
    Most of us have taken lessons of some kind during some part of our lives.  What lessons have you had, did you enjoy the lessons,  what skill or talent did you deveop, and when did you have those lessons.  If you include an answer like "life lessons", please give an example of something you learned.

    +6  Views: 1233 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    After working in a refugee camp with 100,000 displaced men, women and children I learnt the true value of sharing and understood the reality of 'violating innocence'. Even when a person has little there is always something to give. I learnt no matter who/what/why/wherefore we are, when we cut ourself we all bleed the same way.


    well done missactive I just dont know what to say excempt well done in what you have achieved and learnt from this I am not a brave person I would have gine to peices seeing and hearing and smelling its the chidren that get me I cant even watch television seeing children starving I just too upset thank you for sharing this with us xx

    Amazing the things you learn about people here . You have my respect and a standing ovation . Well done !!!! My most sincere compliments ,I am impressed and pleased to be your company here .May all your days be blessed Bill

    melandrupert and bluesman1951- thank you for your comments.

    I use to teach art Voluntry to abused children and it was heart breaking and I could not hack it and left after 1 month I quit, didnt learn anything or I sopose I did ....cant work with abused children


    Perhaps it was your compassionate nature that made it difficult to be with the children. You could give them art, but could not take away the pain and torture they had already experienced.
    Some things are beyond what we can handle for any number of reasons. My downfall is being no good at elder-care. One of many, actually.

    thank you Bob you are probley right the pain was unbearable when I read the reports on what ahd happened its still upsets me! thanks for the comment xxx

    i did take drum lessons for about ten years and still enjoy playing too this day, i played in quite a few bands as well... i did pass on my knowledge to a lot of kids ,of whom i taught in a home basement studio, it was cool to watch them progress and move on to well known local bands around boston....


    Sounds good.

    I took a  six week course in Basic French before i went to france in 2005,it was not easy with the gender language, by the time i got there i had forgotten most of it and what i did know they didn't understand because of my ascent , resort to body language

    I give free lessons / teaching / demos regarding  the Ham Radio license. Most people find the subject of interest.    

    I took sewing lessons and I'm not afraid to sew now.....


    That's such a wonderful skill to have, jhharlan. Aside from creating things for yourself and loved ones, you have the talent for a career if need be. Thank you for a really good answer.

    Thank YOU for your comment...JHH

    Julie... you do cute really well. You are just adorable.

    We could all do with a few as knows all

    Never trust a rat with a gold tooth.I've been conned a couple of times,not seriously enough to cause me a great deal of distress but it makes you very wary of people who offer "good deals".


    If the lesson was learned at a relatively minor cost, it was worth it. Thank you for your answer!

    I've had lessons in school, in Oil field work, Electrical wiring, Computer Repair, Motorcycle repair and sales, Plumbing, Insurance and sales, but my most important lessons have been learned in life, a life of trail and error.

    When I choose God Jesus Holly Spirit as the way, my life changed, it wasn't all good as life was still a trip of ups and downs but with God there to teach me the important lessons to grow in faith and love for all.


    Well done !!! My compliments . With each act of good there tends to be some bad .Have no fear that only means you have aggravated the other side . Thats a good thing . Keep on truckin world needs people like you . Bill
    Headless Man

    Hope so, I plan to be around a few more years with Gods help.

    You have been a student of much in life, Randy Palmer, and you have learned much. No doubt the best thing you have learned was to trust Jesus with your salvation and your life. Thank you for an answer that comes as no surprise. :D
    Headless Man

    Thank you, Bob

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