    Is Colleen leaving us?

    +7  Views: 1049 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    No. I'm still here but I've decided not to moderate since so many didn't like the way I was handling the forum. Should be a much more fun place now :)

    You have done a great job hun.... I do think you need a break. PLease dont leave the site. I would miss you.

    I'm not leaving unless they kick me out. I just think it's time the complainers see what I did for them during the 16 hours or so per day guarding this place for everyone.


    Hey Colleen...I bet your pretty tired of this idiot...Can't you block his IP address?
    If you keep deleting his accounts, he'll only create more...that'd be draining. Where are the admins? it's their site..can't they do anything about it?

    I'm no longer moderating dh. I quit.

    that would come?

    Because some feel I wasn't doing a good job. Someone else can give it a go now. This is not a paid gig. It's not worth the hours and the stress of trying to moderate a forum with no rules.

    well it's all up to you in the end...what you want to do in your daily life...even if there were rules...i don't think it'd make any difference...I'm going to be away for three weeks on an extensive research trip so I won't be checking here for a while...Just want to say good luck!! and have loads of ice cream whenever you feel stressed :) . Take care...go have a walk in the beach also to collect seashells :) they're awesome..

    Thanks dh and I will miss you while you're away. I'll even eat an ice cream in your honor. :)

    I'll miss you too :)
    Thanks for the ice cream honour! But make sure it has chocolate in it :O

    I'll get mint chocolate chip, how's that? I'm not a big fan of all chocolate ice cream. ;)

    That'd be Perfect :)
    See you then in three weeks ;)

    Take good care of yourself dh (((hugs)))

    Moderators always get a bad rap Colleen. Your doing yourself a favor by letting it go.

    one bad apple dont spoil the whole bunch,maybe a short vaction would be in order, but dont forget your return ticket, we'd be lost without ya,were also lost with ya...

    You're right TSC. Moderators are the target for everything.

    I wish that it was only one bad apple Daren.


    I always thought you did a great job colleen, but wondered about how much time it must take. I understand what you mean, and I'm really glad to know you're staying as a member. :)

    Colleen, I just bought some mint choc chip ice cream . Yum. And it has dark choc chips in it. Wouldn't have it any other way :-)
    Colleen let me tell you a story.

    A man came home from work to find toys scattered everywhere, dishes in the sink from breakfast and house in a mess.
    Fearing his wife was sick he went into the bed room to find his wife sitting up in bed with a glass of wine and a plate of nibbelies reading a book. "Are you Ok, whats wrong" he asked.

    "Nothings wrong, it is just that every day you come home from work and as me "what have you been doing all day", well today I didn`t"

    So I agree people do not know what they have until they lose it.

    I for one feel pleased to have had your help and advice, even the times I do not totaly agree with you but that is what friendship is about, and all the whingers should take a good hard look at themselves.
    I appreciate all the work that Colleen has put into this website. She works hard for us and gets nothing in return except our thanks. There have been times when I really don't appreciate some of the questions. I'm not a prude, I just don't believe this is the proper forum for sex questions and vulgarity in general. There are children that come on and can read them without anyone knowing about it. I would ask that everyone make an effort to help keep this website a pleasant place for everyone and think about what you are asking or answering before putting it out there for the public to read.

    "She works hard for us and gets nothing in return except our thanks."

    Or complaints or false reports or snide comments posted at me because I was doing the job the admins asked of me. But I do appreciate those who have appreciated my efforts to keeping this a forum one that most all can enjoy. I say most because I never wanted people who just wanted to trash the place to have fun here. Thanks 6Dogs. :)

    here here 6dogs
    You are one of the most intelligent people here,its good to know that we are not on our own here,and we had you for back up if the need be.Your answers/comments were of high standards .Even if your not a moderater,i will still look forward to your input.
    Hi Colleen I didnt know you worked for this site first of all well done keeping it together for us Please dont leave you are one of the Gang and I really would miss all your answers as I find them very interesting and educating think it over or take time out "but too long" look forward to hearing from you soon ((hugs))

    I'm not leaving, I've just decided to step down as the moderator here. I'll still be here daily ;)

    oh good thanks colleen
    Take a deserved break.

    Thanks ed. :)
    Ditto to Pls comments.All the way.
    Sorry to see you go Colleen. Although I don't know you all that well personally, I feel like I know you through your answers. Most of which I found interesting and informative. You will certainly be missed around here. I know one thing it will be difficult to find a moderator as good as you.

    There is some one just as good,believe me.

    Thanks Black but I'm not going anywhere. I've just free myself of the stress of not having to be the perfect moderator to please everyone ;)

    hey python, did you put your name in yet? :) The job requires oodles of patience, and dedication and 16 hour days and being a target for all the whiners and playing detective and out thinking the jerks who create multiple accounts so they can pop up at will and post crap just to upset people at the same time reading all threads and watching for nasty comments or karma attacks on others which means you're checking karma updates on members constantly and reporting anything suspicious ad getting people back their karma before they even knew it was missing. Putting up with snide remarks about you in different threads because you had to play moderator a couple times with a person because they were out of line. Having false reports filed against you that you now have to take the time to type a long e-mails explaining exactly what happened and why this person is upset when you know it was all based in jealousy and anger because that person doesn't believe you should be moderator. So be prepared for a lot of typing between defending your actions as a moderator and sending daily reports to the admin as to how things are going and any issues on the site and still get time in to answer the questions that have sat for hours with no one getting an answer for them. That's just some of it. There's more involved. It's not as easy as some would think. Hardest part, pleasing all the people. We all know that can't happen but everyone expects it. You all look to me to keep this site the way you like it. Sometimes that means someone is made unhappy because they can't do what they want. I get the flack because of that. The next hardest part is trying to be fair across the board no matter how a person dislikes you and has 0 respect for you. You still have to allow them their freedom of speech when they rip you to shreds in a public post and end it with "quite frankly....YOU SUCK!" all because you had to play moderator and tell them to stop attacking and making fun of a person in such an evil way. It was just so uncalled for. Anyway, like I said, this is just some of what you get to put up with.

    I know colleen after reading that I would not like to do that job too much stress I take my hat of to you "if I wore one" well done for all the hard work you have put in "DO THEY RELIZE WHO THEY ARE LOOSING" I know your not leaving and just stepping down but surley this will still effect the site? the site at the moment is runing really good. with you stepping down, this will definately effect the site dont you think! I just hope it will not go pear shape mel ((((HUGS)))
    colleen, I'm glad to have you on our side. You have given me some courage to speak which I badly needed. However, with you not moderating ... will I continue with my brave sayings? from my first trembling post you were there to guide me.
    do the big bosses have any problems with your unique way of thinking about life?
    I don't think it will be the same. who will be the moderator. You need to tell us. I could guess. Oh my ... oh no! You wouldn't throw us under the bus would you sweetheart?

    I'll still be here to cover your back, lol I'll cyber smack anyone who messes with you ;)
    Her former job is kinda like umpiring a baseball or softball game---it's a thankless job.
    NO. She said she's just not gonna be moderator anymore. She's still there-----putting her two cents in.
    So is Jenn, even tho she said she was going to take some time off from akaQA

    I never realized the stress you were under and all for us. I have looked at your answers several times - just flicking through - and didn't realized what a smart girl you are. All that technical stuff. All that heart warming helpful stuff. Gee, I'm going to miss you.

    Is this because of what's his face, harry crumb?

    I hope to see you on this side of the avenue too. Don't go away - OK?



    I'm still here. I'm not leaving. ;) Thank you for your words and thought though :)
    so who's the new moderator i nominate "eggplant" we need someone that can oversee thing from outer space!

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