too. Or, you may find that a person that you thought  you liked, really has no redeeming qualities at all that you once invisioned this individual as having.  So, I'm glad that  once you finished contemplating if you should give me a TU or not for my answer, that you chose to do so. Yes, I am happier than a kid at a candy store when someone gives me a sweet comment or a thumbs up but, it 's  an even better  feeling to know that the people around us are continuing to grow and become more accepting of each person here on akaqa.



    UM, hey country bumpk ... I just read your comment here from 3 days ago. I think you are a little peeved at me. I have a very dry sense of humor also (which I enherited from my very English Dad) and it has gotten me in trouble more than once! Even with friends and family! Sorry if I offended you. I thought your comment about the tracks was pretty funny, actually. It reminded me of my first husband .... and thankfully NOT of my current husband! Thanks for the comments. :-)

    ... looking forward to reading your upcoming posts. BTW, why are you a country bumpkin?
    country bumpkin

    Winfia: I'm not offended. I too suffer from a dry sense of humor sometimes and I have offended others as well. My life is a little stressful right now I tend to be more sensitive to words and actions of others during these times. So just take me with a grain of salt or perhaps a tablespoon of salt. Ha-Ha. I apologize to you and a couple of others on here lately that I have been allowing my own insecurities to cause some friction. (*~*)

    I hoped to catch your attention with the question, but RFID technology has been around since the 50s. It's used all over the world. Retailers like WalMart use it ... other top users are Best Buy, Metro, Target, Tesco, and Walgreens. You can hardly avoid it.


    everything is being tracked now a days. look at the cameras at stop lights and parking lots, etc.they can track our cell phones too. dial 911 and hang up and they will show up


    Big Brother is everywhere.

    Oh least someones tracking my undies...lmao


    It gives you some kind of a warm feeling, doesn't it mom? I'm laughing, too fg. We should have a LOL button for comments!!!

    They can track my undies all the way I do not give a big fat rat's ass. What's it to them anyway.


    I love your attitude!!!

    Awww one of those days winfla glad you understand LOL

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