    Should there be school uniforms?

    +2  Views: 942 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Of course. In Australia, we have always had uniforms. The kids look nice in them and if they muck up in public, we know which school they attend.
    absolutaly here in the states its not a requirement. i think it would restore disipline as well as oder. it would show all student are equal, rather than those with money and those students without. it might help put the focous back on learning rather than the latest fashion trends or lack of, i also think this should include teachers as well!!!
    Once again from Australia.The thinking is if all the kids have to wear the same you won't have the kids in Guccis looking down on the kids in Kmarts.Eliminate teasing etc.Plus Eggplant has a very valid point.The down side of it is the cost.Uniforms are bloody expensive.At least if you have kids of the same sex you can recycle some of the clothes & shoes but initially it can be difficult for some people like single mums etc.
    I agree with everyone else on this one. My youngest goes to a technical high school and has to wear a uniform every other week. (just on the week he has shop) One week he has shop the next he has regular classes, the week he has regular classes he can wear what he wants. It is so much easier on the weeks he has shop because he know what he is going to wear he doesn't get up and scream about what isn't washed or ready to wear. The uniforms just make life easier. They also have a shop in the school where you can buy used stuff that in good shape.
    nice, store bought non-uniform clothes are expensive too. you can look at the clothes at target and think they're a good bargain. try them on ... they don't fit right, they fall apart after washing. they're pretty much worthless.
    i would think you could recycle uniforms to students in your kids classes.
    in my opion uniforms would solve more problems than they cause.
    Right on the money itsmee, when my children were at high school, back when they chipped the rocks to learn to write and dinosaurs roamed the earth, the schools had a recycle sale and you could buy the uniforms at greatly reduced prices. AND IT WORKED.

    Today some of the spoilt brats would be :"OOh I can`t wear someones cast offs goodness knows what germs they had"

    Another example of how we have failed our children.

    Friends I was the youngest of 5 boys in a dirt poor family, I had patches on the hand me downs to wear to school.

    Hey PL.Are you sure you are not my big brother!:)

    Tommyh, well I was a wild lad so I may be your Dad, no good of telling me your mums name I never knew half of their names.
    our kids here wear uniforms that consist of white shirts dark pants. all of this started when some kids here were beating up or seriously harming other kids and taking their things, mainly expensive name brand shoes and jackets.

    in my senior year at high school, linda h. became pregnant. i have NEVER seen a pregnancy so huge. ginormous, as they say. anyway, in the case of linda h. a uniform wouldn't work.
    however, high school students shouldn't get pregnant. ummmm.

    Maybe that's a market opportunity.High school maternity uniforms.The way things are going these days it's probably not as silly as it sounds!!!

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