    Nice thing to do for my hubby?

    Hubby has been working 12 hours a day 5 days a week... And he is a working man not a pencil pusher... He is trying to make extra money for my dads final expenses and for the tromendous amount of gas it takes for me to travle the 3 hrs there and 3 hours back 2-3 times a week.... We dont have alot of time together and most of our money is spoken for.. Can you think of something nice I can do for him?

    +3  Views: 736 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    I cant give you my answer as there are children on this site. ;-)

    nudge nudge wink wink say no more!! ;-)

    well there is an idea!!! But he is too tired unless it is the weekend.. TRUST ME I have tryed.

    Then that will be dessert on his next day off after the fabulous dinner you cook for him :D
    Grit Savage

    Even when I am completely knackered after a full-on day, I can be coaxed into being very awake for a while!!
    give him a ton of casual visuals (you know what I mean) without any expectancy, it'll work. I know coz I'm a bloke ;-)

    Well that will be my dessert.. I hope he likes it with a red head on top
    Grit Savage

    yeah, go girl ;-)

    Sorry my horns are showing... LOL
    He sounds like a very selfless man and a good provider.Why dont you and the kids get together and write a beautiful card or a scrap book on what he has done in your lives so far,make it a fun thing to do with the kids,and then present it to him with hugs and kisses and a big thankyou.He will treasure it.

    aww that is so sweet.. If we didnt just have fathers day I think that would work. But I think the kids 11 and 15 are arts and crafted out.
    Just tell him.You appreciate how hard he is working & how much you appreciate his support during these difficult times.That would do it for me Jenn.

    He is well aware that i think he is the most amazing, giving, loving, supportive, understaning man I have ever known.. And that I realize I am the luckiest girl in the world because I can call him mine... I dont let any oppertunity pass me by to share my feelings with him. (and he thinks he is the lucky one..LOL) I just want to do something special.

    Good 4 U Jenn.Dinner & a show? Wax his car (LOL).

    OK now the waxing his car is a fabulous idea.. I never would have thought of that.. You do mean his car right?

    HAHAHA.What did you have in mind?

    Oh nothing.... lol

    Maybe you can wax his car AND WAX HUS CAR! I'm sure he would love it.Wink wink.

    It is a good night to be on AKA!!! Much love tommy

    Jenn,you have made some mistakes but your heart is where it should be.You are a good person & an interesting woman.I'm sure whatever you do for your partner he will know where it's coming from.More power to ya,Kiddo.& enjoy your man.

    What mistakes???

    The ones you mentioned in another thread a while ago.
    I'm not going to repeat them.

    Hope I have the right person here! Oh dear don't tell me I've put my big foot in my mouth,If the mistakes are not yours Jenn please disregard the comment but everything else I said stands.OK?

    LOL I think i am the right one... I think you are referring to my cheating ways... LOL.. I was a teenager and hadnt even met my hubby yet.. But that is not to say I have not been tempted in my 17 year marriage... But he knows when why and that he is my one and only.... We are best friends we tell each other everything.. Well he better tell me everything.. I am a VERY understanding women. LOL

    And too bloody honest for your own good.(LOL)

    Dinner Time! I'm signing off.Nice to talk to you Jenn.

    LOLOLOL.. "wax his car" LOLOLOLOL .. loved it !!
    is that code 4 something...lolol

    Code?? Of course not! Maybe he has 2 cars.
    Just tell him your the luckiest woman in the world to have him. Tell him your prayers were answered when you asked God for a decent man to come into your life.
    When he has his next day off, make it his day. He can do what he wants and you will fix him his favorite meal.

    I cook to order every night for him... I wish he would do something he want ... it is always what the kids need or want. He is so worried he is going to take away from them.

    Can you send the kids to spend the day with friends so he has to take the day for himself? He must still have a favorite meal and dessert. Get him a card that says all you feel for what he's doing. Add it to the candlelit dinner you're going to make for him :)

    That is a good idea... He gets bummed when to kids are not around,, but I think I can take his mind off of that for a little while. He tries so hard to be everything to everyone.. HE feels like he is letting the kids down or missing thier childhood if he is not spending hos time off with them.

    Tell him no matter what he thinks, kids need a break from mom and dad sometimes. That's kids. He can't take it personally.

    Thank you Colleen that really does help. I had to have the Santa Cluase/ Easter bunny/ tooth fairy conversation with my daughter today.. they are growing up and they do need some time awy from us.

    You better have not told her Santa Claus is not real!! Cuz he is!!! 0.0

    Oh no they are all real.. but the tooth fairy is a man with a hairy belly, bald head, goute and wearing his drawers (dad) and the Easter bunny is a super sexy red hair (mom) and Santa still comes if you beleive in him wink wink.

    YAY! Santa is the only real one! :D I wouldn't mind a visit from your Easter Bunny ;), but I think your tooth fairy would scare me, lol

    Bahahaha!!!! My Easter bunny leaves magic paw prints all over the house and my tooth fairy leaves money.

    I could use the money he leaves to get therapy for the mental trauma I'll suffer...hehehehe

    you are killing me!!! LMAO! My man is beautiful! But I guess the description my daughter and I came up with is frightening....

    Yes, the way you describe him, he is a beautiful Soul. I'm glad you have someone so wonderful in your life :)

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