    how do i fix a really bad marriage?

    +2  Views: 503 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    I can't help you there.  After years and years of trying everything....reading more books on the subject than I care to admit...therapy... marriage councilling times 1000...I tried and failed... finally left and then the poo (as Dunc calls it) really hit the fan.

    I can only wish you the best and hope you find happiness.

    Why is it bad? Are you sure it's fixable?

    I don't have a clue . only questions : Do you think the time you stay here is unlimited? Do you think second chances  are with out end ??? Is the loyalty gone? Is the respect gone? If you cleared away all the trash ,what is left to build upon or with?  Life is like a garden ,you clear the trash and prepare the soil for your crops .Then you tuck each seed in the soil where it has a chance . Then you till the soil and water and weed as each plant grows. You feed and fertilize and water and weed some more . You fight off the bugs and disease and feed and water  and till some more . After all this hard work you may have some thing to put on the table . If all goes well nothing taste sweeter than those crops from a well tended garden . What makes you think life is any different??? If you don't pull the weeds or till or feed then you lose . Requires attention and care each day . I have no answers only these words and this example . What ever direction you choose I wish you the best . Start early and finish late just like the garden. Time is a precious not replaceable commodity  a resource more precious than all possessions and that is what you give to each other in a marriage . Time . If you give the gift of a day it should be treasured  the same applies when you receive the gift of a day . I have said enough here ,surely you will receive more helpful answers .  Best wishes              Bill

    I do not believe a 'really' bad marriage can be fixed. Perhaps energies are better spent working out an amicable ending.

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