    what would happen if i drive when im 12

    +2  Views: 370 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Bad idea !!!!!!! Might be on the 6 oclock news !!!!!!!!!!!  Might even be a whole bunch of property damage , expensive damage  and that wont go away .Consider this if you just bump something the air bag is going off and that will punch you in the face like you have never been punched before . Knock the crap right out of you. Hurt like hell . Getting that fixed is several thousand dollars . So I would suggest Go Karts and other things  that fit your age .

    What do you think? Let's see.......

    1) You could get into an accident and kill yourself.

    2) You could get into an accident and kill someone else.

    3) You could get into an accident and kill yourself and someone else.

    4) You could get caught by the police, get sent to juvi and not be allowed to get your license until you're 21 years old.  This of course providing you didn't kill yourself or someone else or both.

    5) You could get caught by the police, dragged home by your ear to suffer the wrath of your parent/s, this providing you did not kill yourself or someone else and you still run the risk of going to juvi after your parent/s finish with you.

    6) You could get away with it giving you a false sense of security so you do something even more stupid next time where you might kill yourself or someone else.

    Hope you make a smart decision.



    I started driving when I was 12.  My car went over a wood fence.  My dad was a little pissed off at me.  Became a good driver by the time I was 14.

    You could end in the slammer.

    you could drive far far away  from your drinking mom ;)

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