    Its Not a Question its a update on Harvey the Cat

    +9  Views: 1264 Answers: 24 Posted: 12 years ago

    24 Answers

    HI Everyone first of all I would like to say a Big Thank You for everyone who sent preyers and lite candles and just thought about him thank you again

    he started to bleed this morning in his urine we spoke to the vet and said that if it got worse he would have to be addmitted again he is on pain killers and antiboitics this afternoon he was in pain so up the medication by half a tablet we are seeing our own vet tommorrow morning I dont think his bladder is blocked but if it is, we have decided enough is enough as haveing a opperation with no gaurantees that he could get infected and the opperation sounds auful they cut the penis of and basically he will be a bit like a girl (the problem with male cats that their penis is barbed and slightly bent and the ureatha gets blocked because the way they are made) then they join a bit of plastic that bonds /or by pass the penis I think! and if it gets infected the urine then burns all insides I cannot take that risk, so we will see if he is ok Ann made comment that her cat had the same and it bled so I am hoping this is the case...The vet said that it was normal to bleed and keep peeing like he has sustitus (cant spell that word) woman get it as you know its very painful ....

    I will keep you more updated tomorrow again I would Like to say you guys are the best thank thank you again LOVE YOU ALL mel xxxx


    I hope this finds Harvey getting better....


    I hope so thank you for your thoughts xxx

    I hope and pray he is better. Harvey is lucky to have found you. Check back when you can. Love and prayers Ann. Yes its normal to bleed after having used the catheter in him for so long. He will be sore for some time. I am glad you are taking him to your own Vet. He will be able to tell you exactly what to expect. Did Harvey have a total Blockage or was he able to still urinate in small amounts? I hate to ask this, but there is quite a difference in treatment and cause. May God be with him. Love, Ann


    Ann thank you sweetheart I have answered I dont know wether you have seen it thank you xxxx

    Yes Mel, I saw it after I posted y first answer and then added to it. thanks for your update. Love you, Ann

    thanks Ann he is awke now and very grumpy! lets hope the Vet can susjest anything I must admit I am getting grumpy with no sleep and the worry but they are worth it thought I must admit I wouldnt want to through this every week! thanks Ann for your support xxxx

    Still wishing the best for Harvey...


    thank you Rick everything helps xxxx

    Mel, regardless the outcome, Harvey is lucky to have such a caring "parent" as you. Praying for him my friend.


    thank you so much Flip and thank you for the preyers you are giving him its so hard sometimes in loving them as we all know it doesnt last for ever and when that day comes you have to face up to it it still hard thanks again for your preyers bless you Flip xxxx

    Is all well ? How did it turn out ??? Hope it went well


    bluesman I have posted an an answer thank you xxx

    Hang in there Mel and believe that he knows you are doing the very best for him, your love is his greatest strength right now.  I'm still sending thoughts of healing energy for him and am hoping he gets through this quickly. He's one lucky cat for all that he's been through because he has  found kind and caring helpers in you and your husband. (((hugs)))


    Hi Colleen thank you for such kind words we never got any sleep last night we were at the this morning and he now on Morphine and lots of other medication then we had to rush him back at 2pm as he hadnt passed any urine so he catherized him for about 5mins and flushed him out so we went home, now we are going back again at 7.45pm for him to repeat the whole thing again, he said that its blocked because of crytals in the urine, he did mention that the vet hospital that we took him to should have never have left a cafater in a week? so I think we might be seeking legal advise on this at the moment we just want him to get better, the vet said we just have to get this week over with to let the new drugs work and his uretha to start to heal. I just feel so sorry for him we are now syringing water in his mouth so to get his bladder to flush out I just hope it is worth it as i would hate to think that all the suffering he has gone through and then have to put to sleep? thank you so much Colleen for being there for me and hubby and of course Harvey thank you again Mel xxxx

    Mel. animals feel pain differently than we do. It was part of God's design when he created them. Pain is not so acute in animals. It's enough to make them feel like crap and not want to move around when it gets bad but they do not feel it to the degree we do. Why? Because animals in the wild do not have doctors to take care of them. Sick or not, they still need to survive so even though they have pain, it's not always enough to stop them for taking care of themselves or their young. The morphine should be handling any pain he may feel. He's just going to be quiet while on it. Like the doctor said, give him the week, he should start to feel better then. Hang tough like Harvey is doing!

    Colleen we went last night and he tried to catherterizse without any drugs as it was emegency he got in and the vet decided to leave it in as it was just drobbeling out we got him in the cat basket and the cathater came out so we got him out of the basket and the vet said I will just give him a sqeeze in the bladder well you have never seen so much urine came out it was like Niagra falls nut what a reliefe to see my husband face it went all calm I couldnt have paid for that any he managed to pass water last night and we are still injecting water into his mouth so his bladder starts to flush out we saw the vet again 7.30am (wow I could sleep for ever) as he was pleased that his bladder was empty he still on the medication but we have stop giving him the morphine (as I dont want to send him to reahab) heee as you say he is quite and seems to be coping alot better than Sunday or Yesterday thank you for your advice yes and we are trying to be tough! sometimes thank you again for being there Colleen xxxx

    You should keep him on the morphine for now, just give less and less of a dose per day. His insides and mostly his bladder is still going to be sore. It may even be painful for him to pass urine at this point. The morphine would take the edge off or see if you can get some metacam for him, that's more like Tylenol.

    H  A  R  V  E  Y  !!

    Fight Fight Fight!




    Ckaiangmia he is fighting but I think is so fed up now but we are doing our best for him thank you for your thoughts xxx

    keep fighting Harvey!


    Tommy thank you so much for your thoughs on Harvey xxxx

    I had a lovely cat...well not so lovely...she did horrible things but I loved her over the moon. Her name was Tuna Fish...that cat survived things that no cat should have survived...I wish for Harvey The Cat to have a little Tuna Fish inside.... Wish Fish... xo Harvey the Marmalade and Mel the Beauty Queen.


    Fish girl thank you so much for your lovely words he is fighting but I think now he is really grumpy mind you who can blame him thank again xxx

    Harvey is sure one lucky cat to have you Mel,i did think of him the other night,and was wondering how he was going.Lets keep praying.


    pythonlover thank for your thoughts and yes thank you so much for the preyers for this little man thanks again xxx

    Hi Mel. I was so worried about Harvey and you. I saw on your post to colleen that he is much better. Our prayers have been answered.Thank you God. Your Vet did the right thing to squeeze his bladder, so maybe flushed all the crystals out of his bladder. I am so happy and relieved that Harvey is on his way to recovery. You will need alot of rest and sleep after all this. This other Vet  is someone I am sure you will never use again. I have noticed  that myself in our area.. God bless. Love, Ann


    Hi Ann as I write this he still isnt out of the woods we are taking him to the vet later the trouble is at around 12pm he starts to block up and then he crys trying to pass anything which is nothing and on the two occasions we took him yesterday in truck when we got to the vet he had emptied his bladder so we the vet said to this if he gets blocked anything better than him having to be catherterized to empty his bladder the vet said this could go on for another week at laest when I hope he gets better I will look into this other vet as our vets said that he should never have been catherized for a week 24 hrs is the most will keep you informed Ann and again thank you for your thoughts love Mel xxx

    Mel thanks for the update. I am happy, Harvey is at least passing urine on his own. It will take a while for him to be better, because he was on a catheter for too long.My cat Adam was only on a catheter for 2 days and he was sore, but fine.I know you must be exhausted from all the worrying and running around. I will still pray for Harvey until he is well. Take care of yourself. Lots of love and prayers, Ann

    Ann we have just got back from the vets and he sqeezed his bladder and all this sludge came out we felt it and its like grains of sand which is blocking him, he has also in =creased his medication as he said he is extreamley sore down below and he did say that his bladder was thick I dont know what that means! he wants to flush out the bladder tomorrow if he hasnt passed any urine but when we got back he passed some urine on the puppypad while he was traverling home! whiach is good he has given him diazapan to relax his muscles as I said in the other comment as soon as we know more tommorrow I will let you know love as always mel and thank you again for being so concerned mel xxxxx

    Mel thank you for your post. Harvey obiously had a great amount of crystals in his urine. That usually happens if his urine is too alkaline.His urine needs to be acidic and the crystals wont form. It becomes too alkaline if he gets too much food. They only need to be fed once in the morning and once in the evening. Nothing in between. And take the food away that he has not eaten. Just keep clean water out until his next meal.Just a suggestion. Our cat Chewy (male) is 13 yrs. old and never had a problem so far. Still praying for Harvey, the poor cat I am sure he has great discomfort. Take care of yourself too. Love and prayers, Ann

    Ann thank you for your comment he is on a diet as he was grossly overwieght I think when he was a stray and when we homed him he didnt stop eating the vet new about this and said we should give him small amounts but it was so hard when you have kittens and old men like henry who has to ved on demand brcause he loses wieght so quick but he is now on a diet STRICT diet as you say one in the morning and one in the evening he has been in the litter tray now three times and there was a fair amount of urine not like a few drops so thats good! well Ann thanks for all your advise and will be intouch tommorrow with more info God bless you Ann you are a SAINT xxx ps we shall all you ST Ann heeee xxxx

    Bless you Harvey! we're all pulling for you.


    clu thank you for your thoughts xxx

    Aww...that sounds awful, I feel so bad for Harvey and you guys. it not nice when you can't really do a lot to help. Healing thoughts, prayers and sending love and light.


    mom it is awful what the little man has been through thank you so much for your thoughts and preyers mom xxxx

    Yes   do what you can for Harvey


    thank you Mr den we are doing everything possible I just hope now hw pulls through for what he has gone through thanks xxx

    Thanks for the update, melandrupert.  What a tough time for all of you.  Keeping him in prayer. We know you will keep him bathed in love. 


    thank you Bob for your kind thoughts xxxx Mel

    we love you both..and god does as well.


    daren thank you and I do hope God will do his best for him thanks xxx

    Dear Harvey: I'm still here hoping for you! . You can do it Harvey!


    thank you clu he is alot better than yesterday xxxxx

    God bless Mel and Harvey, keep fitting little man.


    thank you for your thoughts Sunny he still with us though he so uncomfortalbe we are doing our best xxx

    Hang in there Harvey, keep your chin up Mel.


    thanks bullitman I am trying to keep my chin up but it real hard thanks for your thoughts xxx

    All the best to Harvey and his family.  regards/yvonne57


    thank you Yvonne xxx

    i will pray for your kitty and i hope he gets better soon till then just love him unconditionally which i know that you will.


    thank you so much for your thoughts yes your right I love him to bits xxx

    Mel, So glad that Harvey is on the mend, Bless him, You must be exausted,Love and best wishes, sunny x


    hi sunny thank you for your thoughts he still not out of the woods so to speak we have just had him to the vet and he might have to be flushed out tomorrow morning so its another wait Im afraid I will keep everyone posted thank you again Mel xxx

    Mel: My heart is smiling. The people on this forum truely care for one another.  I'm pleased as punch to hear Harvey is doing better. He has an awesome mother. Love, The Bumpkin.


    Hi CB thank you so much he is a little better if you read Anns comment from me you will get more info on this, Yes you are so right that these people are so caring it makes me cry and laugh I love them all thank you again CB for your thoughts xxx

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