    I went to work yesterday on a job and i wanted to phone my builder and I overheard him say

    "Oh no its Her want does she want now and he disconnected me "
    all I wanted to say is thanks to all the work he and others have done and I have notice he is undermining my work " he does work for me as and when"I am looking for advise on dealing with matter

    +5  Views: 611 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    That kind of insubordination deserves to be dealt with, no matter what the circumstances of his employment. There are boundaries that should never be crossed, and he crossed one of them, and needs to know that's not the way the game is played.

    thank you Shooah for your answer and I agree that there are boundrys one should never cross thanks again
    If this is the first time you have found him with an attitude towards you,maybe he was feeling a bit stressed or rushed at the time you rang.As for not following your instuctions it seems he wants to do things his way,refresh his mind and tell him who is boss.Also mention the phone call and ask him to show some respect when he answers his phone.I know some people that have been sacked from their jobs for less than this.As i said show him who's boss.For every 1 person who is sacked there would be 50 more that could take his place.

    thanks Pythonlover you have made very good point to answer your question he has worked for me 3yrs and as I said he is very trustworthy and reilable thanks again mel
    Thanks Eggie thats what my Husband said as he is working for me and wouldnt ahve ajob with out me I am not saying he is bad or anything but I feel he dosnt like working for woman for instance I told him I wanted the mirrow above the sink and the shaver point had to go to the side of it and blow me when I get there the shaving point was at the side but left no room for the mirrow and now it was too late to move it as the shaver point has been tiled in thank you for you input on this

    sorry about that went go in the comment box sorry i am Blonde!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Give him his walking boots, to another job, elswhere. What a cheek.

    Hi eggi I would love to do this but I am a bit of a coward and I dont wont to cut my nose of to spite my face I know I will have to confront this guy at one piont but it makes me feel very uneasy concerning the future with this man for when any other work come along thaks again for your imput
    Sorry I hit the wrong button.

    In the first instance I mentioned I would call the builder aside and say "Do we have a problem?" Depending on his reply I would say "Well Charlie Bill whatever his name is, when I phoned you I over heard you say Oh its her what does she want now? I have to say I was less than happy to hear you talk like that to one or your workers" "Now if you have a problem working with me tell me here and now and we can come to some sort of resolution' "I have been happy with your work and by the way that was what I was calling to tell you" "So do we have a problem?"

    In the second instance a similar approach would be reccommended, how
    ever some people who have work being done tend to "look over the buiders shoulder" all the time and many trades people object to this.

    In some instances in Australia the builder will not allow the owner on site unless they have an agreement to do so.

    Some builders are a pain in the arse but then some contractors are also.

    thaks peoplelove yes I know what you are saying and its what I think I was going to say anyway have a look at the first comment and let me know what you think thanks mel
    Hey mel, I would talk directly to the builder in your own sweet way, but firmly let him know who's boss.

    hi Bevs yes this probably what I will have to do as you know what I am like I hate confrontataions it is upsetting for me and I know that I have to do this at one point thanks Bevs for your thoughts
    Melandrupert, Mel I see your point and even though I am 79 and been associated one way or another in the people business for more years than I care to count I would not tell you or anyone else how to suck eggs BUT I will say this "You will catch a lot more flies with honey than you will with vinegar"
    It is a matter of cutting off your nose to spite your face if you go bullheaded at this. You know as well as I do the builder would not lie awake sobbing his eyes out if you took some of the advise given here, allbeit well intentioned.

    Talk to him and make him aware that if you ask for something to be done in a certain way you need to know that it is going to happen.

    I would if it were me insist on the ensuite being done correctly at his cost IF IF IF you have evidential proof that was the design.

    thank you peoplelove yes it was in the design I have been working with guy for 3 yrs amore and he very reliable and trust worthy which as you know what this buisness is like and he has acted as projact manager when I am not a round though he is fully incharge of all his men that work for me and he aslo pays them and I know what you are saying about cutting my nose off to spite my face and I know I have to tread careful when approaching this matter thanks again for all the responce you have given me

    You are most welcome, let me know what transpires. All the best and "softly softly catchee monkey"
    You know "some" men just can't work for women. It's not how smart or stupid you are, they just have no respect for women in general and no matter what the situation they just can't help themselves.

    thank you black 3 for your comment I do think you have a point is that he dose not like working for woman

    Your welcome, good luck whatever you decide, I hope all goes well.

    thank you Black 3
    Let me try and get this straight in my mind, do you run a building business where you build properies, I assme houses from your example, where you sublet the work to various trades people. In Australia we call the trades people subbies.

    Or are you having a house built for your own puposes, to live in sell rent what ever? and this is the builder you have contracted to carry out the work?

    thankyou peoplelove I am a interiors designer and I just dont to interiors I do exteriors as well and we were contracted to make the bedroom larger and put a en-suite so what i am saying I find the work mainly through recomendations and then I as you pointed out yes they are subbies thank you peoplelove

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