    How does one commit painless suicide?

    +2  Views: 2537 Answers: 29 Posted: 12 years ago

    29 Answers

    No one is going to help you commit suicide. Leave the man. Take a deep breath and be a woman. You must have friends and family who you can talk to. If not, call here: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). He is not worth your life. I bet you would be scared and fight for your life if he threatened to take it. No difference if you kill yourself over him. He would still be taking your life. Are you going to let him win like that? Never allow scum to win.
    There is no such thing as painless suicide... Someone is going to feel pain.. mom, dad, sis bro,children.. And thier pain will NEVER go away.
    Alyssa J.

    Not in my case since I don't have any family and the only person who has ever shown any kind of love for me no longer does so this should be easy.

    1-800-273-TALK (8255). They care and they will listen.
    Hold your breath, I hope you're kidding, Death is the beginning of pain if you're not ready.

    If you do one thing, accept a free gift. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Just say yes and mean it, tell others about your choice, then live it, and find a good BIBLE teaching Church. Read the BIBLE yourself and study. Love, Randy
    Well I know that this is a cliche but it still holds true. The darkest hour is right before the dawn. Dump him because he is dragging you down psychologically. HE IS NOT WORTH DYING FOR. You have to begin to learn how to develop a little more self respect. Your whole existence and reason to be should not be tied to one man anyway, especially one like him. Try to love yourself and realize that life is an adventure but you have to be willing to take the first step. Don't be afraid. Just one baby step, then another, and another, etc. Good luck to you.
    I hope you are still around i am so sorry you are going through this, you will not be the 1st or the last i should think half the woman and the men on this site have been where you are now and we all get over it I have certainly been in your shoes at least you are in your own country when this happened to me I was in a strange country 3000 miles away what would I have given to be near my family and freinds I ahd know one to turn to hey if I did it you can
    please see sence and ring somee one or call the smaratans they will help every time good luck for the future as you know you have a future Mel
    impossible you might find a pian free way to kill your self , but what about the pain you inflict on your loved ones.. i hope and pray thats this is just a hyperthectal question.. cause perhaps you dont realize you are loved not just by me .. but the ruler of all to a loved one .. a pastor even a mirror and see the beauty within you...daren11
    Please don't commit suicide, especially if you have children; even grown children, b/c it can leave a legacy for them that make them more prone to commit suicide----like last year, it said in People Mag that Donna Plato's son committed suicide to be with his mom. And the author, Ernest Hemmingway committed suicide, b/c his dad did.
    And as for you, God still has a plan for you. Get out of there and go to a woman's shelter, if need be. Or live with a friend for a while. Get a grant to go back to school . Get your GED if you didn't finish H.S. You can always get a job cleaning. Good luck. We're all pulling for you . And remember , it will get better. Your problems now are only temporary
    Hey Alyssa, he's not worth it darling. You have so much to live for. Let the scumbag go. This will pass. Go and stay with your parents or sister/brother.
    Wake up Alyssa, Go to the nearest hospital and go to the emergency room tell them your feelings and they will get you help, even if it's drugs to make you feel better it will give you time to get your life together.
    ole hipster

    Amen RP!
    Now how would any of us know how to answer this? There is no one here that had committed suicide.

    Suicide is a 'cop-out' only the weak do this and i might add ignorant to the feelings of those around them. committing suicide has no gain for those that do it because the only reason a person would do this is for attention, and what good is this attention if you are not around to gloat in it?? They just stick you in a box and throw you is a hole or burn your body in a fire of 3600 degrees until there's nothing but ash you are never to be seen again.. After a few months, even your loved ones would have adjusted to life without you. If you want suicide then you think you are running from something and it will be better when you wake up.. YOU DON'T WAKE UP! You're dead, kaput, gone, deceased and soon forgotten.. whatever your problem is, fix it and go on with your life, death will come soon enough, don't hurry it along..

    Vinny, my love, she really is depressed... be sweet. I feel for her. IT may be for attention but she is hurting.

    Jenn Sweety, I can only feel for those that ask for help and want to better themselves. I wish we had a private messaging here because what i am going to tell you is not for her eyes. I really honestly hope that I piss her off enough to come around and want to alsp my face because she needs to see some value in herself and one way to do this is to make her stand up for herself and fight. once she sees she has other emotions and she proves to herself that she has enough feeling for herself that she can get pissed off then she has a chance to ward off te evil that attacks her. But also, I sincerely believe that people that go through this outrageous act of suicide are looking for attention.. Suicide is stupid no matter how you look at it, no matter who does it, they think that this 'taking ones life' will solve the problem, this is outrageous! because they are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Suicide is no solution to any problem. Alyssa, I hope you are so angry with me that you will see yourself as worthy of a fight..

    Unfortunately, because we have no PM service, i had to let my cat out of the bag..
    Alyssa we are a bunch of depressed has beens around here... LOL dont ever feel alone we are always around... Most of us have been where you are... First things first PLEASE get out of your abusive situation.. It will be scary but the reward will be amazing.. you can change things... PLEASE give it a try.. We are all here for YOU!
    Alyssa J.

    Thank you so much. I knew I'd get positive feedback from all of you guys which is why I came to my computer after writing a long letter explaining my feelings and why I've chosen to take the path. I still don't have a solid decision in place but at this point I'm still with the original plan of moving on. I'll think about things as I get rid of more belongings. My children will understand because they see all I go through and how painful it is for me.

    Ummm. NO your children will not understand... your children will feel abandoned.. They will carry around guilt for not being there when you needed them.. they will think you never loved them if you could just leave. they will always think they could have stopped you.. THIS IS PERSONAL EXPERIENCE TALKING!!!!!
    Baby, I dont know what to say to that... You are a strong intellegent women... I know you have had a hard time lately , but there is so much you can change in your life. Happiness is on its way.. You are giving, caring, nurturing... and the world is a better place with you in it.. IF I can see that having not even met you... I know you have touched many lives...
    Alyssa, I can't even imagine a beautiful woman like you would do such a thing. Love yourself, give love to you. If you look for love, you will find it.
    Alyssa J.

    Thank you, people see me in an entirely different way as I see myself. I don't see any beauty there, I'm nothing special to give a crap about. I'm not going to beg or kiss someones ass for love, this person should love in the same way regardless of what happens but if I were to die today he wouldn't be fazed in a single way. It would be one less burden to worry about.

    Is he your husband? Can I give him just one punch and see what happens? ;)

    " I'm nothing special to give a crap about."

    That's him talking, not you. Stop listening.

    "It would be one less burden to worry about."

    For him maybe but then the burden becomes yours and you answer to it and accept the responsibilities of destroying a body another Soul could have used to it's natural completion. Do you think that action comes without penalty?
    At the end of the day the choice is yours,but at what point do you love yourself enough to give life a fighting chance,we are all perfect strangers trying to get you to say yes to life,that's proof that there still some good in the world,things might seem bleak now,but you could have some truly great blessings in the future,praying is good for you,if you don't let Jesus in he cant help you.Trust me without him I probably would of been dead by now myself,their is light at the end of the tunnel,it seems far off,but trust me it's there.Close your eyes take a deep breathe and close the door to negativity and say yes to happiness,you deserve it!:)
    Hey Alissa,

    I would have a lot to say to you, but everything has been said already. You have got a good bunch of advice from people who worry about you.

    First, about your dream (where you didn't see yourself reaching your 40th birthday). Yes, it was a prophetic dream. But do you know what prophecies are about? They show you the future that lies before you if you don't change anything. God has given you a free will, God has given you the power to take control. If you were given that prophecy, it is because someone up there thinks you can do better. So no, you have not completed your mission in this life yet. If you had, you would already be dead. You are at a point where you can choose an entire new world that waits for you if you accept the challenge and move beyond this crossroad, or you can say "Nah, I'm not interested in getting my prize, let's just call the game off and go home.", and become a metaphysical couch-potatoe.

    Now, your question in the first place was: which methods of suicide are painless? I don't know, but I can tell you something a friend of mine told me after she had overcome a very low point in her life. I hope that friend wouldn't mind my publishing her story. To sum up her problem: she had been left by her partner and was going to try to get him back. In the case of failing, she was planning to take her life and was already researching methods of doing so. She is a bit of a princess, so she was somehow looking for a way that wouldn't cause her too much pain nor make her look too disgusting once dead. After discarding loads of possibilities, she was left with these options:

    a) sleeping pills and whiskey
    b) shooting herself in the head (the looks were a problem here)
    c) Snake bite (yes, like Cleopatra... you are allowed to laugh

    And then came the second thoughts: "What if the pills just make my body sleep, but my consiousness is aware of my life vanishing? And I could not cry for help nor get to the phone?" "What if, after shooting myself, I don't die but continue living reduced to a vegetable due to the brain damage?" And the snake thing was not ideal either - because even the most poisonous snakes don't kill you immediately. It takes some time to die from a snake bite. Also, it can be pretty painful, as the snake's poison actually starts decomposing your tissues so the animal won't need Alka Seltzer after eating you. Also, you may turn purple or any other unhealthy looking colour.
    Anyway, my friend luckily came to the conclusion that there was no gentle and dramatic way of killing herself - just agony and disfigurement.
    I thank the Lord that friend is such a spoiled pansy, because she just never took the final decision. By now, she has found several other purposes in life and doesn't even think of suicide anymore. Of course she told me all this when the danger was over. I was shocked, for I hadn't known she had been suffering THAT much from the separation from her partner. I asked her why she hadn't told me anything back then, and she answered that she hadn't wanted me to try to keep her from doing it. Well... this has had a happy ending, thank God.

    So, what is the message here? Even if you feel totally broken and believe there is no way of fixing it, if you stick around life will give you new opportunities. Life will show you that your value or the meaning of your life do not depend on another person, but that you yourself are complete and capable of achieving happiness. It won't come overnight, but it will be a trip you'll enjoy because the further you get, the better it becomes. And one day you will wonder about how on earth you could ever think about quitting your life before time.

    God bless you.


    1-800-273-TALK (8255).
    Don't build your whole life around a man. There's so much more out there to do. Get out there and help people .
    Work in a pre-school, or be a teacher's aide in your school system; or volunteer to teach literacy ;or work in a nursing home, and help some of those old people with their feelings of abandonment .

    Helping someone else does help to lift your eyes above your own plot of land!
    When ever the word "suicide" is mentioned it must be taken at face value and assume the person is crying out for help. I've heard this several times in my life and shortly after I was attending a funeral. A hoax, possibly but not what I'm hearing here.

    My sister has talked about and "tried" several times. We know that it isn't always that she is really going to do it, but we respond EVERY time. My dear parents have made many a trips to the ER! She is still living and has returned to Dad and Mom...I don't think she would still be living if it wasn't for them listening to her cries even when she had lied so many times!

    Whether the person is truly planning on doing it or not, it is a sign that they need help.
    ed shank

    I'm not going to throw religion at you, but taking your life is a sin. You will totally F**k up your kids minds if you do this foolish thing. This thing however overwhelming it may seem now can be worked out I'm sure, but you can't do it from a coffin. Give it another shot, what's to lose?
    Exactly what is the problem? We can't let you do this. None of us know you, but many here can relate to whatever it is that's got you down. Were waiting.

    Check her questions. Her husband is failing her and she's not strong enough to leave him.
    Alyssa J.

    I have a terrible man in my life who no longer loves me but then again I don't think he ever did in the first place. I regret getting my feelings in as deep as they are because things truly do change over the years. I've just wasted not only my entire childhood on this person but over 20 long years. I'm scrambling for answers yet don't know why this happened. He wants to stay with me but would also like to bring women home for sex. I'm so lost and never knew my life would come to this, leaving a huge painful void.
    Alyssa, just get out of there, you are your own demise, not him.. You are getting good advice here but you keep fighting those that are trying to help you, including me and i don't even know you. sometimes its best to talk to a stranger because they look at the problem, not the person, we are all telling you how to fix the problem, take care of that and you will fix yourself.. Just move on..
    Alyssa, for him to say he wants to stay with you but also bring other woman home should show you how scared he is to be alone as well. You seem to know how terrible he is yet you still put him up on this pedestal that he doesn't deserve to be on. He wants other woman but also wants the comfort of knowing you'll always be there, that’s is NOT love. Be the strong one in this and stop him in his own greasy tracks by leaving him and showing him how strong of a woman you really are. He'll realize that he was walking all over you and what he’s lost, much to your gratification. It won't be easy at first, but all the good things in life are never easy you have to work for them and through that work you gain confidence, determination and a beautiful outlook on life. My aunt committed suicide last year and I can tell you right now how much hurt it put her daughter and our family through. Please don't do that to yourself or the others around you, there's more to life than you think right now, you just have to find the courage to climb out of the hole. You can do this Alyssa, there's a WHOLE WORLD out there beyond the little, murky box you think you live in. Thinking of you.
    Hi Alyssa,

    Do you believe there is a God? Take some time to cry out to Him, tell Him how you feel, even if it is anger, be honest with Him. Ask Him where He is in your life. Ask Him why it seems He is nowhere around. Ask Him to show Himself.

    I will be praying for you right now.

    Psa 71:12 O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste for my help.
    Thank you for the inspiring words. I continue to go through my list of reasons to hang on yet I don't have anything. Seems all is so hopeless right now with no signs of it changing.

    You can change it! Your reason for changing it is in your reasons for hanging on.. NONE!
    Ms Sinclair

    You have your children. Doesn't that mean anything to you? Don't you realize how much they would suffer if you killed yourself? Plus, if you die now you will never get to see your grandchildren, never get to see them grow up, never get to play with them, never get to offer them advice when they may need it, etc. The key word here is NEVER. Death is not reversible. Once you've done it, that's it. All that will be left is the emotional debris that you will leave as a legacy to your children and grandchildren.
    I don't know what to believe anymore because of all the crap I've gone through in life. I have put up with and held on for so long with no change. I believe my mission here on earth has been fulfilled. I once had a dream when I was a child that I'd never know what being 40 looked like because I would be gone sometime in my late 30's. The crazy part in all of this is being of that age now and seeing it clearly, I now know why I had that dream. It was telling me something so the pain I'm going through is only a part of it. It's been a long journey, pretty good most of the time but I've reached the end of it. There is no more happiness ahead.

    when I was young, I told my mother I would not live past the age of 35. I'm now 49. In my 30's I did have an awakening of sorts. I was given a crossroads and I chose one. I guess I picked the right one. My life changed and the world became beautiful to me then. I've had nothing but happiness since. You're at a crossroads. You predicted this time. Choose wisely.

    There is happiness ahead! We love and care!

    Think about this too...if you kill yourself, you do not leave the pain behind. It goes with you. One is not allowed to cheat or shirk on their learning experiences. Learn and grow from this. Move on and build a better life with someone who can appreciate you.
    Alyssa J.

    This all sounds so good in writing but one has to actually be at the point I am today which didn't happen overnight. It has been building up for probably a month or more now. Reality wouldn't have been discovered had I of not paid attention to what I was hearing or seeing as closely as I did. I'm naive to things but something was said and I got it after a while of thinking it over and it was at that point I knew my life would never be the same. I never knew I meant so little to anyone or that I'm nothing nice to look at or now even be around.

    Then I leave you with this. May the blessings be.
    Alyssa J.

    Thank you for being a wonderful caring person. I'm just in a deep empty lonely place right now with no hope for change in sight. Things sound so easy but following them are so tough.
    ole hipster

    This may sound good in writing to you...but in actuality everything you have "heard" from all of us is pretty much right, pull up your bootstraps and give us another question that's not so morbid!! (:
    I don't see a way of fixing something that continues to get worse. Abuse, rejection, abandonment and that's only the beginning. I'm sick of the pain.

    You fix it by leaving it. You can not fix him no matter how much you think you can. He's broken and he's breaking you. That's about the only thing you two have left in common.

    1-800-273-TALK (8255).
    ole hipster

    Let me reiterate .... leave the motherfucking idiot...get a grip child..let me say again...what the Helll are you doing....if you have no body to talk to, I can to be on your own wave length once in awhile, doesn't it? Get your shit together! think about yourself...the ass is not worth it nor really is there anything in life that is worth committing suicide over...been there with my own life and is PRECIOUS and the alternative sucks! Plus...think about what you would be doing to others in your life with your suicide...that is very painful to leave your loved ones to wonder why and to constantly think...shit...I should've helped her more...don't do that to anyone! (: (Hey...keep checking in, OK?) Sorry to all who get offended with "bad" language..just trying to get my point across...(:
    ed shank

    Don't hold back Hipster, tell it like it is. I sound like a broken record but so many seemingly caring women with shitbags.
    Alyssa J.

    Thanks to all of you who are here for me when the one who really should be isn't. I can't believe a 'man' can have such an effect on me but he's all I've ever had in my life, I gave my all and then some and now I have nothing.. I can't imagine going on without the only life I've ever known.

    There is nothing to fix. So what do you do with old stuff in your house that is broken and can't be fixed? That's right, you throw it out.
    No one here has yet to PUBLICLY admit to at least suspecting a fraudulent cry for help but PRIVATELY, I suspect that most do.
    Hi Alyssa,

    You say you can find no good reason for going on. Have you ever read the book of John from the New Testament Bible? Why don't you give it a read?

    Here is a portion.....

    Jhn 4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.
    Jhn 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.
    Jhn 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
    Jhn 4:11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?
    Jhn 4:12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?
    Jhn 4:13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
    Jhn 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

    Jhn 12:46 I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

    I pray Jesus will intervene on your behalf.

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