    I am 61 years old I am still a loserwhy

    +4  Views: 955 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago

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    I'm serious dartman318. For your own sake and that of your family, please call for help. yvonne57


    23 Answers

    Attitude is everything....A little self-worth goes a long, long way. It's not too late to learn self-worth....

    It's a choice and it's been made by YOU!  Start asking yourself a different question.  What can I do today to improve myself and feel happier!  Learn something new?  Help somebone who needs it?  Read something positive?  Get a new haircut/style?  Go for a brisk walk? Chat with a cashier?  Tell someone they have done a good job? Visit a cancer unit? Call an old friend?  Go out for lunch?  Shall I go on...the list is endless.  CHOOSE NOT to be a loser!!!!


    I like this answer!!!

    Thank you.

    You arent a loser.. you are a survivor.. It sounds like you are battling depression.

    No one is a looser really ... think in the opposite direction.  Every time you get that thought, say out loud, "Stop" ... then remind yourself of something you are proud of...It takes about a month to change.  Try it.  You will like it.

    Because you've spent at least 51 years believing you're a loser? You're far too old to be feeling sorry for yourself like this. What have you done all your life to improve your life? You are/were responsible for your own life. Why did you allow yourself to fail so you could only see yourself as a loser? How hard did you try or did you always just flow with the punches? 

    i'll tell you when you hit 71..i pray  by then you'll realize that your not.

    As you think, so you are...

    I guess it's important to figure out why you think your a loser. Sometimes I feel like an idiot but it doesn't make me one all the time. I want to join the pitty party here and tell you to think positive but you don't need to hear that. Listen, recently one of our wonderful members went in for pneumonia and was diagnosed with cancer, another member is trying to say goodbye to a long time friend in her last three months of life,my own father has gone from an active wonderful life at 67 to drooling, diapers and unable to control half his body due to a stroke. Pick yourself up, give yourself a good long look in the mirror and start seeing how flipping lucky you are to still have that reflection. Stop feeling sorry for the choices you have made and simply make new ones.Your at an age that life should be recognized as precious everytime you wake up on the right side of the grass. Get your crap together and see how lucky you bloody well are to be able to function and still have have time to get off the damn pity pot you've chosen to stick your ass to. I'm sorry if I seem a bit gruff but life is a gift...not a given right.Again I feel bad that I have been so gruff but I absolutely hate it when ANYONE calls themselves a loser.


    100% right on the money..

    MOM, that's one he** of a spill, the best answer i have heard for a long time, TU for U.

    Standing Ovation for this answer . Made my day ! Thanks !

    I have never heard a words so true straight to the point well said MOM

    Stick with us dart318.  This site will help improve your attitude.  yvonne57

    My guess is you think you are a loser because you are waiting for somebody else to tell you that you aren't.  Validation by others is important to me, too.  If I wait for that to live, I'll die waiting.
    Take responsibility for yourself.  Baby steps.  Find something to do that gets you away from your pity party a couple of times each week.  It's a start.  Let us know what you are doing for yourself.
    P.S.  You may always think yourself a loser because you don't measure up to some screwball standard you have set for yourself.  Take a look at how high the bar is....lower it (or raise it) as needed.  Be realistic.

    Loser? why? Surely in 61 years you have done something positive that you can be proud of.

    Kids family,home.We can't all be CEo's of fortune 500 companies.

    Look at the positives,you'll see.You're no loser.

    I'm 64, and I never thought I would live to see 60. If you live to 60 your no loser, do something you never done before every day to help make living a venture, good luck.

    "What you believe to be true either is true or will become true."

    All day today I am going to think in the direction of what is positive. You try to. I have a continuous fight against depression. I usually pull myself out of it. 

    You are only a loser in your own mind or else you may have a self-esteem problem! If not acquiring wealth is what you mean by being a loser,'re not alone...I'm 62 and about as poor as a church mouse so guess I'm a loser too! I've also lost many things in my lifetime except for my mind so one has to think positively about life itself.......if it's love that you have not acquired, well then you're still plenty young enough for that still...(:

     Why do you think yourself a loser? You have made it to 61 yrs old and most folk at your age are content. Having money does not make you any less of a loser most people with money are miserable, money does not buy happiness. Are you alone ? Then find someone that makes you happy .I was beaten and told I was a loser and a good for nothing and that I was a whore so on and so on... but now that I am a woman I know that I am not a loser and how could I have been called a whore I was just a child, now I know that my mother was the one with the issues and it took me a long time to realize that I was good and needed . I hope you find the good things in yourself . Sometimes a person has been through so much in life that it takes a lifetime to get over . So I pray you will find the good in what ever it takes and that somebody Loves you and who ever that person is whether it be a grandchild or a friend then that makes you worth something to someone

    ole hipster

    Hey there! I can relate to your answer....we are all flawed individuals to some extent or another...I am heartened to hear that you too have survived...been through a lot of shit in my life and I can pretty much relate to anyone who has risen above the struggle to realize that is was never your own fault but that of the person who inflicted pain upon you, keep on keeping on!!......(:

    Tell us "your bad".. and we'll tell you the truth. Something is on your mind.

    "What you believe to be true either is true or will become true."

    All day today I am going to think in the direction of what is positive. You try to. I have a continuous fight against depression. I usually pull myself out of it. 

    loser? surely not. i am sure there have been people you have helped along the way and good deeds you have done. just because no one is shouting for joy for you doesnt make you a loser. take time to count your blessings, one by one and see all the good things you accomplished in life. and give yourself a pat on the back and a shout of victory because you are SOMEBODY

    Why does not this person comment back to any of our very succinct answers? Just looking for sympathy or attention....well then you have gotten not take us lightly as we shall remember someone who is a fly by night!

    The self pity thing is really pathetic. There are winners and losers. You chose to be the later. Think like a zero and you'll be looked upon as one. Never to old to grow a set of balls. No pity here. I decided long ago what kind of a person I wanted to be, a loser wasn't one of them.

    "What you believe to be true either is true or will become true."

    All day today I am going to think in the direction of what is positive. You try to. I have a continuous fight against depression. I usually pull myself out of it. 

    Well, it looks like you've lost all your teeth, but one.

    because you think you are

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