    Something new called Contempt Of Cop has been making the news.Personaly some of them have earned it . Question is : Is it time for some Contempt Of Government??? Frankly they are not getting the job done .What if we all quit looking for jobs and started looking for a way to start a business.What if we all told the government to take a hike and made our own way???

    How long would it take you to have a business if that was your only means of survival????? No money is no excuse . A prouduct a crowd and a smile is all it takes and maybe 25.00 bucks for space at the local flea market. Think about it .

    +1  Views: 355 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Contempt Of Government should be taught pre-K to Ph.D.

    When they say "We" and "Our" they're not talking about you or me...they all know it but the sheeple don't realize it.... Like Libya is about oil, kaddaffi's money and the fact they're one of only a few countries that don't have a central bank...oh, and arms sales...piss on the corprate govt.z around the world forever. They're the virus

    Lol am in complete agreement with you.There does not seem to be any hope.Slowly but surely they keep changing the rules and gaining more control and power. Personaly I ll never cooperate with them again .Good luck sir thanks for your answer.

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