    why am i the only gay male in my family

    +1  Views: 793 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Rather ask: "Why am I the only openly gay person in my family?" Congrats for having the balls to be who you are!

    He didn't say he was openly gay
    I am an only gay person in my family as well. Funny thing, I know 2 different sets of twins. That are both gay in there families. Its like saying why am I the only girl, or boy in my family. How about, those individuals in black families who turns out to be an albino. It just the way nature works.
    Make it a positive thing, and that make you unique in your family. WOW! Congratulations!

    @ Umbriel, You're strange. Why would you even post that?
    I'm straight, not a homophobe. I can't understand it, but it exists. A bad rap because of the promiscuity of the lifestyle. In time I expect, it will be accepted as an alternative lifestyle. The time has not come yet because there is an astounding number of AIDS people in that community. I see it and so does the rest of the world. Maybe if the gay community weren't so fast to poke a stick in the eye of the public, the public would be more accepting of them. I'm not screaming, I'm straight. I don't want to hear you screaming, your gay. Please no comments on this, I said how I feel and that's it. I will not respond.

    This is such narrow minded hog wash. I am appalled every time I see this stereotyping of my community. This kind of view point is outdated and uneducated. Everything you said here can be applied to the heterosexual community too. Research please. Not wanting to hear or know a person is gay is NOT accepting of the life. This in a sense does make you a homophobe. Sorry, I can not let let ignorance lie.

    Can you summarize what you just said ?

    ed shank ~ I'm surprised and displeased by your answer. I thought you were different. : (

    mcm, what he did was to take false stereotypical thinking about the homosexual community and tried to explain why ed sees the homosexual life the way he does. Because of his job, he's trained to use a lot of fluff and filler words in his writing as a reviewer so he does the same in general conversation too. This makes it hard for the average person to follow along when he speaks. Most people do not even read reviews because of this. Everything is an objective review with little personal opinion or thought. Anyway, what he spoke about in his ramble was slavery, rape and pedophilia. None of the three have anything to do with homosexuality. All of the three can be found in the heterosexual world also but I do not classify the heterosexual world as being just those three things like some straight people like to do to the homosexual word. Then he used fictitious stories as representation of the promiscuity of the gay life (only a percentage of gays are promiscuous). Stories that promoting anal sex claiming all gays do it when it's been proven that few homosexuals practice anal sex. He forgot to include however, that you can find anal sex in the hetero lifeSTYLE and that promiscuity is alive and well in the straight community also. Lastly he used a couple of English celebrities to represent the entire gay communities relationships (unwise move), hell even straight celebrity relationships don't truly represent the hetero communities relationships. The Celebrity life is a culture unto itself. So basically in a nut shell, he said a lot about nothing because he does not know or understand the life. Like Ed, Umbriel has done little research into the life to find that it has a whole lot more to do with love than it does sex.
    ed shank

    Comment from the "Narrow Minded": Dissect each sentence in my comment and tell me where the lies are? As far as doing research on this subject, why would anyone have too? Every town has an establishment which caters to a gay clientele, so we know and accept the fact that gays exist. My "Screaming" comment I believe is correct. The gay community has always been very vocal in dispelling myths within the community and rightfully so. We demonize what we don't understand, in this case two people of the same gender loving each other. I've made this comment in a previous question similar to this one "Take the physical intimacy out of the equation, then there would be no issue", but humans being who and what they are seem to focus on the sexual part of the relationship only. Throw in a few verses from the bible and you have a homophobe, and a reason to legitimize gay bashing. I said I wouldn't comment on this, but I resent the implication that I have some dislike towards gays. My comment was "I can't understand it". Why? Because I am not gay.
    ed shank

    To MCM, I'm sorry you read something into my comment that I did not intend to do, such as gay bashing. Your comment that "You thought I was different" I'm not sure what you meant by that. Please read my comment to colleen. I hope you do the same. I did not intend to offend.

    "Dissect each sentence in my comment and tell me where the lies are?" To remind you of my words, "This is such narrow minded hog wash. I am appalled every time I see this stereotyping of my community."

    Now, let me dissect your stereotyping.

    "I'm straight, not a homophobe" - What I've learned in my life is when someone starts any speech about gays with, "I'm straight", then they have a problem with the homosexual life. (A lifestyle is a choice. I did not choose this. Just like I did not choose to be born female).

    "I can't understand it, but it exists." - Have you ever honestly tried to understand it? Can you understand born deaf, born blind, born with brown hair, blue eyes, male, female? Have to talked to gay people up close and personal to get their perspectives on the life or have you only ever listened to straight people guessing and thinking they know all about the life even though they've never lived it?

    "A bad rap because of the promiscuity of the lifestyle." - Where? Please do tell me. Do you see them? Do you know a lot of gays who are running around just trying to sleep with anyone they can? I keep looking but I can't seem to find these gays and I know a lot of gays. Hey, did you see the straight girl who posted here that she's sleeping with 3 different men trying to get pregnant?

    "In time I expect, it will be accepted as an alternative lifestyle: - It's a sexuality, not a lifestyle. One chooses a lifestyle. I did not choose this. I chose accept it because I could not change it. I CHOOSE to stand up to intolerance, bigotry and ignorance. For others, the choice is to live a lie and make homophobes happy by pretending to be straight or hiding in the closet. Once a homosexual, always a homosexual, even if one were to be with the opposite sex, they are still homosexual. There's no changing it, only hiding it.

    "The time has not come yet because there is an astounding number of AIDS people in that community." - Research this please. 1) IT IS NOT A GAY DISEASE. The nearest I ever heard about how it started was from a man or men who were into bestiality; sex with monkeys. 2) It affects everyone, every sexuality. 3) More heterosexuals are infected than homosexuals. 4) Aids infected babies are on the rise because they are being infected in the womb. Why do you suppose that is? Are all these women having sex with gay men? Or are their straight partners infecting them? It could be dirty needles but not all the mothers use drugs.

    "I see it and so does the rest of the world." - You see what you want to see. Just like the rest of YOUR world you see all this through tunnel vision. Expand your viewing field and you will see the rest of the world (it's much bigger than you think it is) and this disease is for everyone, not just gays.....just like cancer, it has no prejudice as to who it will infect.

    "Maybe if the gay community weren't so fast to poke a stick in the eye of the public, the public would be more accepting of them." - Maybe if narrow minded tight asses would stop trying to keep our rights from us, we wouldn't be poking you poor little people in the eye. Why do you think my community had to start gay pride day? What do you think the parades are for? To show we still have our equal rights to fight for. You try living under oppressive intolerance and hate. Let's see how you would act. Would you just hide in a closet? Or would you fight for your fair rights once you yourself found out YOU CAN NOT CHANGE HOW YOU'RE BORN!?

    "I'm not screaming, I'm straight." - You did it twice in just your uneducated snippet alone. You had no reason to mention your straightness yet you felt the need to, twice. What rights are you fighting for that would force you to have to mention your sexuality? How else are we to fight for our rights if we never mention our sexuality? The thing that makes us different from your straightness, the thing that keeps our rights from us. Do you really think you're so much better than us that you can lord over us and say NO to our civil rights? To tell us not to offend your fine senses by mentioning our sexuality? You the good Christian man who is suppose to be all about love? Pfffft.

    "I don't want to hear you screaming, your gay." - Apparently you don't anyway. Apparently you close your ears to us because your intolerance and ignorance about the gay life remains. You can have the closet you wish for all gays to go back into. I have no use for it, it was never for me.

    "Please no comments on this, I said how I feel and that's it." - Spoken like a true intolerant. Make your grand sweeping conjectures about a life you know nothing about then attempt to slam the door shut on anything that might enlighten and broaden your narrow way of thinking.

    "Every town has an establishment which caters to a gay clientele" - Do you know how many straight people take over those establishments? Mostly straight women trying to hide from promiscuous straight men. So the gay bars have become the straight's closet, lol. Gotta love it.

    "so we know and accept the fact that gays exist." Just because you know homosexuality exists does not mean you're educated about homosexuality. Narrow mindedness means you stubbornly refuse to open your mind to be educated. So you except the fact we exist but refuse to stop thinking we should all just be quiet and go back to the closet and stop offending your fine senses. We came out of our forced exile to educate and to prove we do not threaten the existence of mankind. Homosexuality has been around since the dawn of man. We are still here and the earth is still being populated. Mankind is under no threat of extinction because we exist. Are you afraid your God will love you less if you agree that homosexuals should not have to live as second class citizens? Do you think your God will love you less if you agree that homosexuals should be treated fairly and given equal rights according to the rights of their heterosexual peers? Did you know that a homosexual can still be fired from their job for being homosexual? That they can be denied access to their partner's hospital room and that they can lose their children in some states? Women who gave birth to their own children but lose them because someone finds out they're a lesbian by nature. Did you known that a gay couple who has been together 50 years, if one dies, the other loses everything, home included to the family of the one who died because there are no laws to protect the rights of a committed homosexual couple in most of the states in the United States? There are no death benefits for the surviving partner. The second income they had while their partner was alive is gone, with no pension or SS to replace it. Everything the two worked so hard for together can be gone over night. How long would you stand for that if it were happening to you? Oh yes, I know..we could just pretend to be straight. How long do you suppose you could pretend to be gay? It's no easier for us to pretend to be straight.

    "Take the physical intimacy out of the equation, then there would be no issue" - I think heterosexual sex is disgusting. Could you please stop doing it? Could you please stop putting it in every movie, book, TV show, radio show, song, commercial, advertisement for sex aids and enhancements, schools, billboards, the internet and even right here on akaQA? Can you please stop making out in the streets, the parks, the stores, the restaurants, movie theaters, basically, everywhere? Could you please stop shoving it down my throat??? ... Right back attcha.

    Best answer to the physical intimacy......get the hell out of our bedrooms!

    I'm done.
    You are who you are & quite rightly so!
    Same reason why I'm the only lesbian in my family. It's the way we were born.

    Thank you Colleen for pointing that out----about being born that way . I've always known that gay people were born that way.....just like some people were born color blind; and some people are born left handed.
    Maybe you are the only one with guts enough to admit it!
    It has only been in the last few years that people came out of the closet. Perhaps there were gays in your family, as there are in most, but they lived a secret life.
    If you are able, look back at your family tree and try to find out something about who is on/in the tree. They probably are there but nobody talked about them. My family has people that "went West" and were estranged from the family.
    Very happy that you know who you are, things are chaning but we still have a long way to go in our country.

    That's true that people used to deal with it by leaving the family nest and moving far away, and not communicating much.

    That's why they call California the land of the fruits and the nuts :-D

    That's kind of funny, mycatsmom. I'd have to see the look on your face to know for sure how you meant it.
    San Francisco is sure the place for Gays. It's the norm in some sections.
    my husbands side of the family has several gay people. so far none of mine has shown if they are. wouldnt matter to me anyway. i`d still love them just the same!
    I know a family where the husband is bisexual and the son is gay and maybe ac&dc too. It does run in families.
    saw something on Tv that said if you're the youngest of many sons, your chances of being gay are much greater.

    I think that's crap.They will make TV docos about anything that they think will get the publics attention.

    That's BS... I have a cousin [deceased] that was the third born of 5 boys, he was gay, the others were not gay. That said, I miss him a lot as he was the most fun of all of them, he always made me laugh and everyone around him.

    Agreed, BS

    That's BS. I've worked with a lot of gay males and females and hardly any of them are the youngest.
    I am so tired of the arguments about the gay life and the straight life. Just tired of it. It seems to me that men love each other when they hang together: poker, football, baseball, wrestling ... guy things. Women love each other when they are in knitting groups, garden clubs, gossip clubs?
    These groups may not have sex on their conscious mind ... but it could be subconscious. We need to be able to love who we love without anybody saying "No, no ... naughty!" I am so tired of verbose postings against love, sex, and friendship. I understand that guys have great fear of their sexuality ...omg, I am growing verbose with each letter I post. THE END
    Like everything else,it does tend to run in families. It's endocrine abnormalities. Maybe if you had more brothers,then more than one of you would be gay . I know of a famliy in my town who had 8 kids.Two of the boys were gay and died of AIDS . Maybe one of your great uncles, or great-great uncles were gay . A friend of mine's sister became mormon, and they have a lot of kids. She had something like 8 0r 9. TWo of the boys are gay . Then her husband left her.

    I come from a family of 8 siblings but I'm the only gay. I do not think family size matters. I'm 3rd eldest in my family. This whole aids thing, I saw Ed mention it too. It stopped being called the gay disease when it attacked the straight people too. It's a disease that attacks anyone. It's just a disease and does not favor one sexuality over the other. Anyone can get it though lesbians are least likely to acquire it.

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