Answers: 4136
what factor made it possible for a shepherd to always lead his own sheep out every morning
Answers: 1 Views: 2642 Rating: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

....his voice

Rating: 1 Posted: 3 years ago
Do you think for your future ?
Answers: 5 Views: 1308 Rating: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

.... I pray and follow God's will, word and way every day 

....I'm lost without the Lord 

Rating: 1 Posted: 3 years ago
Oh, Canada
Answers: 2 Views: 1259 Rating: 2 Posted: 3 years ago

....sad story 

....opinion: all "lost souls" will be found and accounted by God one escapes judgment 

Rating: 1 Posted: 3 years ago
Qual o nome do presidente?
Answers: 2 Views: 1249 Rating: 3 Posted: 3 years ago

....Joe Biden

Rating: 0 Posted: 3 years ago
Who serve the country more teacher or farmers
Answers: 3 Views: 1089 Rating: 4 Posted: 3 years ago feeds the stomach; the other feeds the mind decide

Rating: 2 Posted: 3 years ago
Any advice on how to renovate or redesign an existing landscape?
Answers: 7 Views: 2194 Rating: 0 Posted: 9 years ago mowing required 

Rating: 0 Posted: 3 years ago
B.J. Thomas....
Answers: 4 Views: 956 Rating: 1 Posted: 3 years ago

....good memories


Rating: 2 Posted: 3 years ago
"What is the matter with us"..
Answers: 3 Views: 1051 Rating: 4 Posted: 3 years ago

....opinion: the more of God's will, word, and way and less of us and our selfishness, ego and attitude presented by the media/entertainment industry today's world everyone thinks he/she is right

....where do we get true, trustworthy and effective guidance for life and it's value do we bring back trust of authority and police for everyone 

Rating: 0 Posted: 3 years ago
Anyone trying cryptocurrency ? Is gasoline plentiful ?
Answers: 3 Views: 1121 Rating: 3 Posted: 3 years ago cryptocurrency for me far, gasoline is available 

Rating: 3 Posted: 3 years ago
When you make an appointment, do you post a note on the fridge, to your smart phone. commit it to memory....?
Answers: 4 Views: 1765 Rating: 5 Posted: 3 years ago

.... I write it on my calendar/planner

....I certainly don't trust my memory

....these days I blink and clear my mind

Rating: 3 Posted: 3 years ago

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