Answers: 6689
"You're so ugly______________________!" Fill-in the blank.
Answers: 10 Views: 2618 Rating: 9 Posted: 7 years ago

You should shave your arse & walk backwards.

Rating: 8 Posted: 7 years ago
What's your favorite t.v. channel?
Answers: 6 Views: 1330 Rating: 2 Posted: 7 years ago

Channel 9 in the mornings, A & E in the middle of the day if there is nothing else to do,History channel & BBC First late at night.(Top Gear Reruns).

Rating: 6 Posted: 7 years ago
Answers: 3 Views: 1303 Rating: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

Gotta leave that vac alone Terry.Get yourself a Roomba robot.

Rating: 3 Posted: 7 years ago
What do you say when someone like Charles Manson has died?
Answers: 6 Views: 1289 Rating: 4 Posted: 7 years ago

It's a shame that it was only a hoax.

Rating: 7 Posted: 7 years ago
Mick Jagger
Answers: 7 Views: 1886 Rating: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

Say what you like but I have to admire him.The way he can still prance around the stage & sing at the same time at his age amazes me.

Rating: 7 Posted: 7 years ago
Answers: 8 Views: 1519 Rating: 6 Posted: 8 years ago

I'm OCD. There is a right way & a wrong way to do things and I never start anything I can't finish.Do it properly is my motto. I know it P***es some people off but It will never change.

Rating: 5 Posted: 7 years ago
Can you name all or most of Jesus's disciples with out accessing it ?
Answers: 5 Views: 2353 Rating: 7 Posted: 7 years ago

Matthew,Mark,Luke and John,

Hold my horse while I get on. :)

Peter,Paul & Mary were in there somewhere too.

But not Dave D,Dosey Mick & Tich.

Rating: 6 Posted: 7 years ago
What have you always wanted,,and did you get it,>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
Answers: 8 Views: 1011 Rating: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

To be able to sing like nobody's listening.To be able to dance like nobody's watching.Never got either.Dang!

Rating: 5 Posted: 7 years ago
Why do most women wear only black and gray ? or just black all the time.
Answers: 10 Views: 1797 Rating: 6 Posted: 7 years ago

Because they live in Detroit.

Rating: 7 Posted: 7 years ago
Sad News....Mary Tyler Moore passed away today (Jan. 25, 2017)
Answers: 8 Views: 1391 Rating: 8 Posted: 7 years ago

Ditto to all the above.She was a great role model for the girls.(My girls I mean).I brought them up to stand up for themselves and to speak their mind just like she did.

Rating: 4 Posted: 7 years ago

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