    I have been coughing up blood, about 6 tablespoons sometimes twice a wk. I have smoked since I've been 14 and I'm now 62 my Dr. doesn 'r seem to be concerned, I have conjestive heart failure, diebetes, high blood presure, adeema. I live in a small town in Minn. could it be that this Dr. is just so uninformed that he doesn'r know or just doesn't care?

    +1  Views: 895 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Time to change doctors!
    You need to get another opinion ASAP. If is never noraml to cough blood. If he did not run any test... and does not take your condition seriously you need to move on.

    This was a flashback to my Mom 10 years ago. Even now, there just isn't any other doctor to go to. Small town, small hospital, limited tests that could be done. If she had gone to the city south of here it would have been a different story. At 80 she felt her time was used up, very sad.
    Doctors in small towns are just as informed as doctors in large cities, but have a lot less equipment and frills than the city doctors do. With all the issues you have going, he probably is waiting to see if it goes away or if he needs to send you to a specialist or even another (bigger) hospital - both of which will cost you more money and probably more aggravation.

    I doubt very much that he doesn't care, it could be that he doesn't feel a need for further tests until something more shows up.
    Go to St. Judes Medical center in your area and find a sober doctor. Your issues sound serious.
    I agree, get a second opinion!
    Gave you your first karma points , because you need something positive. Everybody's going to give me crap about my answer. There is nothing much any average doctor can do for you. This sounds like the result of many years of the smoking. Some peoples bodies can tolerate the over 3000 chemical substances that are put into bodies from cigarette smoke, looks like yours didnt. If you want a better chance to live , stop smoking now. Your body will start to heal if given a chance , if not too late. If you continue to smoke , my guess you have 9 months, maybe, to live , and you will die a terrible painful death. How serious are you about living?
    Partner the sad truth is You have abused your body for quite a number of years and wore it out And at your age there is not a lot that Dr.'s can do damage is done I suggest a good look at your life style and change a lot of habits. if you want to live a bit longer
    If you do not get a second opinion like yesterday you are toying with possible death. Hear that DEATH, DEAD, KAPUT.
    Do you care? If so, you should be asking him what they are going to do about it, and the treatment for your other ailments.

    could be broncitis....try to get some warranty on my spelling.

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