    Job losses, foreclosures are at the highest ever in America, people in America are dying from starvation, heat strokes and exhaustion due to no air conditioning in their apts, homes, etc if they even have that and even animals in shelters are dying because of heat exhaustion because no air condition located in the buildings they are housed in while awaiting someone to hopefully adopt them, yet we are building more shopping centers, huge memorials, etc. what is wrong with America and what is drea

    +4  Views: 845 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    There is no excuse for the shape this country is in.Many people behind the scenes live like in a third world country in the US. That is not acceptable. We need a change in Washington and it cant come fast enough. You are right, we need to make a stand and demand change. After all it is "We the people { who pay the government  and therefore we can demand change and equality. We need to call our congressmen in the district we live in and call every day and tell them we want change now. Jobs, Jobs, and more Jobs. and stop the spending and giving money to other countries.Charity begins at home.


    Exactly. We as the American public need to stand up and also we need to clean house in the senate, congress and all public officials and start anew hopefully we can vote in some with integrity, principals, and morals left.

    There is a dire need of great changes in our society and culture some of which are expensive and controversial to be in the  right direction and require new thinking and priorities. This is hard for society so things stay the same. They say "you can change politics easier than culture" but I don''t see that as true anymore. Perhaps applied science can help us do more with less but it's motivation is the dollar and not the common good  for the most amount of people. The will of the people also could effect change and get educated and engaged but I think people are so stressed and troubled its understandable they don't know or care about issues, Maybe we need people to stop watching television,internet and other "escape" activities for about a month and they would wake up to reality and see how other people are hurting and that they're involvement in some way is needed to effect needed positive change. Hell, I don't know but I do see small pockets of hope and change out there!  Look for the good news and good persons out there and  support it,get involved, spread and cultivate community in your neck of the woods. The World will change and we must be that change that we want to see happen. Good question!  Your frustration and urgency came through loud and clear and got  my wheels rolling thanks.  

    We need to clean house, for real this time. I say, lets go there and physically remove them from their prospective buildings and throw their asses in the street. After they come back from vacation of coarse. It's working in Libya, Egypt, Syria.

    I do not think apathy even covers it excuses do not work anymore not now......

    When you find out let me know,because I sure can't figure it out.


    I will just makes me so angry I am trying my best to find out what part I can do to help it is just so infuriating to me .....

    The real problem is that America is a nation divided...back to basics here with the haves and the have nots..If everyone believed in helping others and the well being of others then it would be okay but the problem is that many Americans are individualists who believe in self reliance. In this basic, even if misguided belief system-everyone is equally able to achieve anything they want! This is the thinking style of many people and those same people do not support welfare programs or social reform projects. Sadly, most of the people who think this way are also wealthy, were raised wealthy, and THEY have most of the actual power.  So if you have a bunch of "have nots" trying to change the way things are-they better be prepared to do lots of hard work--and the work they should first focus on is getting the "haves" to join their cause so that it can be directed and guided to the right people in's a tough one for sure!


    I have done nothing but work hard most of my life I am ready to change anything I can for the betterment of us the regular people.

    The rest of the question is what is dreadfully wrong with America and this picture?????????


    Well said !!!! True !!!!!! We are where we are for one reason Apathy!!!!! So many words well put together and the answer is but one word .Sorry but I dont know what else to say. I am of the same mind as you and I know no matter how loudly the words are screamed from the soap box ,little changes . What if we all just said NO!!!!! to what they are doing and refused to participate in the mess they have created.

    Sounds like a start we as Americans are going to have to make a stand and it has to start somewhere and soon ......


    You are really going out of America. Be in America and find out ' What you have done to your country than asking What the country has done for YOU' Go back!!!

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