    Do you believe riots and unrest will spread to USA eventually?

    +2  Views: 728 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    We are not immune to social unrest. The possibility exists that we will soon demand answers immediately. No jobs, foreclosures, lack of health care for the unemployed, higher taxes, the climate is right for unrest. But once the second wave of foreclosures hits, and unemployment is no more, all hell will break loose.
    Good, thoughtful question. Have you read The Grapes of Wrath?
    When people are poor, hungry and feel the world is against them we can expect almost anything.
    id like to be optimistic and say no, but the us is not imune from the worlds stress, as gas and food prices get worse, people certaianly will get desperate for lifes basic needs. the us goverment through 'fema' already has a plan in effect for civil unrest!
    I am not really too sure of that, I think we will at one point have some form of rebellion but I don't think it will amount to much.

    There are three sides to consider, Right, left and i don't care.. The left is young and conditioned, the right is traditional but older and won't fight much so I really don't see much in the way of riots. Our country USA is going through major changes, some good, some not so good IMO, we will never satisfy everyone but I do see a future society of left thinkers. I am not really happy about this but I am a traditionalist-- that is not to say I believe in all past traditions.
    Never. Americans may bitch and complain when the economy temporarily goes south but it will bear and grin it knowing that the cycle will do its thing.
    Its possible sometime in the future but doubtful as America is slowly but surely moving toward a ridgid police type country, Americans have let politicians take away so many of their rights in the last few years Another 25 yrs. this country will not exist as we know it today.
    ed shank

    What a mess we have allowed our elected people get away with. Some are waking up, but is it enough?

    Very good reply! The conditioning of our country is starting in the schools. They are being taught this everyday, not so much that the teachers want to teach this but rather they have no choice because of the laws regarding political correctness. Kids are not allowed to fail, it oppresses them. so, they will never learn to better themselves through work, what they are learning is get what you want through protesting.. We used to call it 'pouting' and when we whined and pouted, we got our faces slapped and sent to our room.. Not anymore!
    ed shank

    Great reply Vinny. Slap them today and it will be you peeking through the bars.
    if america riots it want last long we are fat and lazy
    People riot when they feel something has been taken away from them. The prison system is the biggest example. No freedom. Where does most riots again occur, where there is no freedom.

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