    get mad cause im native american and i get to work at a museum for my culture and put on events for children but if you guys wanna hate on innocent children go ahead.. i get casino money i work to better others not to support myself. your tax dollars support bout you guys answer peoples lame questions and do what your good at! im out facebookers im not here to chat.

    0  Views: 330 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    What the heck? Did I miss part of this tirade?


    No I think not . Just a angry native person . Seems to have a job, money ,inter net connection , a computer ,and a education . More than most these days and still has time to squander time on anger . Go figure !!

    I would not waste the time being mad. Certainly  not at children . Where your money comes from is of no interest to me . I don't gamble so other than a meal from time to time and a show none of my money goes into the casino. The food is good priced fair ,shows are first class so I am happy with the value exchange for my money . Not paying huge taxes so thats of little concern to me. Now as to your insult about lame questions some of the questions come from children ,some from elders ,some from some who are admittedly not smart. Does your comment make you feel better ? Point is they all tried to the best of their ability ,who are you to mock them ? My suggestion is to see a doctor soon about your affliction . Rectal, Cranial, Inversion. Leaves a Bad Taste in the mouth ,might want to brush! I can see by your spelling that you got a education of some sorts ,that is a tribute to your parents and their fine work . To say nothing of our tax dollars being well used . They have done a good job so far ,but now your character needs some seasoning thats up to you  .I would get rid of that chip before you throw your back out. You squander lots of time on hate while life passes you by. Sad ! Maybe you should listen to some drum and get your heart right.

    Yo, Native American probably 10 times removed at this point and not of pure blood and did not suffer like the true Native Americans did, get off your short pinto and get a grip. This is not Facebook and if we are paying you to work, get off the computer and get to work!!! Typical of you people. You still think we owe you for what long dead people did to the true natives of this land. Get over it! It didn't happen to you!


    Well put Colleen..Some people are just mad at the world I think.

    It's time they stop raping the tax payers and become Americans who work for their living like the rest of us do. I hate supporting lazy, obnoxious people.

    im a mono indian. i dont have to become an american like you! im native american. more than you'll ever be. its the government who makes you pay for us.. o and i never cried about my culture or ancestors you guys brought that up...and sorry bluesman195 you cried to much to even read! and to all others commenting read the last questions maybe you'll get something..

    I was born on American soil, that makes me native to the Unites States of America. I'm just as native as you are. The natives that were here were killing each other and taking each other as slaves, when they weren't driving weaker tribes into Canada that is. That heritage is not something to be proud of. Had the settlers not come, they probably would have wiped each other out anyway and you wouldn't be here today living in a modern world with machinery and cars and convenient living. Do you think the natives would have ever industrialized this land? You have no claim to fame here just because of your blood that I still believe is mixed and not pure. Support yourself moocher.

    I'm not getting this either...God bless him and avail to him some answers........

    Rant,rant,rant,what are you talking about???

    A sampling of Stoofies questions that I presume she thinks are more intelligent than the ones she complained about.

    how many inches is around a aluminum can?

    Whats the differnce between a horse and a mule physically?

    whats the difference between a mule and a donkey?

    There ya go, real brain twisters these questions are.


    Thanks Colleen...confusion times 10...

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