    How do you upload a photo in the answer area here?

    You were able to click on an icon and do that before, is that option not available now.

    +1  Views: 2010 Answers: 24 Posted: 13 years ago

    24 Answers

    Thanks, leeroy. I think I saw a photo on one of your answers? Thought you could by using HTML or something.

    Yeah, old question probably.
    Good question, I don't think it is possible yet. You should contact administration and they will usually respond the same day, I have been sending them suggestions and they have been very appreciative about them. It's gonna take some time to get all the bugs worked out here, but they are working on them. T.u. Hope you are doing good Randy, God bless u.
    Headless Man

    I'm doing great, U2 I hope.
    In about a week we will have the ability to upload pictures to the site.
    Headless Man

    Thats why I said for now, but this code works if I made it clear enough.

    No worries. Post pics using the coding you made. I just wanted to let others know they would be able to post pictures soon too if they couldn't figure out the codes you guys are using.


    alt text

    alt text

    I see that they've managed to get photos from the old forum to show. But no update as for putting in new ones. This is the coding used in this new forum for the owl pictures I put in the old forum.

    OK, I can't show you the code. It just shows the picture again and if I try to break it, it doesn't show the code. It just goes invisible.
    Try this for the really long links that tend to break when you post them here. This will change them into tiny URLs
    Answer to you Randy
    Headless Man

    Ok, Colleen, still trying to see if there is a way to get a photo to load.
    Well they've done something today. They made the comment box so it opens bigger now. That's another thing off the list.
    Headless Man

    It don't here.

    It is certain pages for me. Not every page however. I'll let them know there's a glitch.
    No, this forum does not support posting pictures yet. It's on the list but is a low priority for now. I will keep pushing for it though because I find it useful.
    Headless Man

    Yes, sometimes a photo is worth a thousand words. If I had to type a thousand words, I wouldn't answer.

    I'm going to include your comment in my next plea to them, lol
    This is the code to load your photo for now:
    <begin with<-IMG src=> "Then your wed link to your image" >end with<ISMAP>
    Do not put the - in front of IMG or the< in front of ISMAP be sure that your link to your photo looks like this: "html://your web site photo name and format(.jpg or .gif and end with "

    I had to use the extra - and < to keep the code visible.

    See examples above.
    Nice job TSC, but you didn't need to kill the poor pup to show
    I see the code here will play some, above on mine you need to click.
    TSC You their?

    I am now. Ok, when you upload a picture to photobucket or what ever hosting site you use click on the EMBED CODE link. That will allow your picture to be seen without having to click on it on Q&A.

    HTML CODE (embed)
    Headless Man

    I have my own web site, and can't get it to work from there without clicking on it, guess I will have to get my HTML book out again unless their going to fix this.
    Use <begin with<-IMG src=> "Then your wed link to your image" >end with<ISMAP>
    Do not put the - in front of IMG or the< in front of ISMAP be sure that your link to your photo looks like this: "html://your web site photo name and format(.jpg or .gif and end with "

    I had to use the extra - and < to keep the code visible

    Waiting for updates.
    Any new ides.......?
    Headless Man

    OK, I give It will open if you click on it .
    Headless Man

    Same thing only when you click on it.

    well I guess this doesn't work.. :(
    Headless Man

    Well it dose if I click on it.

    I love that sign!!! LMAO

    how do you from camcorder to PC?
    Headless Man

    USB cord.

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