    Who are you? Why do you answer questions?

    +2  Views: 649 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    It sucks when you just dont know. The world is getting more complex with each passing day. Whlie I can function on the computer now ,I do rember the days when I was hopeless. Those who knew were polite and kind when they answered my riduculous questions. Maybe they had a big laugh when I left ,but never to my face .So I dont mind taking a few minutes to lend a hand when I can. I am 60 years old and have made a boatload of mistakes ,if I can point out a few pot holes for you then my journey was not wasted. I am grateful to all those who have helped me and if I can pay a small part of that back ,those who helped me will know their efforts were not in vain . Is there a better way to say thank you????? Great question ,Thanks for your time !!!!!!!


    very eloquent....

    Because people including you are pouring in questions for us to answer. 


    Yes, pouring in questions, daft ones like oceanwide, It is good to help people who really want advice.
    Pity the ocean is not deeper.

    Trying to help if I can.

    I am the great OZ! Pay no attention to those other wizards behind the curtain..


    I answer what I  know and we have fun here  some times we poke fun at the questions that just  make no  sense at all here is a silly picture for the goofy questions!!

    Well,because you keep asking them. Jeeez!

    Because this is so much fun and there is so much to learn from here,,,

    Well who else is going to do it.


    Yes it's a shitty job,but someone has to do it.LOL

    You can see my picture and the name I use to the left side of this answer. That kinda tells you who I am, but really doesn't tell you much about me, what my values, morals, hopes, disappointments, goals, beliefs, successes, talents, shortcomings, and strengths are.  You don't know how I feel about other people or myself, what makes me smile or laugh, or frown, or cry, turn away, comfort, or confront.   So what do you mean when you say "WHO ARE YOU?"

    I try to answer questions because I like to think.  I like to weigh pros and cons in situations, like to say what I think and how I feel.  I especially like helping people see the other side of an issue, sometimes to support, sometimes to clarify.  I appreciate the opportunity to use my experiences to help somebody make a better choice than I did.    I participate because I like interacting with people.  Writing my answers gives me a chance to think things through and provide answers that make sense, when sometimes my mouth just blurts out stuff that can mess up things. 

    In my real life, I usually feel like what I say, how I feel, and what I want doesn't matter one little bit.  I feel like an observer, and one sitting near the back row besides.  I don't feel like nothing here; I feel like what I contribute has some value, some merit, some humor.

    I like reading what everyone says and supporting their ideas, their humor, expressing my appreciation for them. 


    who i am dos not matter,why i answer it what matters..

    i just like to know what people are thinking and get their point of view,i may not always agree with it but im certainly prepared to listen to it

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