    Is this site getting slower to process answers, comments, questions, etc?

    Not only is it taking longer to process input, the jumping to the top of the page is really annoying and time-consuming, too.  What's the deal?  Is it my computer or are others experiencing this?

    +9  Views: 962 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: uncateg

    16 Answers

    It moves like very cold TAR !!!!! Annoying !!!!!!!! I am losing patience with it .

    It takes too much time now to answer questions give a TU or change the page, It is very frustrating.

    Bob I am so glad that you posted this question I did post some thing that the site is soooooo slow and mentioned that it takes ages to TU and the damn thing shoots up to the top and then you have to go back where you left off its getting to time consuming just to answer your comments and to TU then if you  do have time you then feel that you havnt answered any questiones I am getting really fed up why carnt they just give the site more megabites or what ever it needs I am so pl;eased that I am not the only one who has this difficulty  as when I posted the question the mods sent me a email and said it was my server which I knew at the time it wasnt but I wasnt sure as I dont know much about computors


    I just had my whole computer updated and have a good connection to wifi. Who ever says its your server is full of horse pucky!!!!!!! This is just garbage too damn slow . I spent a bunch of money too upgrade and this is like molasses. Losing patience

    Thank you bluesman it was the AKQ who sent me a email saying it could be my server! well I am glad its not my computor I just bought a notebook Samsung and that doesnt shoot up to the top but again its soooo slow too so I so sure its the site thank you for the info xx

    Glad I'm not the only one, I was beginning to take it personal....

    Very slow.

    Slug speed.... no!  I take that back.  Slugs are speedy in comparison.


    Sounds like my speed on the tennis court !

    I'm pissed as well. Fix the damn thing.

    Thanks BobPKB.  I consider myself very patient so I kind of ignored the jumping up at the top, but i am so happy you said something about it.   Question is who can do something about it?

    I've reported this issue many times. All I get back is, "They're working on it." I think they just can't fix it. It's been 3 or 4 weeks now. 


    Thanks Colleen I know its nothing to do with you but it has now being going on for ages I am thinking of getting some pidgeons perhaps that might be faster heeee xxxx

    Dont think so MEL they will only "CAT nap.Heee

    So funny Mel.

    I’ve noticed the "seeming slow-down in computer speed" as my increase in thinking speed and typing skill that I attribute to my interest in this site.

    This is so frustrating. The developers of this site need to be spanked!


    "Oh yes please

    Maybe we are just getting slower with age.


    Zorro Happy Birthday for Monday - enjoy. I am sure you won't get slower. Take a rest from those bugs!!!

    What's the rush? Do a crossword while-u-wait.LOL

    I’ve lost my comments, twice that I know of. That bothered me. I think I’ll just make one answer like what I did with Benthere.

    The site is slow. It doesn’t much bother me. Sometimes I go back in a couple of days and give TU. 

    Benthere, you’re funny.

    It is not the site that is slowing down from what I have seen. If you are on your computer a lot and go from site to site to site your RAM (random access memory) gets loaded to a point that your computer has to find places to put more info and this takes time to load and fetch. Try this, shut down your computer completely, then turn your computer back on and log back in…Is it moving any faster?

    Slow down #2 The internet speed is a factor in your computer response time especially if you are using a telephone modem to be on line. Phone line subscription access here is via the local phone company. My connection was very slow all the time, so I decided to see if the problem was in the phone lines as noise. I called my internet provider over the phone line  and heard the expected tones that the computer uses to connect and this sandpaper crackling noise so obvious  on the line. Were it a voice line we expect crystal clear voice. But the phone co does a dirty deed on internet service lines because computers "can handle the noise better than voice callers”. Internet service provider lines are excessively noisy so your internet speed is slowed way down while your computer has to try to decipher message in a noise factory. I pay for service not noise.

    Getting two phone lines for DSL service has the same problem so how to solve the problem? I went for Wild Blue satellite service and I wont go back to phone service for internet access. Totally solved my access problems at $40.00 per month and fast fast fast. I can stream video.   


    No, it's the site. Even the admin have seen it (they live overseas) and have let the developers know about the issue. The developers are aware of the issue and are working to correct it. I use high speed internet and do maintain my computer. I do speed checks on it all the time and my speed is higher than it's suppose to be. So all that is fine. Everyone on this forum is being affected by the glitch.

    Thank you.

    I find the same - cannot scroll up and down without it taking ages even stops half way up when you want to refer to the question again and then whizzs up and you miss the answers and so time consuming as Bob says and totally frustrating.. My laptop is just not the same anymore even got a different homepage picture. Yes and I am a technophobe but knew it was a problem with the sight but even got to think it was because it UK here.

    All this is just not good for the old eyesight.

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