    What are the symtoms of a mini stroke

    0  Views: 489 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    My mom fell on the cement porch. It didn't look like a serious fall but I sent her to bed because she was kinda rambling in her speech. It was subtlle but for some reason it worried me a lot.

    Months later she had a massive stroke that did her in. She could not feed herself, recognize me, take care of hygine, walk, talk. Nothing.

    She liked folk music. I sang "Old Stewball was a race horse and I wish he was mine." My mom actually could sing along with that song. She sang "Old Stewball was a race horse and I wish I was 'dead'.  Those were her ONLY words. I broke and could not see to my kids or husband. Mom's stroke went on for about 20 years. There are now so many ways to prevent stroke when Transcient Ischema hits. Just go to the hospital and they can prevent a miserable situation like my mom, me, and my family went through, People who are alone should have one of those call buttons so if they fall they can summon help.

    ole hipster

    Bless your heart my does give one some terrible things to have to go through...however...this only makes you have given a very succinct and thoughtful answer...(:

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