    americans are wasteful people

    0  Views: 445 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Are you from a starving 3rd class nation? I personally am not a wasteful person AND I recycle and buy recycled products.
    What the world thinks about America is no sweat of my ass. We're great, and the rest of the world hates us because of it. I don't see any Americans moving elsewhere, we can't keep you SOB's out of here. In 250 years we built the greatest country to ever have existed. Most of the rest of the world is still living in the ninth century.

    That is a bit strange, What is it that we are sooo hated but some will risk their lives trying to be here.. We have many here from other great countries and those that really respect and love their country do not dis other people's country. This person that started this thread is unhappy with his/her life and the only recourse they have is to bitch about ours.. A loser! Simple minded loser..
    That's because we're rich beyond your wildest dreams, we have it all, you have nothing. We can almost be as rude as you too..

    Also, we prefer when you are addressing us that you capitalize the 'A' in Americans..

    Yeah! Capitol A for the capitalists!!! I mean Americans!! Tell him to bow down to us too Vinny ;D

    I'm not sure its a 'he' but I'll do my best to defend my country, especially during our Memorial Day weekend..

    Colleen there is some things that just can't be recycled LOL

    Not even sure if it matters Vinny. Man, woman, dumb thing to insult us Americans. He/she might leave here with our flag up his ... (in a cyber way of course)

    Hahahaha matheneyg.
    How could you possibly infer that I am wasteful I am one that splits his toilette paper in two , waters down the dishwashing liquid, showers only on one side daily, has a water tank full of bricks, carries water from the rain barrel, make my own beer, wine , and make the trash man m.t the bags into the truck and give them back to me to use again. wasteful not hardly ha ha lol

    Hehehe. I like the garbage bag bit. ;) But if you were less wasteful, you wouldn't have garbage. ;)

    ROFL. Re-useable trash bags. Trash man obviously isn't union. As for your tank-full of bricks, I hope the bricks have holes in them to allow for SOME water flow.
    Great answer ! TU
    You can be wasteful all you want dreamer. That's your thing. I don't waste my freedoms either. I'm still fighting to get them all. Speak for yourself.
    yes we are waistfull people.. we waiste other countries that dont agree with us policy
    I recycle as much as I can and I avoid the waste of materials. Even today I was working on a Grandfather clock project and I straightened two nails that bent and used them rather than "bin" them.

    Having said that I have to admit some people are wasteful but we are getting better.

    Even death is natures way of recycling people.
    Yes. Yes, we are.

    Of all the countries, i have never been; I am greatful to God that I had not been born in the year i became here, among some countries today. My Lord, how they treat women! We are greatful to be free, walking in some places openly. Yet, there is still that part among us that is everywhere; even here, in America. Guess we are all going through it. I think we are, indeed, wasteful, because of how free we feel about our American life and rights.

    Your sister,


    I have told you before your use of "your sister" is presumptuous of you and asked you nicely to desist. I am sure ,in fact I know ,others find it deeply offensive for you to assume that status in our lives.

    By all means ask and answer questions to the best of your ability but please stop the offensive use of "sister"

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