    A proclamation from "Knower of all things in the Universe"

    Henceforth this day any idiot that can't or won't use spell check will be totally ignored and banished to the land of the forgotten moron.

    +8  Views: 1960 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: people

    Here, here.

    9 Answers

    Knower of all things in the universe, I will try to use spell chick at all times. BEWARE! A few words may go unnoticed, unintentionally!

    Who is the spell chick, a cute young lady, or a cute little baby chicken? lol

    leeroy, I was poking fun...spell chick, a cute young lady...catchy ahha. lol
    ed shank

    I'll be watching you. Beware.

    Yes sir...

    Yeah, I was just joking back Pam, and I'll be more careful Ed, sorry.

    I know you were just joking...
    Thank God for spellcheck, my spelling leaves something to be desired.
    I very rarely use it, as you may have noticed. But as long as you can understand the drift of what is writen, why get all tight arsed about it
    ed shank

    I'm not but it's just frustrating to see posts that make no sense at all and half of what is asked is spelled wrong. Check my posts, many misspellings but you get drift of what I'm saying.

    Wrincles. Why get uptight? Because if you're sloppy with your grammar, it is assumed that you are sloppy with your thought process. Elevate yourself instead of satisfying yourself with the bare minimum.
    My dad used to ask me how to spell words, he wasn't a good speller although he was Very Smart, I know he would have loved spell check.
    i guess that includes me.. iam already the king of simpleton
    I never use spellcheck. I think some terribly misspelled Question are asked by people who are from a different country, where englisch is not theire native lanquage.
    ed shank

    Bad grammar is bad grammar. I disagree.
    I never use it.
    indescribable ha ha
    Who is the know it all?
    ed shank

    I'm not telling.

    Awww come one Ed share, I might want to ask them something that I might need to know sometime LOL

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